Has anyone taken Symax Duotab (Hyoscyamine Sulfate)

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Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
For almost four months now I've been having abdominal pain. I saw a GI for the first time today and he feels it's IBS caused by a past infection and that my nerves are going crazy. He prescribed Symax Duotab (Hyoscyamine Sulfate). Does anyone have any experience with this drug? Positive anecdotes? Negatives?

Thanks :)
...that's what I was told when I first went to my doc: "it's probably IBS, take some [UK over the counter hyoscyamine] and eat plenty of live yoghurt".
Hey David I have a spastic colon and I have had buscopan (not great) and now Dicyclomine, which seems to be stronger and works better. Not sure it helps the bladder but when I cramp I take it, not very often though. Sorry I can't help you with the drug you are on. I dont take mine with a meal I usually wait til a few hours when I know the digestion is gonna fail me and cause pain. Let us know if it works for you. :hang:
Hyomax is the version I have, pretty much did nothing for me, unfortunately. I was given it for multiple complaints of abdominal pain and nausea, my GI finally decided that I have IBS with my Crohn's and gave me that. I just had a followup with her and told her it didn't do much. She said there aren't a whole lot of anti-spasmodics for IBS that do a whole lot.
My GP gave me a script for Hyomax at my first visit before she referred me to a GI. Sometimes it seems to work, but I am not sure b/c there have been times before I had the script where I would start cramping and feeling bad, but then the cramping would stop of its own accord. So I dunno...take what you will from that. Maybe it works sometimes??
Has the doctor checked for H-Pylori infection, and is this in your Stomach or lower?

I got this infection once from taking too many antacids. I think the antacids allowed the infection to increase and cause pain. I also had a stricture at the time, and this may have also contributed to the infection. My H-Pylori tests were negative, but treating for it, rid me of the pain, so draw your own conclusions from that experience.

I am fairly certain my wife had this also, for the past few months. I treated her myself, with an unapproved treatment method for H-Pylori. She no longer has the Stomach problems. I had no doctors diagnosis for her, nor was I using an approved treatment, so take it for what it is worth.

hi David.... i was going to reply that i hadn't had this drug, but on investigation - i have, under the brand name Buscopan.

Buscopan is one of a few antispasmodics i've been on over the years - i don't take any now, except rarely i have Kolanticol gel (an antacid chalky medicine containing an antispasmodic too).... negative side effects i've noticed from antispasmodics - my eyes always go out of focus.... so don't plan to drive after taking it until you're sure this isn't one of the side effects you get... also it can, by the way it works, give you constipation, so make sure you drink extra water whilst on the treatment..

plus side - if your GI is right, and your abdominal pains are purely being caused by over-stimulation of the intestinal muscles (classic IBS symptoms) then taking an antispasmodic should really help those gripes. you've heard of the peristaltic action? the squeeze, relax, squeeze, relax motion of your small and large bowel... this in 'normal' people should be a steady & regular motion, but in IBS and other spastic bowel conditions, the bowel contracts out of sync, squeezes too hard, too fast, too slow... and pain/swelling is felt. the antispasmodic should calm this down and help things to regulate..

if you do have IBS, relaxation techniques really help... as does a caffeine free diet, & eating little & often, & not late at night. also, stomach massages can be beneficial too :)
Thank you all so much, I really appreciate it! <3

Dingbat, my stomach was really acting up today and I was wondering why. I had a huge coffee this morning (I normally don't) so your caffeine free statement helped connect some dots :)
Thank you all so much, I really appreciate it! <3

Dingbat, my stomach was really acting up today and I was wondering why. I had a huge coffee this morning (I normally don't) so your caffeine free statement helped connect some dots :)

caffeine is a stimulant, so anything like that will have an 'upper' effect on the whole body. my mum suffers badly with IBS, and she is far more self-disciplined than me - she kicked all caffeine out of her diet years ago and immediately felt the benefit.

i drink de-caf coffee only, but i do drink normal tea (which has less caffeine than coffee)... i also try to drink decaf diet coke when it's available where i am. alcohol can have a similar effect, and so can chocolate, & spicy food.

one of the key features in controlling IBS is achieving calm and relaxation - these stimulant foods simply go against that, so they're best avoided where possible, especially while you're suffering.

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