Have you ever had one of those days

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May 29, 2007
I don't usually wears tan pants. I try to wear dark. Because on rare occasion you have some walk up to and say "did you sit in some ketsup?" rrrrrrrrr going to be a bad day
I HAVE had those days - all too often.
I keep an extra pair of pants in my bookbag that I take to work, and an extra pair in my car. I also have several pairs of undies in my purse.
Don't know if you are male of female, (Avatar says possibly male - but you never know) but I have been wearing a pantiliner daily. This keeps accidents mostly contained, and clean-up-able without changing an entire outfit. Even if you are male, it might seem weird - but very convenient and helpful.

Uh.... you ARE talking about poop here......... you didn't really sit in ketchup did you??
Regardless of gender, feminine hygiene products CAN be an asset... Perhaps not so effective as 'adult disposable undergarments' BUT usually less embarrassing to purchase... and not as expensive. Acccidents (of all kinds) do and WILL happen!
For a while I was using a cvs brand surgical pad. It was really think but really after a few minutes you didn't even notice it. It was nice as it pulls away blood from the wound so it stays more clean. I wish you the best of luck.

Feminine products are also a great thing. Once I was starting to leak at school and one of my friends(girl just so no one thinks a dude would have it) offered me one of those tampon pads. It worked similar to the surgical pads and was a lot smaller.
People can always tell I'm feeling better if I'm wearing jeans. ;)

Otherwise, it's black pants for me, and yes, I have extra pairs in strategic locations. You never know...

Sanitary pads are a lifesaver if you have to be any one place for any extended period of time, and sanitary surgical pads as suggested above.
Because of all my fistulas ive been wearing panti liners 24/7 for 5 years (fairly heafty ones too!) on the very, very rare ocassion i can get away with NOT wearing any, i still tend to....just incase! lol!
The only problem is, horse riding as much as i do, and having to wear panti liners can usually be a pain in the ass! (and other areas just as much! lol)
I even threw one of my daughter's diapers on a month ago.
It didn't fit, but it was just like a really big pad.
I wasn't feeling like I could make the 20 minute drive to work without messing my pants, so I thought I'd try that just in case.
(I made it!)
The thing about buying adult diapers is when I've bought them I'm fairly certain it appears I'm out and about buying products for some grandparents or something....at least that's what I'd have thought 2 years ago before Crohns had I seen a mid twenty something man strolling through a Target store with Depends in hand...

This disease is so disgusting and "out of the ordinary", it comes down to who'd suspect a (seemingly) healthy young adult would need such a thing...it's gotta be for someone else....same thing with any feminine products...

But oh how helpless and pathetic I feel wearing a diaper 24/7...stupid rectal inflammation...
See, a young person can pull that off... no, not the adult diaper.. the 'passive' form of deception... Like, who'd imagine those things were for them, right? but us old fogeys.... jeeze, you can see the look in some folks eyes.. as in "Someone got to put them folks out of their misery... old, decrepit and can't control their whatever" OR "If I ever get to that age/stage in life, will somebody please shoot me"... Oh ,well, into everyones life a little rain must fall

Reminds me... one of the local comedies featured various members of the cast wearing these things each nite... Stage manager apparently was just way too embarrassed to keep buying them in caseloads.... the Artistic Director offered to take over... w/o stopping to consider the implications. Tho not as old as I, he was by no means an engenue (sp?)... ok, spring chicken. After a few trips to the local pharmacy, he noticed he was really getting some strange looks from the employees there... I think he finally resolved the situation by giving the staff there discount tickets to the production. That cleared up the confusion

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