Here I go again!

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Jan 21, 2010
Hi Everyone
hope you're all doing ok?

I've been off work all week, started with a cold, then aching all over, blah, blah, blah, lots of rest and watching telly. Then.........
Bam, tons of diarrhea! I knew summit was brewing, you can just tell, can't you?
But, the weirdest thing is, I have no abdo pains at all! Just horrific D!
Oh, and ring sting!!
Went to the GP today, and he started me on 9mg Entocort, no ifs, no buts!
And if I'm not better by Monday, he's signing me off. He's insisting that I rest, rest, and then some!
Remission? If it looks too good to be true, it probably is!!
I did think the gastro was talking out of the top of his hat!
So, here I go again!
Ta ra for now
Poor Joan, it seems like just as soon as you get off the steroids you're suddenly right back on them again! I hope the Entocort does the trick. Get some rest and I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks Jo and Cat

It's not the answer tho is it? Can't keep going on steroids all the time. Something is progressing here, so I'm phoning gastro dept on Monday and asking for a scope, not had one for 5 years.
Then I'm gonna scream for the Humira, whether The Big Burly Scot likes it or not!
I'm sure if I bat my eyelashes enough to Dr. Bassi, he'll overide ^ him!!
God, you have to laugh, dont ya!
What's the value of a week if not measured in fights with Scotsmen?

Joan, I so hope that you find answers and solutions really soon.
Joan, I hope you're able to argue/charm your way into a scope quickly so they can figure out why you keep flaring up lately. Let us know how it goes!

Kelly, I laughed at your comment! I'm tempted to go find a Scotsman to fight with! :D
:( I hope that they get you on the right meds. Not just for them to tell you your in remission, but to actually let you feel like your in remission. I hope it works out well on Monday.
Sorry to hear this Joan :-( I think a scope is a good idea. Hope it gets approved quickly! And hey, at least it's Entocort and not the dreaded Pred, right? Hope you start feeling better soon!
Thanks Jenn, you're so sweet as a nut!

Yes, LMFAO @ you Kelly, thanks!

Do hope I see the BBS, and shove summit sharp up his kilt! Then throw him your way Cat!
Thanks Marisa!

Yes, I suppose I have to be thankful for no Pred! But a steroid is a steroid is a steroid!
Hey, I sincerely hope your remission lasts longer than mine hun!
Take it easy
aw :( sorry to hear you've got the trots again :( put the loo roll in the fridge - and do as the man says - rest!! xx
Hi Astra 101, I hope you feel better soon! My GI usually pairs entocourt with Cipro! He swears by this combo! I was on that mix for quite a while and it helped. Entocourt is nothing like prednisone so dont worry about all those nasty side effects!

Rest up! Hope you feel better soon! :)
Ah Joan, sorry to hear you're giving the docs a run for their money...hehe. ;)
All kidding aside, feel better soon...the Entocort should help
and let us know about the scope.

BUT above all REST REST REST!!!!!

Healing Hugs~Nancy :rosette2:
Joan, think positive...youve been doing so have to keep your head up, and yes lots of fluids and rest. There is some NASTY stuff going around right now, my whole family has had it and many others I know have been sick with a really bad cold and gi stuff. Hang in there....I pray for no pain and the nasty D to stop. Big hugs~ Keep your head up!!
Hi Joan
I really am so sorry to hear this. You are always so supportive of everyone else.
I was going to wish you luck with the BBS but actually i think i should wish him luck.Picking a fight with you is just nuts!! Good luck and keep us posted!
Marie x
Hope things improve for you, you fit the criteria for anti tnf so no reason why you shouldn't get it...take along ecco guidelines and show them. Moderate to severe crohn's which has failed on other measures or intolerant to other immunosuppressants...thats you.
Thank you so much, you all never fail to cheer me up!

You know the worst thing?
My bum hurts soooooooooo much! Is this cos of the D or the hemmie? I've looked in the mirror and it's very swollen, been using Calmoseptine, Prep H, Germoloids and Hydrocortisone cream, nothing is helping, really hurts to sit down for long periods.
Only had a bit of bright red blood on TP.
Also, is it usual to have no abdo pains but severe D when you're flaring? I must be inflamed somewhere, maybe it's up my bum? My tum feels fine when I press?
I need to get to gastro asap on Monday to get it checked.
Everyone have a good weekend!
Joan, sorry I missed this yesterday!! I hope you get it in check quickly! I'd ask if you needed help with the Calmo...but some may take it the wrong way:). Seriously, get better soon!!
I am so sorry you're not feeling well, Joan. I'll be thinking of you and please keep us posted.
yeah, sorry you aren't feeling well. you always seem so upbeat and positive on the boards! I hope you can find some relief:)
Hey Joan! I hope you get to feeling better soon. I hate when my arse hurts so bad you can't get comfy on the couch!! Hopefully the steroids will help you get to feeling better quickly!
Hope your feeling better soon, take care and I wish you look with the docs on Monday, but maybe they should be the ones needing the good luck from reading above. LOL!!!

Thank you so much, you all never fail to cheer me up!

You know the worst thing?
My bum hurts soooooooooo much! Is this cos of the D or the hemmie? I've looked in the mirror and it's very swollen, been using Calmoseptine, Prep H, Germoloids and Hydrocortisone cream, nothing is helping, really hurts to sit down for long periods.
Only had a bit of bright red blood on TP.
Also, is it usual to have no abdo pains but severe D when you're flaring? I must be inflamed somewhere, maybe it's up my bum? My tum feels fine when I press?
I need to get to gastro asap on Monday to get it checked.
Everyone have a good weekend!

Hi Astra

Re your post - is it usual to have no abdo pains but severe D when flaring -
i always found that abdo pain only took a grip on me approx 18-24 months before resection and slowly got worse until it was horrific pain.Not that any Dr's beleived me!
The battle with the dreaded D was always a real problem before gut pain.
Not once in all the years i suffered did 'feeling my tum' give any indication of what was really going on.Every Dr insisted it was fine - my CD history suggests it wasn't!
I hope you find remission ASAP

e13 boy Serovera AMP Loperamide(due to short bowel)
21 yrs of CD 9 ops
Failed meds Steroids,Aza,6mp,Pentasa
Assume the position Joan and I'm sure the BBS will give you anything your heart desires!

Look after yourself mate and I hope more than anything all settles down soon for you. Sending loads of love and hugs your way....................................................


Thinking of you, :)
Oh, no Joan! I am so sorry to hear this!

Is it possible it's just a stomach bug?????? There's lots of that going around on this side of the pond.

Best to get a scope and check it out! Good luck with the BBS. Hopefully you can get the Humira and it will work for you, get you into and KEEP you into remission.

Sending big hugs your way - xo - Amy
Thank you everyone, I appreciate it.

Hi Amy,
I've thought about it being a bug, Bev mentioned it too, but I'm not vomiting, feel a bit nauseous at times, but usually if I've picked a bug up, such as the norovirus, there is always vomiting, fever and general malaise. As well as diarrhea. This usually clears up in 2-3 days.
But I've had this D for over a week now, and my bum needs a break!
Just gotta wait til the Entocort kicks in! It could be worse, I could be in hospital again!

Hey Dusty!
The position? You don't mean the one where I lie down with my arse in the air, do you?
Not doing that again!
Oh Joan! I am so sorry to hear that you are ill again. What a rubbish start to the new year and I was so hoping it would be a good one for everyone. I sure hope that the Entocort kicks in v quickly
And get that GI organised and bumcam organised!
I do hope you're feeling brighter soon
Wondering how you were getting on with your entocort and if you had managed to get an appointment with your gastroenterologist to discuss having biologics.
Hope you are feeling better and not having to assume the position or study the grout in your bathroom ! :)
Aw girls, you don't know the half of it! I can't ever put myself in that 'position' again!
If I do, then someone might park their bike in there!

I went to the GP today and told him about the pain in my bum, and this time I asked if he wanted to see my arse first or palpate my tum!
He had a look and said he couldn't see any abcess, fissure or fistula or anything really only slight swelling and then said...
'Over use'!!
What? No **** Sherlock!
Anyway, I'm feeling really well on the Entocort and even had a solid poo today!
Tapering down to 6mg tomorrow.
"Over use!!!" Bwahahahaaa!!! :rof:

Sorry Joan...that just struck me as so funny....imagine a doc
saying that to a Crohnie!!

Glad you had a decent poo! :)
well, they say too much of anything is bad for you - i guess you'll have to attend some sort of pooping cessation course, see if you can cut down a bit.....

LOL!!! Park a bike in there you say? Thats hillarious!

Darn doc, if he told me the reason for my sore bum is over use I would have burst out laughing in his face.
Would've been even better if you'd have actually said 'no **** Sherlock ' ! If only that had been the case!
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I actually said 'You're having a laugh aren't ya?'
Then we both burst out laughing!

And I've still got a sore bum! But, hey, could be worse!
Sorry to here your still sore have you ever tried sqatting down in the shower and just letting the warm water run there for a good ten fifteen min. it does wonders for me. you just need to make sure your shower handle comes down.

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