I'm in CA, as well (San Diego) and have been wanting to try out the tinctures but haven't talked to anyone with UC/Crohn's who's used them. How are they helping you over other ways of getting MMJ into your system? Are you getting specific strains (if so, which kinds)? I'm an international photographer so traveling with MJ makes me nervous but tinctures, if they would work for me, are something I'd be very interested in
Well, it really all depends on which tincture you're using. Honestly, you're just going to have to try what you have available to you, and go from there. The first thing is to make sure you get a tincture
without alcohol. Glycerin-based tinctures are okay for Crohn's/UC. And, as I'm sure you know, everyone's body chemistry is different therefore effectiveness may vary from person to person. As far as strains are concerned, don't worry too much about specifics. I find that indica strains in general help me a lot more, so that's what I predominantly purchase and medicate with.
If you're in San Diego I'm sure you have a lot of quality dispensaries in your area. If you want something on which you can function(won't get you high), try and start out with a Dutch Farms brand tincture. It's on the cheaper end, and the indica one works well. If you can find the Alta California tinctures, those are widely regarded as the best on the market. They make 3 types: Tranquility, Healing and Euphoria. Tranquility is the best for digestive problems, Healing is for general pain relief, and the Euphoria is for...well...making you feel euphoric.

The Alta ones are quite a bit more expensive, and the euphoria one is more likely to make you feel "high". But the CBD content in these tinctures are unrivaled(as far as I know), and high CBD content is what you want if you're dealing with inflammation.
In short, yes, they do work. For me they do, anyway. I still do smoke/vape flower and concentrates(especially before bed) because they've always worked better for me than anything else. The tinctures are great if you don't have time to smoke, don't want to deal with odor and/or want to know you're going to be able to function properly after medicating. I take 2-3 dropper-fulls when I get up, and that helps me get my day started properly without having to get high. Now, when I'm feeling especially horrid, I'd definitely take flower or concentrate over the Dutch Farms ones. Bear in mind that I do not have health insurance, so the only affordable medication I have available to me is MMJ. My tolerance is quite high, therefore I medicate only with high quality cannabis. If you have a lower tolerance, the Dutch Farms' effects may be equal to what you're smoking. Unfortunately, this is not the case for me.
Anyway, I'm feeling that this post is getting a bit long, so I'm going to wrap it up. I could really go on for hours on this subject. Feel free to PM me if you'd like any more info. I can give you personal experiences, as well as direct you to other helpful information resources. I think it's awesome you're an international photographer(I'm a bit jealous), but just know that I have never travelled with my tinctures, so I cannot really give any guidance on that topic.
I hope I've been of some help!