mnsun, I don't believe I have IBD higher up in my digestive tract (I'm still technically undiagnosed, and I'm in remission, but when I flare my main IBD-like pain is in the LRQ). I do, however, have severe GERD and a hiatal hernia, and when the GERD is really active then I get recurrent bouts of gastritis. So I have stuff going on in my stomach/esohagus area, just not IBD as far as I know.
And for what it's worth, I can't do coffee either. It gives me the runs, and the caffeine triggers my migraines. So not worth it! I drink herbal caffeine-free tea instead.
jac521, I can't handle store-bought juice either. I'm not sure why - even if it says it's 100% juice with no added sugar, it still does terrible things to my guts. But, if I make fresh juice from my juicer at home, that's always easy on me. Fresh homemade juice has never bothered me the way store-bought juice has.