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hi there new member

hello there i'm/we're new here tonight and glad to have found you. dont kow why and i did'nt look before.
i have a few questions........here goes

i am on infliximab/remicade and have been for 8 months and find it really has sorted me out, but and its a big but i have fallen pregnant (unplanned) and am very confused/scared about what my specialist/gp and now gynocologist says, they are all really making a point that this is not a good move, saying loads of pesamistic things talking about possibilities of aborting.

is there anyone out there who is in the same position or been in my position, any info gratefully welcome

p.s. am i posting in the right place???

thanks folks i look forward to getting as much out of this as possible:thumright: :thumright: :biggrin:
Hi Suzi, I posted you a message for your other post but will comment here too. I was supposed to be starting Infliximab and Methotrexate but because my husband and I may want more children we were advised that I should go back on Azathioprine for the time being and wait for the new drug thats similar to Infliximab (can't remember the name) The reason we were advised this is because Methotrexate, definately can cause real deformities and problems with unborn babies and its advised to not have it if you intend on having more children. As far as Infliximab goes my GI said they are still unsure what damage it can do. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Maybe if you stop the treatment asap things may be ok. Termination is a sensitive subject but sometimes it is for the best and if thats what you have to do, don't feel guilty about it. I really hope things work out the way you want. If you want to chat further feel free to PM me.

thanks for the message, much appreciated but unfortunately can't come off the infliximab as its the only thing that keeps me stable and even if i could come off it specialist says it takes 90 days to come out the system so the damage has been done so to speak, please take care speak to you soon bye,...........love suzi
hi there hope you well. I have been advised to have a termination due to the lack of evidence with the infliximab which is for the best. please take care suzi