Hi im new

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Mar 21, 2016
Hello everybody. I'm new to the forum but I was told I had crohns July 2015. I have since had to have surgery to remove part of my bowel in September and i have also had to have my gall bladder out at the start of the month. Which was due to a really bad flare up. Has anybody else had the same?
In April of 2010, I had to have six centimeters of my intestines removed but I have not had to have my gall bladder removed.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2007 but only managed flares with prednisone and Entocort. Too much damage occurred over the years which caused narrowing of the colon from scar tissue. Feb 2016 I had 22cm of my colon removed (basically my whole splenic flexure). I have a temporary ileostomy which should get reversed in a couple of months. I haven't had any problems with my gallbladder. I've felt great since my surgery and hoping it will continue after my reversal. I will be going on a maintenance med like Imuran soon.
Welcome. There's definitely people in the same predicament as you. Stick around and you'll find them :)

What medications are you on?
Hi there, and welcome . It is not easy living with Crohns but I hope things improve for you. Wishing you well.