Has anyone had a temp. ostomy help heal their fistulae/abscessing?

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May 31, 2012
Ontario Canada
Hi everyone, I have had CD since 2001, was on remicade for 6yrs or so and had a reaction. Waited a few years but bit the bullet and started Humira back in Dec 2011. I have been having problems with tracts and abscessing in my rectal vaginal septum since about 2006. I currently have a seton stitch and a tract draining beside it with no seton. Antibiotics don't seem to work either.

I have been approached with a temp. ileostomy to help rest the area to aid in healing. Has anyone actually had this help close up their fistulae? I'm a bit worried this will cause more issues for me as the rest of my symptoms are fairly manageable. But at the same time I am so swollen and in pain all the time.

Your feedback is much appreciated!! I posted in the fistula/abscess subforum but only a few replies so I'm hoping more of you will have experience in this!

Thanks a bunch!
I think that isnt an unusual thing to be honest, to have a temp stoma for that. Fistulas, severe crohns, etc.

You've certainly tried alot of the meds, if a temp stoma helps you out, that would be great! I had a fistula through my left fallopian tube. Bet I dont have to tell you how much that hurt! Unfortunately, my sigmoid perorated, so I had emergency surgery.

If you can have planned surgery, do it that way. I realize everyone thinks having a stoma is horrific, but it's NOT. If it helps you out, brings you your health back, then it is soooo worth it!

Wishing you well!! :thumright:
Many thanks for your reply Misty!
I don't think having a stoma would be horrific, I just want feedback on whether or not quality of life could be better with a temp. ileostomy, or even perm. for that matter. I have been reading a lot of posts and going on blogs and am seeing for the most part people are thankful for their stoma's. There of corse are those that are not as doing as well but, I think I am more comfortable than ever with the idea. My seton is still fairly new and I'm going to give it a bit longer to see what it does. I just want to be prepared as I am pretty sure this is what my future holds. I wasn't finding too much about actual fistulae healing so I was curious if anyone has. And is there any cases where you had the same problems re-occur after takedown?

Thanks again for your post Misty and wishing you well too! What a terrible time that must have been for you, glad you made it!
I'll let you know when I have my stoma reversed if I have any more fistulas come up. Good grief I hope not.

My life is definetely better than it was! My crohns is fistulizing too. I havent had a problem since Stan came into this world. So, lets hope I dont again have the same issue once reversed!

I hope that the seton does the trick for you. No one wants to have surgery!
I actually had both type of stoma to rest my gut in order to heal it up.

It work wonderfully. Everything healed up ok and I was fine afterwards for a while.

It's certainly something to investigate.
Thanks Moogie! Both eh? Would you recommend one over the other? My surgeon said ileostomy but my crohn's is so low I'm wondering if I may have a choice if I question it. Thanks for your feedback!
Take care!

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