Hemorrhoid removal surgery..anyone?

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Jan 24, 2014
Has anyone had hemorrhoid removal surgery? If so, what was your recovery like? I have been reading online some absolute HORROR stories about how painful it is and how long the recovery time is. This is something I was considering having done, and now I'm not so sure. I was thinking seeing as I have a temporary ileostomy that it might be nice and convenient to have it done while I have it (seeing as I wouldn't have any BM, and would make recovery a little quicker and less painful), but now I'm not so sure! Any thoughts?
Hubby had his removed in 2007 along with a perianal fistula his CRS did both and his recovery was good with his hemorrhoid but his fistula that was another story. Lot's of sitz bath helped too.
I've had hemorrhoid removal surgery. Just when I was starting to feel better, I decided to do this surgery. Everything went downhill from here. My inflammation worsened. Surgeons I've seen after this have told me that Crohn's patients should never have hemorrhoid removal surgery. Fast forward a year later, I'm scheduled to have my colon, rectum, and anus removed in a week.

Not to scare you, every case is different. I hope it goes well for you.
Oh geeze, that's awful Micah! Did the surgeons say why crohns patients shouldn't have them removed? I don't have anything scheduled, it was just something I was considering.
This is what I have been told as well. It makes sense.

My Father-in-law, with Crohn's, had his hemorrhoids removed after his resection. They used the rubber band technique. No complications for him.

Shows how it is different for everyone. Sorry to hear about your case, but I am glad to know what the range of possibility. It is knowing what can happen where we can learn from each other.


I've had hemorrhoid removal surgery. Just when I was starting to feel better, I decided to do this surgery. Everything went downhill from here. My inflammation worsened. Surgeons I've seen after this have told me that Crohn's patients should never have hemorrhoid removal surgery. Fast forward a year later, I'm scheduled to have my colon, rectum, and anus removed in a week.

Not to scare you, every case is different. I hope it goes well for you.
Years ago I had the rubberband type with no problems, but then again, I was a healthy girl at the time.

How is everything else going for you, since your surgery?
They said the build up of scar tissue worsens the area and causes the passage to get narrower along with the inflammation. I'm not sure what the rubberband method is. Maybe that will work for you.
From wikipeda's rubber band ligation: "With rubber band ligation, a small band is applied to the base of the hemorrhoid, stopping the blood supply to the hemorrhoidal mass. The hemorrhoid will shrink and die within a few days with shriveled hemorrhoidal tissue and band will falling off during normal bowel movements - likely without the patient noticing."

They said the build up of scar tissue worsens the area and causes the passage to get narrower along with the inflammation. I'm not sure what the rubberband method is. Maybe that will work for you.
I had some cauterized in Europe. No pain, no issues. A few days of suppositories that had a gauze bandage attached like a string. But it was great, never any problems now, very little scarring.
Thanks everyone. I just saw my surgeon today (about having my ileostomy reversed) and asked him about the hemmoroid situation. He mentioned it may be better to leave them alone as it can flare up the crohns and cause fistulas etc. sounds exactly like what some of you mentioned. Said we could revisit the situation after my next surgery. But to be honest, it sounds better to just leave them alone. Could the rubberband method have the same effect do you think (as in, causing potential problems?). I didn't think to ask him about that.. Looks like the ol' hemmorhoids might be here to stay. Argh!

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