Had stomach cramps

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had stomach cramps

Hi friends, I have decided to drink only diet Dr. Pepper. This past weekend there was a sale on coke products and I bought some of the diet Dr Pepper, and drank some last night. I woke up today and had stomach cramps and diarrhea. I decide I will try a glass of pop and see if the carbonation helps my stomach. Well it only made it worse. I don’t know if this is related to something I ate, maybe a virus, whatever, but can diet pop upset your stomach?
I dont know what it is exactly but soda would cramp me up bad. Mostly in the mornings when I had drank some before bed. Now before bed I drink a glass of water and wake up without cramps. I also quite drinking anything with caffeine. Now when I do have soda its usually a Fresca or a Diet Sprite.
I had to cut out pop and anything carbonated over a year ago and I didn't know it was CD till 7 weeks ago as to why...when I have tried since I get wicked problems in the gut...in the flare since Nov I have also had to completely eliminate caffeine and milk too (even black teas)- my retrial of those didn't go well either but as a coffee girl (Timmy's here in Canada) I hope I can again someday when everything gets muted more...or my pred kicks in more and I can at least have the stuff while medicated...
All kinds of pop and soda re not recommended for us with Crohn's as they can cause gas and cramps. Also diet ones seem to be worse because of all the artificial sweeteners.... Try drinking non-acidic juices and herbal teas instead....
Just heard a news blurb... recent study about diet pop.. didn't state the source BUT the conclusion... Diet pop can cause weight gain AND alter body metabolism. How/why? Well, first, it tricks the body... body expects mass qty of sugar/calories .. insulin production elevates to meet the demand that never materializes. Repeat this enuff, body starts 'conserving' fat... it can't rationalize that it expects calories it isn't getting... so it alters metabolism to compensate. Diet industry folks are discounting this 'study', but it wasn't designed to target their industry... Just the conclusion the study came to based on all the research
Found an article about sorbitol as well a few weeks ago - and there is a possible link with IBD it reads, and it made sense for me as I can't tolerate the stuff at all - which also made my really bad reaction to my Upper GI/Barium follow through make sense - there is sorbitol in the mix for sweetness....
Sorbitol is in gum, cold syrups, too - and oddly, I get cramps with every chew or syrup, have for years (esp cough syrup - always made me sick in the belly and to the bathroom)....funny how connections start to come after a dx and some investigation.
Apparently we need a mod for the fool's post above (who's still online), someone's getting their jollies off with a lot of time on their hands....
OK, another one deleted. So, if anyone is about to notify the moderators about this one... I've already taken care of it. This is a forum for sick folks, not sickos.

Wonder if our admin can tweak this forum to screen for 'explicit' embedded links?
even though fizzy drinks and sugar are supposed to be bad, when i feel lousy after a period of vomiting/stomach pains, a glass of cold coke somehow makes me feel better.

i'm fine with fizzy drinks, in moderation. if i overdo it, i get really bad gas pains under my ribs on the right side, which can stay for days.

if i ever feel nauseas, cold lemonade really seems to help.
Kev said:
Just heard a news blurb... recent study about diet pop.. didn't state the source BUT the conclusion... Diet pop can cause weight gain AND alter body metabolism. How/why? Well, first, it tricks the body... body expects mass qty of sugar/calories .. insulin production elevates to meet the demand that never materializes. Repeat this enuff, body starts 'conserving' fat... it can't rationalize that it expects calories it isn't getting... so it alters metabolism to compensate. Diet industry folks are discounting this 'study', but it wasn't designed to target their industry... Just the conclusion the study came to based on all the research

That's quite interesting! Considering I made the switch to all diet fizzies a year or so ago (just pepsi max, and the "zero" type things... fanta zero, sprite zero etc) and haven't really noticed it making any difference to my weight, that might explain it...
I wonder how the body "expects" the sugar and calories - is it just because you taste Coke, and therefore expect 200-odd calories? How odd!
In some ways it's not surprising, some of these no added sugar drinks are exactly like their "regular" counterparts. Sprite is a good example, the only difference is that Sprite Zero is a bit gassier!

In general I am fine with these but I know that some of the sweeteners are supposed to have a laxative effect if you have too much of them - so I'd imagine that would have an effect..
Also, as i mentioned, the diet versions of fizzy drinks are a lot gassier (especially pepsi max! I usually shake the bottle a bit before having any, it's that gassy)
Well, taste buds start in the tongue... and stomach to some degree notes quantity... which again could be confused by the carbonation factor too. Think both the 'diet' element N 'carbonation' element fool the body into thinking it needs to deal with a large(r) meal... then that meal fails to materialize 'calorie' wise. I had a problem with weight till I stopped/limited my consumption of carbonated beverages... esp. diet ones. That was long before this study came out
Well just in my honest opinion, even if this is correct, for the sake of argument (even though there isn't an argument going on), the average sugary pop has like 160-240 calories in most cases depending on sugar level. If you cut OUT about 200 cals a day (do 1 diet soda instead of 1 reg soda), you're down 200 cals a day. I think this "deficit" is more than any minor "slowdown" you'd get from a metabolic hit. What I'm saying is that even if it's true, my theory is that you'll still gain less weight (fat to be specific) by substituting a diet soda in for a regular than any dwindling of the metabolism that could come of a "trickery" within the body from having no calories.
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I think it's more than just a metabolic hit.. I think the very carbonation plays tricks on the stomach... Fills it with gas, fooling the body to thinking it has a quantity of food to digest... yet all it finds are empty calories, increasing or creating a 'false' or exaggerated sense of hunger. Factor in the complication arising from a 'sugar' substitute... well it compounds the problem. All things in moderation, but think if someone is interested in losing or controlling weight... and they consume carbonated beverages above/beyond moderation, if they switch to caloric equivalent non carbonated beverages they'll achive their goal.
I also can't drink a lot of pop....it makes me feel full very quickly, and the carbonation does tend to upset my stomach at times. If I do drink it, I can't drink a lot of it.
I'm a single mom of three. My youngest daughter had been sick for several years, with doctors saying it was a virus or something else. We just found out with the help of her Doctor and a million test that she has Crohns, IBS & Fatty liver disease. Our lives have took a complete change and I don't understand much about it. I do know I'm stressed beyond my breaking point and it seems that she is only able to eat yougart and most baby foods, this breaks my heart. She's also on 127 pills a week and I'm afraid this is a lot to take being so young. If anyone can give me any advice or help understand this please do. I cry myself to self at night bc of horror stories I hear about Crohns. I don't know what else to do. Thanks for your time in advance. Bless each of you. Worriedmom2000 (Misty)
Well just in my honest opinion, even if this is correct, for the sake of argument (What I'm saying is that even if it's true, my theory is that you'll still gain less weight (fat to be specific) by substituting a diet soda in for a regular than any dwindling of the metabolism that could come of a "trickery" within the body from having no calories.

it's not about the calories......

How Diet Soda Makes You Fat (and Other Food and Diet Industry Secrets)

"A new 14-year study of 66,118 women (supported by many other previous studies) found that the opposite seems to be true. Diet drinks may be worse than sugar-sweetened drinks, which are worse than fruit juices (but only fresh-squeezed fruit juices)."

it's not about the calories.......

from a vegan leaning[1] doctor.......
Why Calories Don’t Matter

from a Paleo leaning[2] doctor.......
Not All Calories Have the Identical Effect

[1]Why I am a Pegan – or Paleo-Vegan – and Why You Should Be Too!
[2]Paleo: Right and Wrong About Eating Like a Caveman

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