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Nov 11, 2015
Hello, my name is Shawn and I was diagnosed with crohns on 12/10/2014, yeah!!! just under a year and I'm 43 years old. Doctor said that I've had it for a long time which explains all the stomach ache, nausea, and diarrhea all those years. Since then my doctor put me on Humira and I've been on it for 4 months now. I'm getting to the point were I'm thinking that it's not working, because to this day I still have all the same symptoms and there not going away. I also take B12 injections along with some medical food the doctor gave to me. He swears by the Humira, but I'm beginning to think its not for me.

Well just wanted to say hello/
Welcome, Shawn. I think maybe you should talk with your doctor. He might want to put you on another biologic. Or he might want to try some other mediication. There is a thread on here called Your Story. You might want to post there. I wish you the best.

Hi Scotty,

not everyone responds the same way to any medication. And even for Humira, not everyone has a positive response. your dr may want to wait a 6 months period though, before capitulating on this medication trial. (Or maybe more, I am no expert on biologics). However this should not mean you should suffer in the meantime.
The medical food may be a liquid diet? If so, to bring remission, liquid enteral diet (ENN) must be taken as exclusive food source.
Cortico-Steroids (prednisone,entocort) pills are also given to induce fast remission. maybe you can talk about it to your doctor. This could give you a break and give a final chance to Humira to kick in. let us know!
Hello, my name is Shawn and I was diagnosed with crohns on 12/10/2014, yeah!!! just under a year and I'm 43 years old. Doctor said that I've had it for a long time which explains all the stomach ache, nausea, and diarrhea all those years. Since then my doctor put me on Humira and I've been on it for 4 months now. I'm getting to the point were I'm thinking that it's not working, because to this day I still have all the same symptoms and there not going away. I also take B12 injections along with some medical food the doctor gave to me. He swears by the Humira, but I'm beginning to think its not for me.

Well just wanted to say hello/

I have been on Humira for a year or so. It took about 6 months to kick in. I still have multiple BMs a day. I still cramp. I still have pain. The only thing humira has done for me is keep me from having intestine removed. My GI also swears by it and thinks humira is the best thing since butter popcorn. Now im classified as abnormal liver function due to humira. I have nerve damage in my left hand also due to this wonderful drug. So, do your research to see if the risk is worth the reward. Im not complaining by no means. It is MY CHOICE every other week when I inject my body with humira.
Docs love humira. It's one of the most lucrative drugs in the world. They will swear by it forever working or not. They do get incentives for prescribing it. The drug companies have them totally brainwashed. Remicade is just as good if not better except for a slightly higher allergic reaction possibility. Most docs should let you choose. If they don't I would question their impartiality.
Fact is with humira about 60 % achieve clinical improvement and probably less than 30% are in remission after 2years. Still it's worth a shot and once you start it's best to give it every chance before moving on. There are only a few alternative options.
I would add an immunomodulator like 6mp or MTX to help it CONTROL the immune response and some steroids to help until it kicks in. Then if you can drop the steroids you will knowthehumira helped.
Plus diet always helps regardless of what the docs say.
Good luck.
Docs love humira. It's one of the most lucrative drugs in the world. They will swear by it forever working or not. They do get incentives for prescribing it. The drug companies have them totally brainwashed. Remicade is just as good if not better except for a slightly higher allergic reaction possibility. Most docs should let you choose. If they don't I would question their impartiality.

Fact is with humira about 60 % achieve clinical improvement and probably less than 30% are in remission after 2years. Still it's worth a shot and once you start it's best to give it every chance before moving on. There are only a few alternative options.

I would add an immunomodulator like 6mp or MTX to help it CONTROL the immune response and some steroids to help until it kicks in. Then if you can drop the steroids you will knowthehumira helped.

Plus diet always helps regardless of what the docs say.

Good luck.

Thanks for the info... I'm sticking with it for now. Change of my diet is my first objective. I was doing the fodMAP diet before I started Humira and it was helping a lot, so I'm returning to that doesn't.

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