My 14 yo daughter was diagnosed with crohns when she was 9... We were in remission for 5 years which was heaven! Recently she started to get pain in and around her bottom, and to cut a long story short, she has 2 fistula's (one superficial, and the other which was drained and a seton put in place) the thing I am worrying about is that her procedure was a week ago now, and she is still in a great deal of pain, can hardly move, won't or can't sit down and will only wee and poo in the shower. She is very down and says she hates her life. I try to stay upbeat, and keep telling her that it will get better... but when??? I can't bear her in pain, its like a knife going through me, but when does it start to get better? I must admit that she is moving around better than she was, but she has 'given up' a little bit. Help!!!