Hard to see the forest through the trees

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 11, 2012
Diagnosed 2005. Multiple hospitalizations through 2006 due to severe stricture and microperf. Controlled with imuran, pred, pentasa. Went off meds in 2007. Virtually flare free until July 2011. Hospitalized for a week in August with severe stricture, microperf, and possible abscess near terminal ileum. Back on 6mp, cipro and flagy l. Currently struggling with perianal fistula and abscess. First time I've ever had colo-rectal problems and it's been especially difficult to handle both physically and emotionally. just had seton placement yesterday. Still recovering at home. Anyone else been through this? Any words of wisdom? Tips?
Take care of yourself, don't push too hard to accomplish the tasks you could before. Rest and try to keep the stress down.

Read lots on the forum!!!!

Feel better soon.
Hi there and glad you found us :) But sorry to hear about the problems your having. Pop over and see us on the FFAA subforum. Lots of fellow sufferers and advice that will hopefully help you get through this difficult period.
Welcome to the forum! I am sorry to hear your Crohn's is acting up again after several good years. I don't have any personal experience with fistulas and abscesses, but I suggest you check out this subforum; it is devoted to fistulas, fissures, and abscesses.

I sure hope the seton helps, and you start to feel better soon.
Hello and :welcome: I am sorry to hear you are not doing so well but am glad you have found us here. As kllyeve says, get lots of rest and have a good look around the forum. I hope you start to feel better soon and please keep us updated.
Thanks for all of the support. You all are great. And while reading othe stories can be scary, it's also reassuring to know there are so many of us out there dealing with this on a daily basis.