Help trigeminal neuralgia with crohns flare up

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 24, 2016
Having had lived with crohns flare ups for the last 6 years I thought I had been to hell and back.......only to find I was wrong, this is hell, been suffering from trigeminal neuralgia for weeks up to 10 bouts a day, feel like the whole left side of my body is dying, frequent crohns flare ups and this head and face electric shock stabbing is ruining my life, my husband has gave up on me, worst than that I have gave up on me and just need out, you wouldn't make an animal live like this and to top it all off other people think I am just being lazy, omg how sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I am sorry for all that you are going through. This is a great support group. Don't hesitate to come in here and share it vent anytime. Hopefully,your doctor will be able to come up with the right mixture of medicines to get your disease under control. Let us know how you are doing.
Sorry to see this Laura - has your doctor been able to prescribe you anything to help with the pains? I just did a quick search and it sounds much worse than the nerve pain my husband is still having after a bout of shingles a few months ago.

Please do feel free to come on here and vent/talk/ask questions etc. You will find a LOT of caring people, some who may have similar experiences and hopefully some extra support and information on possible treatment options.
Hi and welcome, it is hard to deal with several health issues at once. I know, because I am dealing with Crohns and a problem with my muscles,the latter caused me severe pain. I have been on Steroids for some time and this has calmed down. So, discuss your difficulties and how you feel with your doctor and ask questions. Pain can throw you side aways, but there is relief so do not give up! It is a matter of the doctor finding the right meds that suit you.
Take one day at a time and do not worry. Find an interest which you enjoy as it is very therapeutic. For me, that is photography and Art. I love creating a painting. Do use this forum as sharing with others who understand will help you. Let us know how you are doing?
My father has Trigeminal Neuralgia. It is horribly debilitating. are you on any meds for it? Seen a neurologist? My dad is on carbamazepine. It helps him but he has to take it every day, if he forgets it will flare again. There are a couple other meds that help, mostly anti-seizure drugs. There are also surgical options such as the gamma knife, but success rates are fairly low(reoccurrence high). If you opt for surgical got to a top notch facility who do these surgeries daily(not sure where you live but Mayo clinic is one). I'm sorry you are going through this. After seeing the pain my dad has endured it wretches my heart that anyone has to experience this. It is a 20 on the pain scale