Heartbeat at point of pain

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Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
Well this is a new one. As I sit here, where my abdominal pain usually presents, it feels like my heart has decided to migrate there. I feel a rapid pulse-like feeling in the area. My regular pulse rate is normal. It doesn't hurt, in fact, I'm rather enjoying the feeling. Has anyone else ever had this and is it good or bad? :D

The only thing out of the norm was I celebrate Cuatro de Mayo with a little too much tequila. :nonono:
Yes I have experienced this. When I told the doctor he took a look at my abdomen and said it was fine. Not sure why it happens though.

He did say if you can actually see a bulge of your bowel and that's pulsating through the skin then that is definitely not a good thing. But I think what you are describing here is just a pulse-like sensation yes?
I get this from time to time as well. And also in other parts of my body, I hadn't thought much of it to be honest.
The other strange thing I feel sometimes which this has reminded me of, is sometimes as I breathe, it feels like part of my bowel kinda jolts a bit at a certain point of my breath. It doesn't hurt, just annoying so I assume is some sort of muscular thing.
If it matched your heartbeat it would likely be the abdominal aortic pulse. Since it doesn't, it is likely abdominal muscle twitch (fasciculation) sometimes caused by dehydration or low magnesium, or tired muscles....nothing serious! Does it have a salsa beat? :)
Yes, I used to get that when I was in flare. Sometimes it was strong like a heartbeat, and sometimes it was fluttery, like when you're pregnant and first feel the baby move.
Wonder what it is? Inflammation affecting blood flow, maybe?
This potentially could be a serious problem, one needing further examination. Possibly these questions can help us get to the bottom of the issue.

At anytime last night with friends where questions asked such as:

* Who was Luke's father?

* Why does Chewbacca not get a medal?

* Why can’t I be as cool as Han Solo?

I saw yesterday was national Star Wars day - people would be out celebrating. May the Fourth be with you!

When I was flaring I would feel this especially when i was upside down in suported headstand (rope Sirsasana).Think there is a major abdominal blood supply running through the abdomen.
Bet the hangover from the tequila will take your mind of it !
So is David pissed and pregnant and doing yoga and Darth Vader is the father of his love child? Little wonder there are strange going ons down below. :yfrown:
I was going to remind you that Cinco de Mayo was today, not yesterday! Wonder if it's frowned upon to drink tequila this early while working at the bank? LMAO!

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