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Jun 18, 2011
Originally diagnosed with UC in 2004. In 2005 I had fistulas appear at which time the Dx was changed to Crohns. Throughout my course of treatment I've used Prednisone, Imuran, Asacol, and Humira. All have worked well when they were needed. Currently in middle of another flair due to not treating my Crohns while I was in remission (No Insurance.)

Finding it hard to get on my feet without insurance and being able to maintain my health. Have thought about filing for disability, however, I want to work and can work if I have the proper treatment. It's a catch 22 I guess.

Currently living in Silver Springs, FL where there is no medical marijuana laws which sucks because it seems to work well for my disease. Oddly enough I was a regular Marijuana smoker up until the 6 months before my original Dx which I find curiously coincidental. Lucky for me I'm likely moving back to Michigan in the next 6 months where I can get medical marijuana help pretty easily and for a pretty affordable cost.

I'm done ranting for now but I needed to ask a question in the support forum and it made me introduce myself so I figured why waste the opportunity! Thank you for everybody who participates in this forum if it wasn't for the activity these sort of sites would be useless.
How long till I can post in the other forums???

I guess for now I'm going to post my treatment question on this maybe it will get seen.

The emergency docs put me on 500mg Flagyl every 6 hours and 50mg Prednisone for 10 days. First I don't think 10 days is enough but I'm hoping to address that at a health department clinic I found yesterday after going to the hospital however I can't make an appt. till Monday.

My question is this. After some D this morning I noticed 2 pills in my D. Both circular and with imprints which tells me it is the Prednisone and not the probiotic pills I am also taking which have no imprint code. Am I getting much of any benefit from this Prednisone if the size of the pills in my D are about the exact same size as the pill before it goes through my system? Should I maybe stop the Flagyl for a few days in hopes that I can hold the Prednisone longer maybe?

Complicating things at the moment is I have a fistula, a hemorrhoid, and a fissure at the moment. It feels like I'm passing razor blades and it's pretty hard for me to hold back anything right now which is also an issue as I can't force myself very well to not go to the bathroom which I would think holding back longer would help the prednisone absorb better if I could keep it in me longer.

Any suggestions or comments anybody????
Greetings and welcome to you! :) I'm sorry that you've ended up in another flare due to a lack of insurance. That's terrible and so frustrating, you poor thing. It also sucks that Florida doesn't have MM laws since it was so helpful for you. We DO have a medical marijuana forum here that is password protected. If you would like access at any point, hit me up for the password.

Again, welcome, it's great to have you here.
Hi Jenksed and welcome! I am sorry to hear about your current flare, especially since it could have probably been avoided if you had insurance. Have you contacted the CCFA to see about getting any assistance? It sounds like you are in a pretty bad flare and need help. Also, it does sound like the pred is passing right through, so you really need to step up your treatment game to get this flare under control.

I sure hope you can start treatment again soon and begin to feel better. Hang in there!