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Dec 12, 2011
Hi my names kia im mum to bailey whos 5 and i have another sone whos 2 ive found this forum by doing lots of research into crohn's diseas after spending the last year fighting for my son bailey to be looked at, heres basically how it started and why i think he may have crohn's

About a year ago bailey started having bad tummy pains he would cry and run to the toilet he would sit in tears but nothing would happen he would come away very upset with a tender tummy all of a sudden he would need to go right then and wouldnt always make it to the toilet i took him to the docs who did wee and stool samples and we waited they all came back ok and she shrugged it off as a virus we found that this kept happening he would complain of tummy aches allt he time mostly when eating sasyin he couldnt eat as his tummy urt we though he was maybe puttin it on so he didnt have to eat his dinner, but out of the blue the runny poos started again and this carried on like this he would wake some days and look so pale his eyes looked so dull he looked really ill i would say are u ok darling and his respone yeah just my tummy hurts a bit and he would sit quite he dosney seem to have gained any weight at all in the past year and this has carried on witht he tummy pains the crying etc, he had a bout of sickness and had tummy pains and i had taken him to see the doctor who admitted him to pospital think he had problems with his apendix test showed this wasnt the case the doc said he probs had tummy pains from being sick so much so i said ok and took him home, he started kerate lessons and we had to stop as he couldnt manage anything to do with it without havin to stop u would see him flinch in pain and grab his stomach, his class teacher pulled me aside and said bailey cant complete a full P.E lesson he has to sit down says his tummy hurts.

My friend has tried to say to me hes doing it for attention etc he just dnt wanna eat etc but how can a 5 year old keep this up for a year? surly thats not possible im really worried about him and ive finally got my doctor to do something he had blood tests in august which came back 'reasonable' ccording to the receptionist but the tummy pains and loose poos have continued so ive been back again to the g.p and she has finally re-booked the blood tests and he has been refered for a scan of his abdomen which is a week tomorrow.

is this all in my head or could he have crohns? im just not sure what to think im sorry my post is so long winded im just going out of my mind with worry and need to know whats going on with y little boy x
Hey there sorry for Bailey's troubles. I'd say that the blood tests and stool samples can only do so much and you need to see a GI doc instead. A lot of people see nothing abnormal in the blood and stool sample tests, as in me, and was diagnosed by colonoscopy. Best of luck with figuring out what's going on.
Hi Kia, being a mum of 2 and having had Crohn's for 20 years, all I would say is trust your motherly instincts and most of all fight. Doctors are not Gods, they are humans and can get things wrong. See your GP and ask strongly for a GI referral. If your GP refuses, move to another surgery. Crohn's in children has to be helped as quick as possible. Your son would like to feel better but he relies on mum to help him. You are not going crazy, he seems like he has some bowel condition. I wish you all the luck and hope you get some solution.
Hi Kia and welcome! I am so sorry that Bailey is feeling so unwell. Constipation, urgency, and runny stools are symptoms of Crohn's, but there could be another cause as well. Regardless, you are doing the right thing in investigating his symptoms further.

To really rule out or confirm Crohn's, Bailey will probably need to do more invasive testing such as a colonoscopy and/or endoscopy, as crazycanuck mentioned. These tests are the best way to truly see what's going on in your son's GI tract and biospies can be telling.

Good luck and keep fighting!!
Hi Kia, definitely persist in getting Bailey seen by a GI doc. Normal urine and stool samples only confirm that he hasn't got a tummy bug. As you say, no way could a five year old continue 'pretending' to have a poorly tummy for such a long time and as far as I am aware you cannot fake runny poop. Even if it's not crohn's it could be pointing perhaps to a a food intolerance like coeliac disease. I agree with spanish lady, if you GP refuses to tkae this any further go to another doc until one of them takes you seriously. Please keep us informed on how you get on.
thank you all so much for ur replies we had thought it was a milk intolerence at first as he seemed to get better after not drinking milk for a short time but since then he has become unwell again even with milk not in his diet so im not sure its that anymore if they dnt find any reason on the scan next week im gonna bring up the subject of crohns and ask that he be tested for it and other conditions like it we have just recently moved gp as our other one use to make me feel like i was a paranoid mother and kept saying he would 'grow out of it' but u can see in his face hes in pain and dosent feel wel :( just wish there was more i could do to help him
im not sure he has tbh he had a real lot of blood work in august and it all came back ok and the new tests are something to do with allergies i wont find out till i get there on wednesday next week,