How many credits is considered full-time, CIC? 18 sounds like a LOT to me. How many classes is that? How many classes do students typically take at her school? I sincerely hope she is not planning to take more than 4 most schools that is considered full-time.
In terms of withdrawing, we have some experience

- both my girls have had to withdraw. In both cases, the schools had a policy saying tuition refund was prorated - the earlier they withdrew, the more money we got back. After my older daughter had withdrawn once, we got tuition insurance. Thankfully, she did not have to withdraw again in college since we were able to get her disease under control.
When my younger one went to college, we automatically got tuition insurance because she was in much worse shape than her older sister when she started. As you know, she has withdrawn more than once due to her health - to have surgery, during a terrible flare etc. But she knows that she has to make the decision early in the semester - if she withdraws before the course drop date (which is in early October and she typically starts school around Sept. 5th), the withdrawal does not show up on her transcript. If she withdraws after that date, her transcript would show the courses she was taking and instead of a grade, she would have a W for each course. And it would say she withdrew during the Fall 2018 semester, for example.
She obviously does not want anything on her transcript if she can help it, and we don't want to lose an entire semester's tuition, so if she goes to school in bad shape (as she did last semester) and realizes she needs to withdraw, she does it as soon as possible.
However, for emergencies or if her disease just flares badly late in the semester, of course she could still withdraw. Health comes before tuition - we always tell her that. But that is where the tuition insurance steps in - if she were to withdraw half way through the semester, it ensures we'd get more money back than if we had just relied on the school's policy.
To be honest, I really do not think she is well enough to go back to school. I think she could really jeopardize her recovery, which has been slow anyway. She's still really flaring and it's very possible it will get worse when she reduces her steroid dose to 15 mg. It worries me that on 20 mg she currently still has many BMs, still has diarrhea half the time and is still bleeding. We have no idea at all if Entyvio is working and considering her symptoms even on steroids, it doesn't seem to be working yet.
Pushing herself to go back to school is not going to help matters. I wish she would consider a semester off and actually let herself recover. I agree that if she tanks, I doubt it will be the first week.
I wish her GI would tell her that in his opinion he doesn't think she should go. She is clearly not well enough. I find it insane that she manages to convince him every time - she's underweight and bleeding and he okays school, a full course-load AND swimming?! Has he not learned his lesson - he let her go in the summer, she ended up septic and was hospitalized multiple times...and she's still quite sick and on steroids and yet he lets her go AGAIN?!