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Apr 22, 2006
I've had horrible headaches for years now. For some reason they have gotten more frequent the past few days and they seem almost worse. The worst thing is I don't have any Tylenol for the pain and they've been so bad I've had to take some hydrocodone which seems to only help my headaches as it nevers helps any other pain. Anyways, I'm just frustrated with the pain and was wondering if anyone could offer any advice for me about what I could do. I've tried rubbing my temples and pressure points. I don't think it's stress as I'm not very stressed. The only thing I could think is that my stomach pain is much worse than I mentally think it is so it gets manifested as headaches.

My headaches are weird because I'm not really light sensitive but any movement or loud sound could blow my head off. It's like someone just stabs my head when I take a step. Anyways, I think the hydrocodone is working as I'm getting tired and I can't type without correcting every couple of words so sorry if there are type errors.

I'm praying for all you guys. Everyone on here is awesome! Thanks for all the help and support everyone has given to me over however long I've been on this forum.

Jeff D. said:
I've had horrible headaches for years now.

You could be getting migraines. I get the kind with an "aura" of zigzag lines in my vision, as well as blind spots, a dead give away that it is a migraine, but actually most migraine sufferers do not get the aura. If they are migraines, some people are just prone to them. But there are things which can make the more frequent. Oversleeping, for one. Also, caffeine use can increase the number of migraines. Use of migraine meds, (like the triptans), as well as pain medication, like the hydrocodone, and even Tylenol or aspirin, will very often lead to rebound headaches. I would suggest if you drink ANY caffeine, stop, and also try to minimize pain relievers of all kinds. Here's a good article on Rebound Headaches

Hope this helps.
Hi Jeff, I use to have headaches really bad. They would start behind my left eye and would turn into migraines. I would end up missing work, sound would drive me nuts. The higher the pitch the worse it was. Light would actually make me sick to my stomach.
My wife finally contacted a chiropractor and when he took x-rays my head was out of line with the spine. From the base of the neck to where the spine connected to my head was tipped to one side over 2 inches. He said think of it as trying to balance an 18 lb bowling ball on a flexible tube. After adjusting and stretching my neck the headaches slowly went away. He even taught my wife how to strecth it so that if I got them at night or on the weekends she could stretch it and get rid of them. I went from having headaches lasting 3-4 days to maybe 2-3 times a year lasting a couple of hours.
I know it doesn't help you right now, but it maybe the answer to you getting rid of them all together.
Good luck buddy.
Hi Jeff
migraines suck! really sorry you have this too
I went thro a spell of this and Davids advice is spot on, I also saw a chiropractor like Greg, and I was misaligned too! A lot of headaches stem from the neck, and bad posture, referred pain, you play guitar right? then maybe it's the way you're sat, make sure you're sat upright with your chin in, not jutting out, same goes for when on the computer, we all slouch, and in time this plays havoc with your neck, thus, referred pain in your head.
Also, I had acupuncture, which was excellent, the physio also gave me little acupressure plasters to put on my hand whenever I felt a migraine coming on, and pressed them, apparantly the space between your index finger and thumb, the soft fleshy bit, is the pressure point for headaches, so if you press it, it should calm it down.
Also, feverfew is an excellent herb for headaches,
good luck
Going to the chiro has been my answer. I have got it so I can go tn days then I need to get adjusted. If I go beyond the ten days then the next day I have a headache it's crazy I know but it's like the other poster said you have to keep your head and neck in line the the rest of your spine or you will het terrible headaches. Good luck make sure you find a good chiro because just like everything there are good ones and there are bad ones. Hope this helps.
Thanks guys for all your answers. I know it's not a need to go to the chiro because I have the same pains before and after.

David I don't think it's rebound headaches because I usually don't take medication for it. This week I've been practicing some songs on my guitar that I need to learn so I had to take something so I could practice. I do drink caffeine but not all the time and usually when I do it makes me feel better

Thanks guys
Tylenol + caffeine = great combination for some kinds of headaches. Good research backing this up.
sometimes i find that when xtra strength tylenol even doesnt help, that tylenol sinus helps instead.
just a thought. maybe your sinuses are inflamed due to the state of your crohns right now, and it can feel just like a typical headache can, for me at least

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