I know a lot of areas around here are banning fireworks, because of the drought we've been having. Looks like maybe no fireworks, and its hot as haties right now so maybe no cookout tomorrow either. Should be a good day off of work though and get to celebrate our independence day. Proud of my husband for being in the military and protecting our freedom that we celebrate on this day.
Hear it might be foggy tomorrow around here. Plan on seeing the fireworks display and then possibly lighting off our own (hopefully cause I got some). Its not allowed in my city but a couple towns over it is.
It's been raining on and off down here & the weather is 100 degrees + but people are still shooting fire works and lighting explosives in the streets. Got to love the south & all the rednecks that inhabit it! The city limit laws don't apply apparently because it is 'MERICA!
Ha! I hear fireworks going off every now and then but if you stay in one area for too long the cops do show up unfortunately. Its usually the illegal fireworks that shoot into the air that catch their attention though. I wish they were legal here but someone had to go and ruin it for the rest of us. >