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Sep 30, 2012
I was in the seventh grade when I started to have extreme fatigue, nausea, and weight loss. I could barely focus on school, eat, or get out of bed without being in pain. Friends and teachers commented on the declining health and asked what was going on. I was even called anorexic, bulimic, bag of bones, skeleton,etc. :cry:

Instead of going to the doctor, my mom, who was in a state of denial, gave me home remedies she learned in Haiti before moving to America. Those obviously didn't work. :/

One day, I was getting ready to go to school but couldn't get out of bed. My mom went to work and hoped I would feel better. The school bus was almost here and I still couldn't move because of the pain. My brother asked if I was going to school, I just groaned and shooed him away. My mom called the house about 5 times to see if I was at home. Unfortunately I was still in the room that's the farthest from the living room. My sister came over to see if I was okay and found me in the bathroom throwing up.

After consulting a doctor, I was sent to the emergency room. An MRI, CT scan, X-ray, ultra sound was done and I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in October 2006. I also needed to have an ileum resection ASAP.

That was six years ago. Even after going through different medication (Antibiotics, vitamin supplements, Pentasa, Prednisone) and have a wonderful doctor and nurses, I've never been in remission.

Crohn's has made my life a living hell. I've failed three classes in high school because I was at home and was behind on work. I was an honor student, getting a C would make my upset. So, failing three classes drove me crazy. I was almost suspended from school because of this. I was forced to leave the college I was going to because of horrible flares and move back home. :cry:

I also have anxiety,depression, trichotillomania, and extra intestinal manifestations. It's like an autoimmune party in my body right now.

I've been on Humira for nine months and have an MRI coming up. Hopefully it works.
Hi and welcome to the forum! :D

Have you noticed any improvement with the Humira at all? Did you feel any better after your resection? Let us know the results of your MRI when you get them.

Anxiety and depression are unfortunately common with IBD. :( Have you had your vitamin levels tested to see if you're low or deficient in any (some can actually cause depression if you're low)? Common ones to test are iron, B12, Vit A, C, D, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, and zinc (I know I'm forgetting something).

My sister (who also has Crohn's) also suffers from trichotillomania so I at least know what it is and have seen how badly it can affect people. Are you seeking any psychiatric treatment at all or a psychologist? I know it helps with the depression and anxiety (I've gone for my panic disorder) and I'm sure it could help with the trichotillomania as well (my sister used to go to a support group). Have you looked for any support groups in your area?

Hope you can find a treatment plan that works for you so you can start eliminating all this stress you're going through. :)
Hi Rolanda and welcome :)

:( That's terrible that you've never been in remission. Ugh.

What extraintestinal manifestations do you have?

I agree with Crabby about the vitamins and minerals. Of all those she mentioned, specifically, have you had your vitamin B12 level tested? If so, when and what was it?

I wish you well.
Hi Rolanda, welcome to the community.

Sorry to hear that nothing has seemed to work so far. From what i understand, the ressection didn't place you into remission?

I have a somewhat similar story to yours: I was diagnosed with severe Crohns in 2010 and had to take my freshman year of college off due to my poor state of health. I too was depressed and had deep anxiety.

Medication didn't seem to work for me for long. And i was forced to seek alternate routes (to the dislike of my doctors and family). I found a great pool of knowledge on the importance of diet. Since i have gone complete 80% raw vegan and am loving it as it has put me in remission!! and surprisingly quickly as my fistulas and abscesses retreated in quite a hurry.

I recommend you get a vitamin panel done. When you ask for a vitamin panel make sure you express to your doctor you want a full panel as they will only test you for a few. Depression and anxiety can be caused by yeast overgrowth as well by vitamins b12, b3 (niacin) and D deficiencies.

I know that with some help from your doctors and people on this forum you will be healthy again and be getting straight A's soon enough! Hang in there!
Thanks for the welcome!
I've had rheumatoid arthritis for years. When I told a nurse about the pain and swelling that I have almost every single day, it pushed off to the side by her. I told my doctor after being ignored and we hoped prednisone would help treat my arthritis and Crohn's. It only made things worse. I couldn't move without crying and was hospitalized in January because of the pain.

I had a vitamin panel done and it turns out I have vitamin D and iron deficiencies. I took supplements for vitamin D and my levels went back to normal but I'm still anemic. I'm still on iron supplements, it helps a little bit. I'm doing another panel on Wednesday or before/after my MRI.

I'm looking for a new psychologist for help. My old psychologist didn't help at all with helping me cope with having Crohn's, it was dismissed every time I brought it up. Her staff was a nightmare too.
Hello again Rolanda.

If you aren't already, try liquid iron supplements. They are more easily absorbed and not harsh on your stomach at all. The pills tore my stomach up when I took them. As for Vitamin D i think you should never settle for just a normal Vitamin level especially in D. In my opinion Vitamin D supplements are the biggest farce in the supplement world. Try to get out into the sun for at least 15 minutes a day and just soak up those rays and you will be getting all the vitamin D you need, and you will feel a big difference in mood I promise. Also please let us know how the Vitamin Panel and MRI goes on wednesday.

Have you looked into support groups? I know many people find support groups much more helpful than psychologists. Also invest in some Vitamin B3 supplements (Niacin). Niacin has been showed to greatly improve the mood of depressed patients, look it up:)!

Best of Luck


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