Help, I'm mega constipated :(

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Aug 9, 2009
Hey there guys, I got out of hospital 4 days ago and haven't pooed since... I have eaten a fair bit too. (well, not heaps but 4 days of food is creeping me out, I don't think I've ever been constipated. I took some metamucil type fiber stuff to help empty it, but it keeps gurgling and I can just feeling it sitting in my colon, perhaps moving back and forward. How the heck do you get rid of constipation with a colostomy!?

Last night I needed to get up from bed to pee but the bed is higher than the other beds I've been used to lately, and I needed my boyfriends help. He helped me sit up and I had this massive searing pain on my right side (my colostomy is in the left!). Ever since it's been really painful especially when I move or pee or try to get up. It's agony! I dont know what to do... Is it just constipation pain or pulled muscle or a blockage. I rang the hospital and they just told me to drink some water and take some pain killers, she then said sorry there is nothing else we can do for you.

Also today is a national holiday so my dr isn't open it's so frustrating.

Raaarrrrr! Sorry I just feel so useless and dependent like an invalid it angers me.
I had that for the first bit. Because our stool is formed, you can really feel it when it tries to move. I've gone 4 days without pooping and it was fine in the end. You can try a laxative if you want, but be careful because if you do that, once it starts you may be hanging over the toilet because your bag will fill up fast (I know this from experience! lol). Part of your pain will be from the surgery itself as well, they move your guts around and it takes time for them to settle. Also, if you're trying to do too much using your stomach muscles, you'll have pain that feels like a pulled muscle. Try and take it easy, have your bf help you up if you need to, try not to bend too much. Are you still having gas? If gas is getting through I don't think you need to worry about a blockage, but I could be wrong.
It's a viscous circle man, they tell you do Do as much as you can and the stoma nurses say just relax and's like 50 different medical people tlling you different things and makes you wonder if any of them actually know what they are sayin@. That's why I like asking your opinions as you actually live with it and have experienced it. I rang my GI before (felt really bad as it's a public holiday :() and he told me to buy some laxatives and try those out. I'm just lying in bed at the moment napping and I just did a fart so a blockage is hopefully outta the question :).
Thanks for your advice!
I also have a colostomy and I feel your pain.
When I feel constipated I use Miralax - also goes by the name of Restoralax or PEG crystals. I don't know what they call it on your side of the pond :) About 4 tsps of that in 250 ml of water in the evening. The next morning I wake up and first thing out of bed I chug a big glass of water to get things stirred up. As soon I take my first sip of coffee 10 min after that, away she goes!
It isn't a laxative that makes your bowel spasm and go nuts. It transports water to the bowel for a softer stool. It's absolutely tasteless so that is nice.
Maybe a bit gentler on you than going for the gusto with some laxatives.
Take care and happy healing!
Charlotte...I'm sending my poo fairy thoughts to you....look out!!!

And Charlotte...have a happy POO!!!!! (pain free and stinky!)

Misty (aka 'the poo fairy')
I recommend dry fruit like raisins and dates. Maybe even oatmeal. Those always make me go!!! Plenty of water too.
Any news on the constipation front?? I hope you've gone by now :)
I saw your post from afew days ago. I hope you have been able to pass stool by now. I have a colostomy too and constipation for me is unusual but it happens. I understand that you just had surgery though so take it easy on my advice. When I am constipated the thing that helps me pass stool is drinking a hot liquid like tea or broth then I lay on my side and do leg lifts. Sometimes I don't even do the leg lift part, I just lay on my one side for a while and then I lay on the other side. Usually something will give. I only had to take a laxative 2 xs in 16 years. Let me know how it's going okay?
Heya guys! I took some laxatives, the syrup kind, and a few hours later I had completely filled a bag in about 3 mins and 3 more bags haha. I haven't pooped again since tho I'm a little worried my bowel is being really slow. Also, I noticed my stoma changed colour since yesterday, it was a bright red yesterday now it's more pinky and lighter. My skin has also slightly pulled away from the stoma. The nurse told me to keep applying stomahesive powder on it. Any other tips for this prob?
I also went to the gp yesterday and she told me my staples were infected (which I have thought for a week but the silly nurse at hospital said nah it's normal, and stuck a crappy bandage on) so that may have accounted for so much pain the other day too. Im now on antibiotics phew. Oh and I had my first embarrassing fart moment yesterday! The nurse was changing my dressings and when I lie down my stoma tends to ... Sing a lot.. Hahah. So.. She got quite an earful of my stomas operatics haha :p she was such a good nurse though ! She told me she had just had surgery a couple months ago too so that really changed her view on doing bandages etc. She was so gentle. Such a releif from some other nurses ! Eepp.

Don't worry about the colour change, mine does that all the time. When Oscar's busy doing his thing, he's very dark red, and when he's just hanging out chillin' he's a light pink. Also, don't worry about little action today, I find that if I have a very heavy output day, I often have very little, to no output the next day. As long as you're still having gas, I wouldn't worry :)

Sorry to hear about the infection, I didn't have that, but I was lucky and got a blood infection from my IV...let me tell you, that was not a joy to get rid of!! But yes, that would account for your pain I would imagine.

Glad you're not having too many problems...hope you continue to do well :)
Thanks Cindy :) oh god a blood Infection doesn't sound fun at all :( poor thing! I know I shouldn't stress about the poop but I am so used to going 15 times a day that it is sooo wierd to get used to pooing once or less a day! Lol :) it's good tho! Less to clean :)

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