Hello from New Zealand!

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 28, 2015
New Zealand
After many a month of scrolling this forum for answers to my questions I have finally decided to sign up and get a bit more involved :)

I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease in.... 2011 or 2012? Can't remember which. Was a bit of a blur to be honest, in and out of hospital and test after test after test etc etc etc. After months of not being able to keep any food in my system, bleeding everywhere and loosing huge amounts of weight I was told by my very useless GP that "you are 21 and 21 year olds don't ever have anything serious going on in the bowel, you must stop this nonsense and start eating". Eventually I was hospitalised after collapsing at home alone (v dramatic, boyfriend was away overseas for work etc) and a lovely gastro asked me if anyone in my family ever had toilet issues (my mum had them for as long as I could remember). He got me in for a colonoscopy and the rest is history! - he also forced my mum to get scopes done, turns out she has had undiagnosed and untreated UC for about 23 years. If it wasn't for him I would probably still have my old GP trying to treat me for an ED!

ANYWAY I've been very lucky with my disease despite the fact I am every specialists worst nightmare (I take my meds and when I feel better I stop, cue slow downward spiral until a hospital admission which results in me taking my meds again. I know I know its bad, I'm working on it!) I'm a big believer that diet and exercise keeps me in remission. I lift heavy weights, try to run and I love hiking and exploring my beautiful country. I take too many polaroid snaps of my cat and the sky. I've been on prednisone, azathiprine (LIFESAVER, the constant bladder infections sucked but it put me into remission so...) and pentasa. A few other meds in there but I can't remember the names. Currently taking pentasa granules daily and they seem to be ok.

Unfortunately I have spent the last couple of months in a flare. I moved cities and I'm having issues with my new medical team (which I am trying to resolve) so I feel a little lost as my usual tricks to get things under control aren't working the best. Stress and stuff doesn't help either!

I would love to meet some other kiwis but really I would love to get to know any other person my age who has Crohns (I'm 25). It would be nice to have a conversations with someone about it without it turning into a big pity party for me and my inability to eat wholegrain bread/brown rice/dairy etc etc.\

Anyway, come say Hi! I'm pretty friendly me thinks :)
Hi and welcome.You seem to be coping well and sound as though you're not going to let this dratted disease beat you.Well done.We do have some Kiwis on the forum and we also have a "young adults"thread you might want to look at.All the best to you.
Hey! I'm 26 from NZ! I've had crohns since I was 13 and am now 26 so I have had it half my life, I have a permanent Stoma and know all about ****** Gps and people saying you can't be sick etc etc haha. I live in welly ! Where abouts are you? If you want you can message me and we can chat about crap (scuse the pun haha)

Xo Charlotte

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