Help! Hpylori positive

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Feb 11, 2012
Finally got my blood work results back from PCP only to find out I have contracted H pylori in the last year and a half. When I asked him how I contracted it he said there are many ways like saliva or another's fecal matter. Thing is my children are grown and there is no one I clean up after they potty. I also asked if it can be caught from a pet i.e puppies? He only said he wasn't positive. I am beyond confused,frustrated and now overwhelmed with everything. The new medications make feel so worn out and now having to add 3 more to the mix. Some days I feel like a walking anomaly with a gut full of pharmaceuticals.. I am to a point that I am ready to call it quits with all of the meds and everything. My antidepressant has also been increased because for the past month I am having a very hard time coping with it all. I mean when they finally started me on the new medication I thought ok it is a lot but if I can feel better then it will be a good trade off right? Now I feel like I am living my life for my next dose of medication. ughhh.. Sorry to drag on about it but I think if I had to sit hubby down again with the way I am feeling the poor man would probably run to the woods to scream. He is being supportive but I feel like sometimes he just nods and says I know I honestly want to reach over and whack him up side the head.

Please if anyone has any information about the H pylori let me know. Also if you had a tough time or not adjusting to all the medicine changes. How did you learn to accept the challenges along with everything else?
Thank you in advance
Warm regards
H.pylori is a bacteria that will grow inside your stomach and is the cause of ulcers.

It is usually cured by a course of anitibiotics and stomach acid reducers. Symptoms are heartburn, upset stomach , upper gi pain.

I haven't heard of methods of transmission.

I, too, get pill overload and very tired of taking medication - I just remind myself that diabetics can't ever let the medication fatigue get the better of them or their health will suffer in the long term even if they feel ok today. I have to act the same way - missing meds today may not be such a big deal for one day but it has a culmulative effect on my health as a whole. I am in this for the long haul and so must act in a way that supports that.

I look at taking medication for this the same way as insulin is to a diabetic - an absolute requirement to live with Crohn's and have a quality of life.

No matter the medication it will take time to get the dosage right for you, so hang in there. Don't stop the anti-depressants and it wil get easier.

H pylori is incredibly common but happily easy to eradicate. It does mean more pills but only for a short period of time. Hopefully this will help with your symptoms.
Right , H.pylori is very common, they say something like 50% of people have it. It is a bacteria so it spreads easily. You can try mastic gum for it, it helps some people. Also stopping all alcohol for a while may help get rid of it. At least it did for me. That and mastic gum cleared it up. If you try the mastic gum, keep taking it for a couple months even if it seems like the h.pylori is gone. The stuff is hard to kill off permanently so over kill on the meds is the way to go.
Thanks everyone.
Feeling a bit more at ease this morning. Just been a tough couple of days.
I did manage to find some more info on H pylori I have to say it amazes me that my doctor couldn't give me a straight answer but after some major reading I have come to realize no two people can agree as to how it is contracted..Go figure lol.. Thank for the replies it has helped a great deal. Have a great day friends
Sorry you are dealing with this. I also have H-pylori. I have to disagree with your doc. Antibitoics DO NOT easily get rid of this bacteria. There is only a 30% success rate when taking the antibitoics. Most people will have reoccurances, which means that you never really got rid of the bacteria, just kind of kept it at bay. I have not treated mine as I cannot tolerate the antibitoics they use and because it likely would not get rid of it anyhow. There are some natural things that are know to help with it and to keep your stomach healthy. There it this stuff called Pine nut oil made my siberain tiger naturals. Google them, and you can read about the success rates with it. Also there is manuka honey which is suppose to help keep the h-pylori at bay and help with your stomach lining. Mastic gum is a strong natural tree resin that is known to kill H-pylori. You can google it and read about it. My GI doc said more than half the world has this bacteria in them. He said most ALL people in the third world countries have this bacteria in them. It is harmless to most, but can cause issues like gastritis and ulcers in some people. I am doing all the natural stuff to try and help with this. Oh also you can get this stuff called DGL( deglycerized licorice) and this is very soothing to the whole digestive tract. Just some options to try..

Thanks everyone.
Feeling a bit more at ease this morning. Just been a tough couple of days.
I did manage to find some more info on H pylori I have to say it amazes me that my doctor couldn't give me a straight answer but after some major reading I have come to realize no two people can agree as to how it is contracted..Go figure lol.. Thank for the replies it has helped a great deal. Have a great day friends

Thank you for some useful natural ways to help treat H pylori. The information you provided is awesome and I really appreciate it and will look into trying it. Best wishes on your journey

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