Hanging in, but pretty tired of this

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Jun 10, 2010
I was diagnosed in 1997 with Chron's D. Spent 9 years using Salofalk and ended up with kidney damage. Then a couple years of remitance and this year startted with relapse, hospital, prednisone and now 3 month on Imuran.

Overall I am feeling ok, but I started loosing hair.. so I am freaking out a bit. It was really hard decision to go on the Imuran. I avoided it for 3 years, but my body did not seem to want to hang in with my drugless agenda...

I guess I am here for some moral support and advice. :wink:
Welcome! I hear you on the drugs but they are a neccessity for most of us unfortunately. I am on Imuran as well, I am not losing any hair, but I'm not sure it's really working. Nice to see another fellow Ontarian.
Hi Alda and welcome!

I hope the Imuran works well for you. I have been losing my hair for months - falls out in gobs. I think it's partly the disease and vitamin absorbtion issues combined with the pred, which ironically makes hair grow on my face but not my head!

Good luck and hang in there! - Amy

I've been on Imuran for the last 3 years and had no symptoms with it. I'm also now in remission with it as well. Give it a try it might help. It has for me so far.
I'm on Salofalk (pill,and enema) Prednisone, and Immuran and am loosing tons of hair. I think it's the salofalk. I have an appt. today and I think docs going to switch me to Humira. I'm pretty nervous about it, but maybe it'll have less side effects. Getting married next saturday, I just hope that my stomach holds out......and my hair!! I feel for you all.
Hang in Alda :)
Theres a lot of nice people on here with a lot of valuable information.
Hi Alda
and welcome

yup, all part n parcel of being a Crohnie I'm afraid!
My gastro reckons it's the supressed immune system rather than the meds that cause hair loss, it does grow back tho, it's not like alopecia.
lots of support here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Alda, you'll find plenty of support and advice here. Someone here has shared your experience, I guarantee it.

You'll also find plenty to laugh about if you need that too.
Hey, I lost my hair increasingly over several months and was sooo freaked out. I found my docs a little unsupportive of my concerns. They seemed to say that they were just happy if they could manage my condition and keep me out of hospital, my hair was the least of theire worries, which is a fair point I guess.

However it didn't help me being so upset, I even considered I may need wigs etc!! Then my hairdresser of all people decided to take me under his wing!! His sister is a doctor doing a paper on drug related hair loss. He spent a lot of time with me and gave me a lot of advice about how to make the best of things. He also recommended I take vitamin B12, and I use a very good shampoo that doesn't have any crap in it, both of which help give the hair more of a fighting chance! I also have my hair highlighted blonde, as blonde as possible without bleaching, which means you dont notice the thinning areas anywhere near as much.

As Astra101 said, it didnt last either, and I'm pleased to say my hair did eventually start to grow back and is almost back to normal, although I do realise it will keep happening. I hope yours grows back asap! :-(

It sucks but we just have to make the best of it...

For the hair issue.... I have been using Nioxin for about a month now. The cleanser, scalp treatment and leave-in conditioner. I have noticed that my hair has somewhat gone back to the thickness I used to have. It's expensive, but definitly worth it and smells great.

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