Having a difficult time

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I don't suppose there are very many people, who haven't been affected in one way or another,through mis-use of addictive substances.

Very true...

I know this is a bit off the record. But, one of the so called seasonals that my manager hired is pregnant. She's an ok worker, but very moody. I guess now she's 7 months pregnant and hasn't been feeling good. But I swear, I wish I could be moody and get away with it!
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You can't do or say something that doesn't come naturally to you.Some people find it so easy to be moody,manipulitive and nasty.How many times have us nice people thought "I wish I'd said or done that" way after the event ? You'll have to borrow Cats punch bag and get it out of you system hahaha
I've said many times at work that I'd like to have/borrow my three guns just to deal with the customers. But, I think they'd do well with dealing with some of my coworkers too! :rof:

-Squirt/Water gun (super soaker)
-Nerf gun
-Paint Ball gun

However, I suppose I wouldn't mind borrowing Cat's punch bag as well. Cat, could you send it to me through the forum mail service please? :ybiggrin:
Sure thing, I'm presuming you'll also need to borrow my pink boxing gloves? ;)

I have a nerf gun as well! It shoots squishy green balls. So if you need to borrow that and/or need extra ammo, I can hook you up. :p You'll need to come here to WI to pick all this stuff up, though. I'm not standing in that long line at the post office this time of year! Ha ha
Ha ha, we could try shooting squishy nerf balls at the computer screen and see if we could hit each other, but I don't think it quite works that way! (Would be cool if it did though!)
My grandma sometimes tells me about her "enemies" in her memory care facility. She'll point out some ladies and she'll say, "They don't like me." If I ask why they don't like her, of course she doesn't remember the reason why. :p But maybe she'd like a nerf gun, she could use it against her enemies. ;) Just kidding, I'm sure that's forbidden or at least highly discouraged. But then I bet she'd remember why they don't like her! Ha ha.
stay away...stay far far away..... rofl

That might be best Jennifer! :ytongue:

In reality, we were talking about all the fun things we wouldn't mind having in order to deal with our customers and coworkers. Then, the idea of throwing squishy green balls at the screen to see if we could hit each other! If it worked, I figured we wouldn't be in as much trouble if you could join in the fun with us acting like kids! Aka...Cat, Ron & I. :biggrin:
Well. We're into the new year. Quite strangely, I went back to work 12/30 after my days off and found out that supposedly Linda decided to take 5 days of vacation before the end of the year because her time would expire. Funny thing is that her time off started on 12/30 and she wouldn't be back to work until 1/4. This means the day she comes back will be on my days off. Why would she take vacation just after christmas? And, not be there for new years?

Also, in january is my anniversary date of when I was hired. This means that I'm up for my yearly review. I mentioned the fact to Matt and let him know I'm apprehensive about my managers doing my review with all that's happened this last year. He told me not to worry and that we'd talk more about that later. Makes me wonder if she got her walking papers...
Big changes are happening at work starting tomorrow!!!

As of tomorrow 1/20 my store director will be finding out who will be taking over my department. As of the 29th Linda will no longer be my manager!!!

We're getting rid of our 3rd's and 4th's and they're going to be people in charge and will be closing at night more. Most of the #1's are going to be doing paper work and will no longer being actual managers and the #2's will be in charge of the departments (needless to say, less management). However, my department is so messed up that most likely be getting someone new and I'm not sure if they're actually be keeping Linda at all after all her screw ups. My director will also be on the floor all the time now helping out where ever needed.

So, we'll see how this all pans out!
Apparently he found out all the news on Friday, but isn't sharing until tomorrow. For some reason Matt's got to keep it very quiet. Makes me wonder if there's more than one being canned. I'm so curious it isn't funny!!! But, will share when I get the news. Just want this nightmare to be over.
Well...I found a position to apply for and brought the application in for Matt to sign before work. However, it's a full time position that I don't have the experience for so most likely won't get it. But, am interested in at least getting an interview for practice and experience. Did tell him that I'd really like an "internship" or at least some training in the floral department. Seemed like it got the wheels turning in his head. Makes me wonder if eventually I might be able to get my wishes met. We shall see...

On a different note. Linda is not leaving. Husband and I wonder if they don't have enough stuff to fire her. We all know she won't quit on her own. So, I'm still stuck with her. But, even though she's not giving me enough hours in my department, Matt and another department manager are providing me with the rest of what I need. So, just keeping on as I can...
Whenever I'm working on the floor I seem to be helping on the registers in a different department a few hours each day. Sad part is that where I'm filling in, the cashiers are getting paid more than I am. Funny thing is the employees there and the managers also seem to appreciate me more than where I am currently.

So, at one point I happened to see Matt and mentioned the fact. Told him that I might be interested in switching departments. Funny thing is that he really liked that thought, but we haven't had the chance to talk more about the transfer. And, looks like he's taking some time off so it'll have to wait. So, we'll see what happens. At least it would get me out of where I am even if temporarily...
Interview seemed to go well and will know tomorrow the results. It's a lead position which is full time hours working 8-5 and split days off. I'd do alright with the day shift hours. Just not sure about the split days off and how it'd effect my stomach. I really would like the position, just don't know...
I got turned down for the position. But, at least I got turned down this time because of experience not because of my manager. Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to get some training in the floral department!

Also, I happened to check online for kicks to see if I could get my newest schedule. Come to find out, Linda's been demoted and my second is now my first. Lots of changes have been happening at work. And, she's been calling in sick for at least a couple weeks. Supposedly she's been off because of an ear infection. Strange thing is I too have been dealing with a bad ear infection, but haven't called in sick for mine...
Monday 2/20 Matt came back from a 2 week vacation. We didn't get to talk much, but I did at least get to let him know how much I need out of my department. So, we've decided to talk a little more about the subject and where to send me. Especially with Linda not leaving, I really need to get out of her hands and onto something else.

We had a place, but yesterday the manager of that department pretty much told me that I'm not good enough to work there. So, I'm waiting on that time for Matt and I to have that talk. We're hoping for that to happen on Monday 2/27. I'm so tired of this nonsense...
Yup. Something needs to be done. Just looked and her title says she's back to being in charge and manager of my department. She must know she's at the end of her rope and fought it...
Ever since the manager had her talk with me, I haven't been doing well emotionally. Saw Matt today and he knew right away something was wrong. Thing that didn't help was we were on the floor when that happened. I did talk with him a little and started tearing up. (He was at a loss when I did that because I don't cry easily). But, he was determined that I should show the manager wrong and that he'd have another talk with her.

Matt did give me one trick though to make me look a little faster on the register. Then, stayed away for the rest of the day until he was ready to go home. At that time, he checked on me and we talked a little and I was able to explain myself. Told him that we can goof off all day long, but when we start talking about management and transfers I'll tear up every time. It's a sensitive subject. He admitted that it makes him sad to see me cry because I'm always happy and knows I don't cry easily.

Matt's determined to see me tomorrow in passing since I should be coming into work as he's going home. I just hope we can get something finally figured out with all of this...
Gotta admit that it took 3 years for Linda to finally break me. As long as we can keep her from knowing that I finally broke is the thing...

I found out today that it's not just our department falling apart. Another one just got a new manager and isn't doing so well either. No wonder why Matt is so stressed... :(
I'm having to be very careful. Sunday just before I left for work I just missed having an accident. And, once I got to work I felt like I had to go again. Almost had another accident at work too. Ever since then, the moment I drive into the parking lot my stomach acts up. I know the reason why is because Linda's not going anywhere (and I'm not either at the moment). By the way, Sunday I saw that they had put a new picture of her as manager up on the wall.

Matt's wanting to make some changes as to how my registers are run and wants my input. He wanted to talk to Linda again about it before we have our talk. Because he was off yesterday and I'm off today and tomorrow I left a note asking if possible if we could have our talk without Linda, but that I'd rather explain why in person (I'm sure he'll understand).

Husband and I are hoping to take a little time off in a couple of weeks to relax. But, of course Linda hasn't approved that so that might be another thing that's brought up...
I hope you can get your time off, it sounds like it's very much needed. And my goodness, I hope you're wearing pads or diapers or something along those lines in case you do have an accident! That would be awful. It sounds like your stress level is just going up and up if your body is reacting that way when you pull into the parking lot. Maybe you can do something to ease the stress, like doing some deep breathing on your drive to work? I also find that taking walks or going to the gym really helps ease my stress as well, but I don't know how much exercise you're able to do if you've had this many near-accidents already.

I'm having a very stressful time at work right now too so I can relate. Wish I had more answers for you. I hope you can have your time off and get away from the stress for a bit and really relax and feel better. In the meantime, hang in there!
Nope, no diapers or pads for me. But, I did just get done with a period so for a day or two I did have a pad on me. It's understood if I don't get a chance to let anyone know where I'm going that I'll be back. So, that helps. Matt was there on Sunday when this fun started, so he does know. Although, he doesn't know how bad it is which is the thing. But, I just do the best I can.

He does know how badly I need this time off. So, I'm not too worried about him stepping in to make sure it happens. And, the way it was implied it sounded like the talk was going to be just us. But, I'd rather be safe than sorry...

Yeah, I know you've been having quite a time at your job too Cat. So, you know that hugs are being sent to you too. :hug:
You might want to keep bringing pads with you just in case. I've definitely worn pads in the past, especially when I was having a lot of rectal bleeding. I had at least a few incidents where blood was leaking out my backside, so I was really glad to be wearing a pad at those times.

Yeah, my workplace has been extremely stressful lately as we're transitioning through some big changes. The transition period will end as of April 1st, and then we should know more about what's actually happening and who is being laid off. I was unofficially told that my job is probably safe, and the new president for our region seems to like my work and she's personally asked me to take on a few new projects, so hopefully being needed means job security for me. All the changes sure are stressful though! And there's still no guarantee that my job is safe, there's still that little bit of uncertainty. So we'll see what happens. All I can do is work hard and make a good impression and that's what I've been trying to do so far. The rest is out of my hands so I can't worry too much about it. (That, of course, is easier said than done.)

Big hugs to you too. Take care of yourself! And have fun planning your relaxing time off.
I have my own locker at work in which I keep pads and liners that I use often. I also have an emergency bag with items just in case of an accident to make myself more comfortable that I’ve used a time or two in the past 16 years I’ve been there. I brought it home a couple of months ago to update when I used last. And, I keep an apron on me that has wipes that I use regularly because our lovely toilet paper isn’t enough for me and gets a little too rough. So, don’t worry I’m covered!

Yesterday was our errand day which includes: grocery shopping, laundry and cooking dinner along with enough for my husband to take to work with him and whatever else is needed to prepare us for our next work week. Today is more of a play day and/or a time to finish whatever we forgot or didn’t get done yesterday.

I’ve been working on a cross-stitch for my dad for his birthday. It’s got the day he was born on it with his first and last name. I’m almost all done with it and just have the border to finish up. It’s a beach theme because the folks love the beach and is turning out really cute!!!

Needless to say, I'm keeping occupied!!! :)
That's very good. I also have an emergency stash of pads, wipes, etc at work and also in my car. This illness sure teaches us to prepare for the worst! I hope you don't have to use your emergency supplies anytime soon.

That's great that you've got a nice project to keep you busy and help you relax. I also do a lot of crafts. I'm currently crocheting a blanket and I've been sewing some odds and ends, mostly repairs to clothes (fixed some elastic on a shirt, hemmed some pants, still need to hem a skirt, etc). Actually, of all the crafts I do, I've never tried cross-stitching! Maybe I should give it a try sometime! :)

And hah, your mid-week "weekends" sound very similar to my weekends too. I usually vacuum, grocery shop, walk the dog, do laundry and dishes, meal prep, etc. Last weekend we gave our dog a bath, that's a big job (and from there I had to do laundry again because it takes at least 3 towels to get my dog even remotely dry, plus when she shakes off she gets my clothes all wet so they go into the wash too). I wish weekends weren't just chore days! Hopefully you had a relaxing day today without too many chores.
Yeah, when husband and I go on a day away from home I don't go without a bunch of wipes especially if I'm not feeling that great. For me it's a necessity.

Finished Dad's cross-stitch last night. Told mom I'm not washing it beforehand and I'm letting them frame it. Figure I did the work. In fact, I created the pattern I used too. So, it's really an original. Cat, if you do try cross-stitch I'd start with something small and easy. You wouldn't want to get too frustrated the first time. After all, I've been doing this since I was 9.

Yeah, I kinda get tired of chore days too. But, somebody's got to get things done and the laundry seems to be me. Headed to work soon, so wish me luck! :ybatty: Catch ya later.
Good luck! I hope it's an easy day for you. It's been an extremely challenging work week for me but it's over in about 20 minutes, thank goodness. I am mentally and physically exhausted!

Yeah, I usually volunteer to do the laundry, because my husband will just throw everything into the dryer when some things do not go in the dryer. I crochet with acrylic yarn, and the heat from the dryer sort of semi-melts the yarn and just generally makes it icky. Hubby has wrecked scarves and even a blanket that I crocheted by putting them in the dryer, ugh. And he seems to need to be told repeatedly not only that but also that bras do not go in the dryer. I just bought a couple new bras and I *hate* bra shopping, so I don't want these to get wrecked right away. So I do the laundry just so my stuff doesn't get destroyed! Hubby usually does the dishes because basically every dish we own is dishwasher safe, so that's okay. He can just toss everything in there and I don't have to worry about something melting or whatever.

Speaking of chores, I had just ordered a new vacuum cleaner and it should have arrived at my house today. I'll get to try it out this weekend. Yay? :p I have pets and my dog in particular sheds a ton, so I have to vacuum regularly anyway, and this new vacuum should be a lot better than my old one was (this one is specifically made to pick up pet hair). So I am a bit excited about my new vacuum, I'll be interested to see how much pet hair it actually gets.

I definitely will try something easy and basic if I do try cross-stitching. I had seen this one online a little while back and it seemed quite clever, but maybe too complicated for a beginner.
That's cool!!! I saved it in my favorites, however I'm not quite sure what I'd do with it if I made one or two of them...

I guess your vacuum is kinda like our counter top. We're ripping out our old one in our master bathroom and putting in granite and a new sink. The one in there now is the one the house was built with 21 years ago or so and the taps are rusting along with the counter coming apart. Husband already took the mirror and the original back splash off and has painted. We're getting the new granite and sink put in on Tuesday.

Even though my stomach was tender, thankfully no problems today. I do think it makes a difference that Matt knows now what gets me riled up though. I guess we've just got to take one day at a time...
We hope to remodel our bathroom soon too. Our house was built in the 50's and remodeled in the 70's, and the previous owner really loved pink. :p So the bathroom has a pink countertop and pink fixtures - pink tub, sink, and toilet (but they're not even the same shade of pink, it's all slightly different shades!). And brown tile on the shower wall. It's seriously hideous! When we can afford to and have the time, we're going to rip it all apart and completely remodel it. Good luck with your remodel! I hope it's really gorgeous and worth the work and money you put into it.
Wow!!! That does sound like the 70's! Speaking of pink. When we moved into this house one of the spare bedrooms had one light pink wall. Two or three years ago we decided to paint the inside of our whole house and now the whole house is white. It was quite the project.

We can't wait for the granite. It's called: Azul Platino and is kind of a light and dark grey speckled with that color of marble that glitters in the light. It's really pretty!

I was pretty disgusted today at work. They've really cut down on hours so that means only two people closing the whole department along with the cashier. Sad part is that I haven't seen the store that dead in all the years I've been there. Plus, the manager who told me that I wasn't good enough to transfer to her department decided that I was good enough to fill in when she needs me. More like a slap in the face. I think I just need a vacation...

Thankfully, I don't close the next two days and get off early.
Yes, house painting is a lot of work, but worth it. We have been gradually painting the inside of our house room by room. It's a 3-bedroom house, and when we bought it, there was hideous wallpaper in one of the bedrooms (which is now the guest bedroom). So that was one of the first things we did, was tear down that wallpaper and paint that room. Then we painted the kitchen, dining room, living room, hall. And then just a month or two ago we painted the small bedroom, which I use as my craft room. So mainly the master bedroom is the only one that still needs painting. We did paint the bathroom at one point but the walls in there are so yucky that we're going to have to tear down the drywall and put up all new anyway, so we're not too worried about painting in there again. The master bedroom still is a light shade of pink. :p Oh, and we painted the outside of the house a couple years ago, too - that was also pink! We painted it tan and it looks so much nicer now.

I hope you have an okay week at work. I am just sort of in survival mode myself, I just need to survive this week. After this week, we should know more about what changes are happening (and what layoffs) at work. So I just need to get through this week. It's not going to be easy or fun, but I just need to do it. Sounds like you might be in a similar mindset until you get to have your vacation.
I was supposed to have a talk with Matt yesterday, but he ended up being off. I think his schedule is all over the place to where he doesn't know when he's off or not.

They're making changes left and right in my store and cutting hours all over the place. Sounds like if they don't cut enough they'll have to start laying off people. But, from what I hear it's corporate and all across the board and stores in my area. Good thing though is that because I have so much seniority I should be safe from any layoffs.
They've just started doing layoffs at my workplace, too. One person (not in my office but in another city) got laid off today already. I am hoping that I'm safe, they've been giving me an overwhelming amount of work to do lately so I'm hoping that means they won't let me go after giving me so many projects to work on. I won't be able to relax though until I know for sure that I'm safe and until my workload becomes less overwhelming.

I hope you and I can both weather these storms okay and come out of it still with jobs! Hang in there. I know it's tough. I cried in the car on my way to work today and I am sure it won't be the last time. Just keep on putting one foot in front of the other until better, easier days come along.
So far (knock on wood) no further layoffs at my workplace, but I'm sure they're not over yet. I had to say goodbye yesterday to our regional president, she's retiring as part of this transition process. She was so nice, I'm really going to miss her. Our new regional president seems sort of gruff and she doesn't give much feedback, so I can't say I'm super thrilled about the change. But I have to accept it. I'm so glad today is Friday and I can have a couple of days away from the office to relieve some stress.

Cross-stitch, how are you doing? Hanging in there? Any word on whether you can take your vacation?
That's good that it sounds so far so good for you!!!

Yup, I printed off my newest schedule last night and I'm off for the whole amount of time I wanted!!! Pretty sad though that I get paid more hours when I take my vacation than I do actually working. :ybatty:

Now the next challenge is getting time off in May...
So far so good but the worst might be yet to come. The new regional president is coming to our office tomorrow to meet with some of the managers. I don't know exactly why they're meeting, but I suspect more layoffs might be coming soon. I think tomorrow is going to be the most challenging day yet. I'm not looking forward to it at all.

I'm glad you get to take your vacation! I'm taking just one day off next week, our office is only scheduled to be open for a half day on Good Friday so I decided to take the whole day off instead. I'm soooo looking forward to a 3-day weekend! The stress at work today has been worse than ever so I really need some time off, even if it's just one extra day. (Our vacation and sick days are pooled together, and with my health I never know how many sick days I'll need in any given year, so I try to hoard my days off and I don't end up using many vacation days - I think I just need to use a few more when I'm feeling this way, though, otherwise I might just go crazy.)

I hope you go somewhere fun or relaxing and have a really great vacation. You definitely deserve it!
Last Wednesday we went down to a place where they rescue hurt owls and birds that can't take care of themselves in the wild anymore. It was pretty cool to see them and reminded us of our own birds. After seeing them we made a climb up a mountain to see a really cool view. (However, we are still sore from that!)

On Saturday we went to the beach for the day and it was pretty but busy!!! The kids in our area were just getting over spring break and you could tell from the places around there they were living it up as much as possible!

Yesterday our two birds in the coop outside went to a new home with one of the guys from my husband's work to live with a chicken that was alone and was lonely. It'll be good for them to have someone to keep company while the other is laying eggs. And, we cleaned up the coop and put the chicks in. So, they spent the night in their new house!!! We did a lot of cleaning up once they were out of our dining room!!! We didn't know how messy those things could get! Plus, we decided to throw some things out too so a run to the goodwill is in the works for today.

But, it has been so nice to have some time off!!! I guess we have to go back to real world on Friday...
I'm glad to hear you've been having a good time away from work! I hope Friday goes smoothly for you and it's not too stressful having to go back. I know from experience that it's always really hard to go back to work after having some time off, so I'm sure you're not looking forward to that.

My job situation has been okay this week. I'm getting adjusted to my new projects that I'm working on, and there actually haven't been any further layoffs (knock on wood). So I'm feeling less stressed although I don't want to relax just yet because it's still early days in our transition at work. I'm just taking things day by day.

Sounds like you got some good stuff done at home! I always keep a laundry basket out for things I'm getting rid of, so I just toss stuff into the basket, and when the basket gets full, I haul it to the thrift store to donate. My basket is almost full so I'll be making a donation run soon myself. The hubby and I also just installed a new toilet in our house, that was a big project and a lot of work and a big mess too, but it worked out well and I really like our new toilet now. Our whole bathroom needs remodeling but our old toilet was acting like it was going to break, first it was running all the time and then when we fixed that it suddenly started clogging all the time. So it was definitely time to get a new toilet. So yeah, we've been doing some work around the house too. It's hard work but it's also really nice to see the finished result! I bet your chicks are really happy with their new environment.

You're going back to work just as I get a little bit of time off - I get a 3-day weekend from Friday thru Sunday. I'm really looking forward to that, I'm already planning out what I'd like to do on my time off. I want to go on a bike ride if the weather cooperates, and I'm going to look for some garage sales, and I'd like to check out a Japanese grocery store and maybe the farmer's market too.
So I had mentioned in my last post that I wanted to go to some garage sales - I found one today on my lunch break that wasn't too far away, so I went to check it out. And I ended up buying a cross-stitch pattern! :) My first one. It's a very small, simple one (I remembered that you said to start out with a simple one). It's a little red flower with green leaves. It's a kit with everything included and it cost me a whole 75 cents, so I'm pretty happy about that. I'll let you know how it goes! Hopefully I won't mess it up too badly. :p
75 cents is my kind of price!!!! Good luck on that and I hope it turns out well!

When we were in Eugene last wednesday we stopped by Hobby Lobby down there and I picked ip a cross-stitch leaflet. It's 5 seasons of quilts in cross-stitch. I did 3 cross-stitch pieces of our wedding date a few years back but never decided what to do with them. Can't decide if I just want to frame them or make them into some sort of cross-stitch quilt wall hanging...
Saturday I applied for another full time floral position in a different store in our area. Matt signed the application and sent it off for me and nothing this time was said about letting Linda know. When he sent it for me, he emailed the person doing the interviewing personally. Told him that honestly, I'd just appreciate an interview. I think he understands what I mean.

Got off early tonight because I work day shift tomorrow. While waiting for my husband to come home, I remembered when my sister in law gave me her beads that she'd asked that I make her something out of them. So, I made her a lanyard and it's pretty much done and waiting for the last touches. My other sister in law loves angels, so I made her an angel necklace. Wanted them ready for our trip in May...
I have four cross-stitch pieces of work my dear mother-in-law made for me.Two floral,one horses and hounds and one of a lady in a mob cap cleaning copper pots.They're all a good size and are framed.Alas they've been in the attic for a few years because I changed our furnishing from old Dutch /Welsh Dresser type,to modern.I'm beginning to regret it now,so maybe it's time for a re-think.When I took the "lady" one to be framed the framer offered me £150 for it,and that was at least twenty five years ago.I've never been interested in needlework and stuff,but I do appreciate how clever and patient you both are.
WOW!!! $188.85 in US dollars 25 years ago and probably even more than that now!!! I never would have thought that a cross-stitch piece could be worth that much. But, it is true that it seems to be beginning to be a dying art. I'm sure it means a lot more to you though coming from a family member...
Yeah, I don't think you can even put a price on a cherished heirloom like that. One of my ancestors (some great-great someone or other) had made a sampler with quilting and embroidery back in something like 1875! It's framed and currently hanging on the wall of a relative. I don't know that a price could be put on something like that, especially since it's a family heirloom. And I sure wouldn't want to sell it either.
I think our son want's us to keep them for him,but I'm not sure his wife is bothered.There is no-one else, so I would rather sell them to someone who wants them,as for them to end up in the back of a cupboard.
Sounds busy and stressful. Try to take a break for yourself. Taking a break is necessary for the well-being of our minds and bodies. Prayers and good health for you.
I have some news!!! :emot-dance:

On Friday I came into work and Matt was all excited. He told me that they'd been in a couple days ago measuring our store for Click-list. Click-list is the new way they're doing things I guess. You order your groceries online and then come to the store to pick up your order. The difference with that is that you don't have to go into the store to get your groceries, your groceries come to your car. My company already has a few stores that have this and it's kind of like Costco.

Anyway, supposedly we should have it up and running by November of this year. I've applied for this before and didn't even get an interview for it, but now that it's coming to our store Matt wants me to apply for it again. And, this will be my ticket out of my department!!! Because I do so well with our customers and my coworkers he thinks this would be the perfect spot for me. And, he keeps me inside his store.

When we have more info as to when this is all coming about, he'll let me know to make sure I get to apply. So, for now it's more of a hurry up and wait type of thing. But, wanted to share...
That's great! It's only 6 months until November, so hopefully that time goes by quickly without too much stress. Good luck!
Called the store I applied to 4/15 for the floral position. They said they never got my application, already did the interviews and picked somebody. Almost smells like the application got "misplaced" somehow because I watched Matt send it to the person who was doing the hiring.

I guess now I'm looking even more toward to that new position in my store happening!!! that one won't be "lost."
I hope you'll make doubley sure the application goes to the right person.You deserve the job after being messed around so much.Fingers x'd.
I hope you'll make doubley sure the application goes to the right person.You deserve the job after being messed around so much.Fingers x'd.

I agree!!! But, I'm sure if at all possible it will. The morale is so bad at work that they're having a BIG bbq tomorrow with all kinds of crazy stuff you wouldn't think normally would be there. Garden burgers, Steak, Hamburgers, Pops, Desserts & supposedly other things. I guess they're going to also mave lip singing and the president of the company will be there.

Matt's really itching for everybody to show up. He doesn't know, but we'll be there. Matt and my husband have never met. I'm now on a mini vacation with Gavin so we can go up for the celebration of his dad's 80th birthday. Boy, have we needed this time off though!
Any news, Cross-stitch? I hope you had a good vacation.

My job situation is looking bleak. They haven't said anything official yet, but we're seeing more and more signs that they're going to close our office and lay us all off. It's so stressful lately. So I know how you feel because I'm in stressland myself.
It really wasn't a vacation so to speak. Especially when most of it was visiting family. But, at least we were able to relax some after the excitement before going back to work. However, my husband and Matt really seemed to click. And, we found a couple that eventually we might hang out with once in awhile.

No words can really tell you how sad I feel about that. The worst is the not knowing and in some ways just wishing it were done so at least you could move on. However, I think you know that lots of hugs are being sent your way.

No real news job wise on my part. But, from what I could tell a new victim for our department was being interviewed today. Also, Matt's pretty sure that the online version of our store will be coming this fall. And, he's wanting me to be patient because it sounds like that's where he wants me to be. By the way, I was going to apply for an open position at our store this weekend. But, with the honesty of Matt and that manager I decided not to apply. It would have been very hard work and graveyard shifts. I very much appreciated the honesty rather than to waste her time and mine...
It sounds like we both have to be patient right now. That's easier said than done, but you know I'm here supporting you and I know you're supporting me too. Yes, the not knowing is awful. Even when my boss asked upper management point blank about what's going on, all we were told is that they have "no comment" at this time. Ughh. They don't communicate with us at all and it's horrible. I wish they'd just tell us one way or the other, like you said, so that I could know for sure and then start working on a plan of action for what to do next (do I stick it out and hope for a severance payment, or find a new job right away). In the meantime I'm just in limbo. It sounds like you are too. I hope you can get some answers about the online job sooner than later - fall sounds like a long time to wait. I hope the time goes by quickly and things are not too stressful in the meantime.
I don't think it would hurt for you to look around just to see what's out there for you. These days depending on what field of work you're in it could take awhile to land another job. I know that I've looked myself and there's nothing for me right now unless I want to take a really bad pay cut.

Matt thinks that October will be the time when they start looking for people for that. And tomorrow starts June, so I suppose I only have 3 or 4 more months to wait. Still seems like too long for me. But, I suppose I've already been waiting at least a couple years already. What's another 3 or 4 months?

Yup, we sure are in this together. Lots of hugs to you!!!!!
I do a lot of general administrative office type stuff (spreadsheets & number crunching are my thing but I have also done stuff like data entry, call center, customer service, receptionist, etc). I've glanced a bit at the job listings and it looks to me like there are a fair amount of office jobs like that, but I haven't looked in depth at things like pay, benefits, etc yet. I think first thing is that I need to get my resume updated and looking spiffy. Then I'll start looking a bit more closely at the job listings.

My boss is also super worried about our jobs and about the fact that we are never told any actual information by upper management. But she did say she'd give me a glowing referral if/when we get laid off, so there's that at least. I can think of at least a few other colleagues who would give me a good referral too.

3 or 4 months doesn't sound so long, but when you think of October and it's only (not quite) June, it does seem far away. The weather is just warming up finally, and it'll be cooling down by October. So just based on that, it sounds like a long time to me. But you're right, if you've already been dealing with stress and nonsense for several years, then a few more months shouldn't be too terribly bad (I hope!). For me, I've been at the same company for 14 years now, but this stressful nonsense has only been going on since about February or so - we got merged with another region and our regional president got ousted and their regional president became our regional president, and ever since then it's been just nothing but changes and stress and rumors and worries. So it's been a hard few months.
Yeah, I've been same company, same store and same department for 16.5 years just after my birthday. So, I know where you're going. But, with all you can do you should get something that pays half decent...
So, I got the results from my colonoscopy I had on the 22nd. Biopsies and all were clear and there was no signs of UC/UP!!!!!! Needless to say, it sounds like I'm in remission!!!!

Still having trouble workwise and the wait until October or November when the new department is built and running and my transfer is getting harder to bear. I keep hoping those months will go by faster so I can finally be out of my department...:ybatty:
Thanks guys!!!

I sure hope so Cat. My department just seems to keep falling apart more and more everyday. Between having not enough people scheduled to cover everything at night and all. I'm having a horrible time keeping positive (which isn't a good change for me). I'm thinking it's worrying Matt because he knows I'm always smiling and goofing off with my other coworkers...
Well. Corporate came last week for a planned visit, but Linda scheduled herself off on that day which was a big no no. Then, magically she's off the schedule until at least 7/29. All the schedule says is she's off where if she were on vacation or taking personal time off it'd say. So,who knows what's happening there.

Meanwhile, I seem to be having trouble with my mouth. Meaning, I keep messing things up as far as what I mean to say or do. It's driving me nuts and seems like I'm hurting more than I'm helping. Makes me wonder if I'm trying too hard for some reason...:ybatty:
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Our store is building a brand new department which is supposed to bring us more clients. It's one of those things where you order online and then pick up outside the store rather than having to come inside. Needless to say, it's like having a personal shopper.

I guess they want to have it up and running by Thanksgiving. Rumor has it that it's a sure thing for me moving into this new department. But, I still have to apply for it and do everything legally. I'm working on my internal application right now in preparation for it.

Honestly, I'm already a bit apprehensive and nervous. I really don't like interviews, whether or not I'll be alright. So, I think as time comes closer I might be asking for good thoughts and prayers that I'll be able to relax for this thing...
Cross-stitch, I know that feeling, except sort of in reverse. For me, I recently applied for a promotion even though I knew it was basically already promised to another lady. She and I were the only 2 applicants. And, even though I was told that I did really well in the interview, they still gave it to the other lady. Ugh, so close and yet so far. Hopefully, though, my experience means you'll definitely get the position that's been promised to you, even if others apply for it. Good luck!

And, if I can give you any advice - I had studied "standard" interview questions, and none of those came up in my interview since it was internal and "standard" interviews tend to be external, at least at my company. Mostly what they asked me about is how I've contributed to the company and what projects I've worked on that have made a difference and stuff like that. Be prepared to drum up yourself and your skills, that was the bulk of my interview.
Thanks Cat!!! I am sorry to hear that you got turned down after all that though...

Yes, I have been looking things up as far as interviews and such online in preparation for the interview. It's kinda hard writing my application though because it sounds like Matt will be the one doing the interviewing and there isn't much he doesn't know about me work wise. Speaking of such...

I'm planning on having a small talk with Matt sometime soon about becoming more like boss and associate until after the interview. I know he would understand, but I'm thinking others might not and think I'm trying to get preferential treatment. But, I'll need his help in this which is why I'll ask.

Nice thing is we're both adults, so I don't think it'll be a problem...
Caught Matt on his way out the door last night. Or, rather he caught me. Asked him if we could have a talk in which he gets a bit concerned (and turns more serious) because I don't ever start our conversations that way.

Told him I'd been thinking and wondered if it might be a good thing for us to be a little more professional until the interview. Especially with him being the one doing the interviewing. We'd understand, but others might not. Needless to say, he hadn't thought of that and told me it was a good call.

It'll be a bit strange for both of us and a bit lonely because we're so used to being together talking so much, but we'll make it work.
Day one of too many happened today. It was a horrible day, but I survived. Matt spent today doing interviews for a manager for that new department and I only really saw him twice, eyed once. Didn't get to say anything, but exchanged a look with him just before he left and he tried not to laugh since he was with other employees/managers.

So, my interview maybe in about 2-3 long weeks for both of us...
On monday positions for the new department opened up. And, I applied today! Sounds like it maybe an informal interview instead of a formal one. We'll see what happens next.....

But, one thing I do know is a talk will happen soon as far as what work in this new department will be like! :dance:
Got a surprise when I showed up today and ended up having my interview with the new manager of the department. Didn't get to dress up like I planned, so it was informal. Went away with a weird feeling after the interview. Not sure if it's because of being turned down so much or what. But, will know within a couple days if I made the cut or not.
Well...I got one for the books.

I had my interview on Sunday 10/22 and at that time was told that I'd be told within a couple of days whether or not I got the job. But, I never got called or notified. However, my manager started acting VERY weird almost sad and thanking me for everything I do which she's never done before during all her time as my manager. So, I knew something was up.

Then, today one of my coworkers from another department let it slip that I got the job. Come to find out, my new manager is telling other employees in the store that I got the job. Pretty sad that I had to hear it from the great vine, but at least I know now! Being a high rank employee in the store, I'm sure it's the worst kept secret in a long time.

I think what happened was Matt thought the new manager told me and the new manager thought Matt told me. Wires got crossed somehow...
Congrats on officially getting the job! I'm sure it's a relief to know for sure. As for me, I'll be officially unemployed as of Nov 17th. I've been wandering in to work one or two days a week for 3 or 4 hours at a time. It's kind of awesome, working only when I want (but still being paid full-time hours until the 17th). I have nearly 15 years in with my current company, though, so it's going to be weird when I get a job somewhere else. I think I'm going to apply at the hospital, as they seem to offer good health insurance and have a lot of administrative job openings.
Thank you! :) Yes, it is a real relief to be out of Linda's clutches soon. It's just been such a long struggle that it still seems unreal.

I know, I still can't believe it happened to you. Hopefully wherever you go, it'll be less stressful than where you are now though. I hope you can get on with the hospital and that you'd be happy there. :hug:
Well, I got another blow today...

Sounds like the new department doesn't have enough hours for me to come in yet and I'd get below the amount that I need for medical insurance. Tomorrow Matt will be in and I'm hoping to have a talk with him to see what exactly is going on. Sounds like I am hired for the new department, I just have to wait awhile till they can get it going and the sales up. Needless to say, quite a few tears have been passed already and I'm sure there are more to come. Keep you updated.
What!!! That's ridiculous. I hope they get their act together soon so that you can still have health insurance, because that's just stupid of them! And I know all about stupid employers right now...
Honestly, I can understand somewhat. It's a brand new department that's being built which means that nobody has worked it before and it'll have a limited amount of hours because of that for a bit because of it. A high timer like me needs more hours than a low timer especially with my being established with medical insurance and all.

Plus, I've been screwed over so much that Matt really would like to give me 40 hours and take care of me rather than the limited 20 that would make me lose my insurance. So, for that I do appreciate that they are thinking of me. I just don't understand why they didn't call me and ask to have me come in so we could discuss this earlier rather than letting this go so long after the interview. :ybatty:

I probably wouldn't have shed any less tears at that time, but at least I would have understood. And, also understood that I do have the job however having to wait longer than the others so they could take care of me better. Needless to say, this is why I'd like to talk with Matt to find out better what's going on. :pillowfight:
Fell apart on Matt and at one point just about had him in tears too. Come to find out, seems like this new Mike guy never decided to take me anyway. Matt said that it was a blessing in disquise that I'm not going over there because I'd lose my insurance if I went. Now that I've calmed down some, I'm kinda happy too cause if the guy didn't have balls enough to tell me, what would he be like as a manager?

Before we parted I gave Matt the link to that website about crohn's and relationships, in which he promised to read. I think it was a good decision and am sure he'll be finding me to talk again soon. Meanwhile, we have two days apart for sure to calm down a bit before any more talking occurs career or personal.
Still having a hard time about the rejection off and on. Don't doubt that Linda had a hand in this one too. Kinda telling that my newest schedule posted has me working just lower than 40 hours the week of Thanksgiving. Almost seems to be trying to whitewash things...
No more tears. Talked a little with Matt in passing on Saturday. At first he was still trying to defend Mike the manager. Except for when I mentioned that he had told me in the interview that I would know the result in a couple of days, although it was almost 2 weeks in actual time. Apparently Matt didn't know that he had told me that.

Did shed some involuntary tears at the time, but nothing like in the past. This weeks schedule are all late shifts so there's no seeing Matt at all. So, left him a note with the whole story for him to see. Partly, so he can do it in his own time and partly because I don't want to shed any more tears (because I can tell that it's been hard for him to see me like this). However believe it or not, now that Matt knows the whole story I've actually been able to heal.

By request of Matt and Nikole I've been preparing the registers in my department for the yearly 6 hour sock sale the day after Thanksgiving. I'm the only one in the department who can do it and have a detailed checklist of things we need for it too. If it weren't the two of them asking I would have just handed the list over to someone and told them to have at it. Reason being that I won't even be there for the sock sale, but will be coming afterwards.

I'm almost done with the preparation except for a very few things. And, they're very thankful for my hard work. With the store in array like it is, Matt's taking over making sure all the registers are ready for that day. So, we've been trying to figure out a shift that he can walk my registers with me to make sure I have all that I need. Needless to say, it's been good for me to have something else to direct me attention to (which is probably what they intended it for).
It sounds like we're both stuck in crappy situations right now. Me, my last "official" day of work is Friday but I'm seeing my boss tomorrow morning for my exit interview (she told me I can tell her in that interview all the things that she and the company have done wrong - whoa boy, I might have a thing or two to say about that!). I haven't been in to the office since I think Wednesday and I'm not going in any more, I'm done aside from the exit interview which will be at a restaurant and not in the office.

I'm struggling a bit. I'm trying to enjoy having some free time now, but sometimes I get super depressed about being laid off. I worked at the same company for nearly 15 years (if I'd made it to December, it'd be 15 years). It's been a big part of my life and my identity for a long time, and now I have to start all over from scratch. In a way it's good - it's time for me to move on, the stress was really getting to me, and the severance pay will really help. But in a big way it sucks, too.
Yup, I know exactly where you're going. I do hope you can finally start healing after that exit interview. Although, I know that it'll sure take some time. And, as you say change can be a good thing.

I don't doubt that Linda had a hand in this one too. I can see her crying to this new manager and telling him that if I go to him she wouldn't have any strong cashiers in her department. They really need to get rid of this woman! Husband warns me that with my register lists and Matt having his hand in the registers, I could end up as a head cashier and working directly under Matt. Which wouldn't bother me. But, yeah I really want to get out of her grasp.
How're you doing Cat? I hope things have settled down at least a little for you...

I'm having a hard time. This time of the year, I've always thought that by the next Christmas season I'd be doing something else rather than being in my same department. This year seems to be harder though. I think reason being that the plan was I'd be sure going to click-list.

The last few days I've had my girly time and thought the nausea and stomach pain was from that because it was a harder one. But, I'm no longer on it and yesterday have had the same symptoms. However, when I admitted to my husband that this could be from being stuck in the same department the nausea started going away. So, I know I need to be careful.

This time of year is really stressful for those of us in retail. I'm afraid that everyone else is so excited for Christmas to come. While, those of us with all the extra messes and craziness can't wait for the season to be over. I'm looking forward to things settling down for me in a few weeks...