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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 1, 2011
South Africa
I'm newly diagnosed with CD and I'm soooooo excited to learn from all of you. Thought that I could do this all by myself, but I realised that I have to talk to someone that know what I'm going through.
Hi Sue,

Welcome to the Forum. Feel free to ask your questions, there are a lot of knowledgable and supportive people on here. If there are any things in particular that you are interested in, then the search feature is very helpful.

:welcome: Sue! You have come to a place where questions, answers , support and knowledge of the disease is all here. Depending on what country you are from, those people in your area can give you even better advice for Gi's and meds. You don't have to go this disease disease alone, we are here to help. Glad you are here!
Welcome, Sue! Yup, we are all in the same boat here! You can fire away with questions or share concerns and know you are among friends! Happy you found us!
Hi Sue and Welcome!

So, what's your story? We all have the same disease but all of our stories are so different! We'd love to hear yours if you want to share.

You will learn TONS here - more than from any doctor! My husband is probably tired of hearing me say, "Well, on the forum I learned that...." !!!

Thank you all for the warm welcome!!!!

I'm 28 years and always had a 'sensitive stomach'. If there's a stomach bug I will get it.
From last year June till December I had diarrhea 6 times and each time it lasted about 6-7 days. So my Gp thought it will be wise to let me go for colonoscopy and the histology and RT scan showed that it is indead Crohn's that was causing this trouble all this time. I also had very bad sores in my mouth last year and Dr says it could have been signs of Crohn's. I'm very happy that I was diagnosed early, before there was major damage to my colon or ileum. I'm on Prednisone 10mg dly and Pentasa 1g 3x/day and all the supplements and probiotic. I try my best to follow the correct eating plan, but I crave all the wrong things.
At this time I don't have servere abdominal pains, only a weird sensation in my rigth lower abdomen. and these tiredness is not nice.
Again, reading all of your stories made me realise that it's going guite well with me.

-Sue M
Hi Sue

You will find plenty of help on this forum.
Crohn's can cause a patient to have various problems which will only go away once CD is in remission.
The mouth sores you speak of could be aphthous ulcers which some patients will develop due to active CD.
I had chronic erythema nodosum(inflammed patchy rashes) for 20 years on my legs due to active CD.This was always a 'mirror image' of how active the crohn's was.One Dr i was under asked my permission to take photos of it.He told me approx 15-20% of patients had problems like this.
When i finally gained complete remission the erythema nodosum faded & healed (took approx 3-4 months).

Best Wishes
Hi Sue,
This is definately an amazing group of supportive people! Welcome to the forum.
Hi Sue
and welcome

Good to hear about your quick diagnosis!
Hope you find some comfort with us, we'll look after you!
Lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Dropping by to say hello and welcome to the forum. There's a lot of great info and great people here. Enjoy your time on CF!:)

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