Have the er docs been lying to me?

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Feb 18, 2011
have the er docs been lying to me?

heres the situation: last time i went to the er the docs told me i had no inflamation and that i was fine even though my belly is swelling, im throwing up and in constant pain. i told my gi doc this and at the time she said that made no sense because when she checked my protein levels it showed there was significant inflamation. she mailed me the results of the ct scan that the er docs did and it states there is thickening of the bowel wall. wouldnt that indicate inflamation? so why would they tell me there is no inflamation when in reality there is?
No idea other than it seems ER's have a tough time with Crohns patients in general. I've heard many a tale of ER's not knowing how to treat patients like us. Nothing like adding insult to injury right???

Hope you are doing better.
Agreed. They either don't know what they are doing or they wanted you out of there fast (maybe it was a busy day). Either way at least you know the truth and I hope you're being treated properly now.
ER's will only usually check for anything that needs immediate attention, abccesses, obstructions,etc. Otherwise all they can really do is give fluids, pain relief, and possibly some other meds to help correct severe defiencies or inflammation. Otherwise it is usually best to call your GI for a game plan.

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