Help!!! losing weight

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Feb 17, 2012
I know you will experience weight lose with crohns, but this is out of control. I weighed 125 before my diagnosis. Today I weigh 97, last week I weighed. 106 that is 9 lbs in a week. At this rate I am going to fade away. Has anyone else experienced this?:frown:
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yes I'm having the same problem at the moment, due to total lack of appetite which has been going on since about last December, have lost about 25kg this year....not sure what the answer is, it's surprisingly hard to make yourself eat when you dont feel like it, who knew?! Wish I had some good advice for you:frown:
I started this adventure at 132 on april 30, 2012. When admitted to hospital on may 2, 2012 i was 87 pounds. I can only try to force myself to eat and i also supplement with ensure plus when i can work up to getting it down. I have kinda stabilized at 93-95 pounds. Then manage to hit 99 one week back to 92 the next. It too shall pass. - hugs-
I was diagnosed with CD this past feb. 5"2' and 118 lbs. by april i was down to 88 lbs and was put on NG feeds in the hospital 24/7. I refused to learn to drop the tube myself or to take it home, so i was given 1.5 week to prove that i could gain the weight and MAINTAIN. left the hospital at 94 lbs. on Carnation Instant Breakfast Shakes. 1.5 weeks later at my next GI followthrough I was 105. that's a significant weight gain for a week and a half. I did have to take in about 8-10 shakes a day plus 3 fairly decent meals. Although I'm still on the shakes, i've leveled out at about 101 lbs, and i only need to do 3 shakes a day! They really helped me and after you get past the initial couple shakes they're not totally awful! I mix them with lactaid milk because I'm lactose intolerant, but however you can get them in, they really do help put the weight back on! I prefer the rich milk chocolate. Hope this helps! Good Luck!:)