Happy Christmas

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Dec 15, 2010
Have a great Christmas folks. Go easy on the mucho vino collapso!

There is nothing quite like wrestling with a detached stoma bag when you have had too many 'shandy's' !! lol.
Thanks for the advice, Tay! I have been enjoying my 'thirst quenchers' a bit much lately, and I've been taking the extra precaution of 'taping' around my wafer. I'm absolutely terrified of having to deal with the appliance/bag while feeling a bit light on my feet and shaky with my hands!

Have a great Christmas/holiday, Tay and Misty!\

I'm amazed at my ability to function with my bag when I've had too much to drink! Last night I slept on the bathroom floor until my husband dragged me to bed, but not for the OLD reason I used to have to sleep on the bathroom floor!!!

Happy Holidays, all! - Amy
I, fortunately haven't had problems with my bag when I've been drinking. But then again, if I know I'm going to tie one on I change my gear before I go out so I know it's all good to go and not likely to leak.

Merry Christmas everyone :)
Yup, time for the 'maxi' bag season. It's the latest high fashion accessory ladies! (and gents)
My friend had took a picture of his tree. He decorated it with all his ostomy supplies. If I can find it I will post it. It's great.
Merry Christmas everyone!