
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 5, 2010
Hello my 15 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with crones disease and i thought it would be a great benefit to join this forum i was reading what types of foods are a no no which will help my daughter greatly she still has to go and see a pediatric dr out of town because of her age but i find this forum to be more insiteful that anything elts i can find of the web. I am sorry that you all have to deal with this everyday but thank you for sharing your stories and the kinds of foods that help or hinder the disease. I will eventually have my daughter become a member but right now she is a little freaked out with all of this.
Welcome to the forum, you are such a great concering parent, and everyone is welcome here to gather information, little of it has low awareness, but we are working on it.

I am so sorry your daughter is going through this pain and scary time for her. I had my symptoms at that age but didnt have a major flare til I was 32.

Most foods to avoid, are dairy, wheat, corn (even cornflakes) and if she is not feeling like eating, or not enough, she should supplement with Ensure or Boost, what ever she can get down and the more calories the better. Steamed veggies are ok, raw or salads could cause her pain or if she is narrowing....get stuck.

Your daughter has every right to be scared, but we are all here to help here with her fears and it could help to calm them by others sharing thier insight on their disease. What kind of meds is she on and how bad is her symptoms? Take care, hugs to you both!!!
Welcome. I realize that this is a difficult situation to be in, especially for your daughter, however, it is great that they diagnosed it at such an early age. I was misdiagnosed and pegged as lactose intolerant. They didn't realize I had Crohn's until I was under the knife. I am glad your daughter has such a supporting parent. keep us posted!
:welcome: Timmie....This a great place for information and support. I'm glad you joined.
Welcome Timmie! Please let us know if there are any specific questions that you have that we could help you with. I know it much be difficult to see your child with this disease - but hopefully she can learn to cope with it well enough! Diet is an important piece of the puzzle - but so is stress and her environment - it all plays a role. She may need to learn coping mechanisms for when she is stressed or knows when a stressful time is coming (like mid terms etc). This will help her help herself. Glad you have joined us - and we'd love for her to join at some point when she is ready. We all know it can take some time to process the news.
Welcome! It is a lot at 15! I was 16 when I got diagnosed (31 now). You have found a great community here.
Hi Timmie. Give your little girl a hug form all of us. I always hate the worse of hearing of the kids that are DX with CD. It can be so hard on thier nuturing years.

What meds is she on at this time. If they have her on Prednisone, I can't push the fact enough that she will need to take lots of Calcium suppliments.

Thank-you for being a great parent and for being willing to search for answers about this monster.
Thank you

We only have a powder called cholestyramine right now which we are experimenting on the dose because a full packet bunged her up so we have tried a quarter of the packet to see how that goes. we need to see the pediatrician in vancouver they said we would be in to see him before the end of january but i think she needs something for pain she has been in pain all last night and today today so i am calling the specialist in town tomorrow to see if she will need something to help we have started diarizing foods that she eats but right now its everything she eats it seems i am also wondering if fresh juice with fruit and veggies would be ok from a juicer. does the ensures or boost have dairy in them? we are trying to eliminate the problem foods but its hard to start.
Welcome Timmie :) I hope your girl gets some relief soon. And she is very welcome to come here when she starts to get her head around the whole Crohn's thing!

Hello guys.
My name is J.D. and I am new here. Wish you all a happy and joyful and healthy 2010. It will be great for me to be here with all you health carrying and ready to help people. My hobbies are singing, watching science-fiction and comedy movies. Collecting and listening all types of famous audio songs is what I like the most. Hope to enjoy my stay with all you guys. Thanks in advance.
Hello timmie...and hello nameslot.

To timmie I started the diagnoses process at 15 and was diagnosed at 16 years old. I'm 18 now. It will be very hard for her at first and for that I'm very sorry but its not impossible. High school kids and teachers can be brutal and I will encourage you and her to tell all of her teachers and admin staff at her school.....this helped me A LOT! Right at the begining I used to make bathroom lots atleast twice from each class and sometimes would have to run before getting a teacher's permission. I had a teacher question me infront of the class why which I will say is the most humilating thing when its definately not something I wanted the whole class to know. After telling all my teachers they were great and were always understanding which helps reduce stress which helped me feel better.

Please tell her not to be scared and if your doing a lot of research on the web please do not think Crohn's=surgery or Crohn's=lifelong depression. I was very embarassed at first because what high schooler wants to be in a bathroom right? Well it took me two years to find the best way to look at this disease and I found it on here. Should an asthmatic be embarrased about using a puffer? Well no. So why should we be embarassed about using a bathroom right? It helps me to think about it that way but its easier said than done at that age. You can tell your daughter to google people with Crohn's too, its amazing how many people have it and can do whatever they want in life. Now that she has it you'll hear about it so much more and realize truely how many people have it or know somebody who does. God there is 8000! people on here who do....8000!

As for food advice for now try to stay away from seeds, popcorn, and skins. Skins are non-digestable for even regular people so don't put the extra stress on hers. Popcorn and seeds can be stuck or have a hardtime moving through inflammed areas and because she was just diagnosed I'd bet she has quite a lot right now.

All in all best of luck and tell her she'll be able to do anything any normal people can do...it just takes time. And good luck to you too I know my parents have gone through a lot watching and helping me too.


I was diagnosed with Crohn's/Ulcerative Colits as a college student. I know how hard it is to have to go to the bathroom and to get up infront of the class to go. Have your daughter request to be sat closest to the door in class and have her talk to her teachers. She doesn't have to tell them everything but being open and honest about having this disease really helps you out in the long run. If you let people know you have it they'll understand.

As for food, I was devastated to find out that my body couldn't digest lettuce. Salad was a daily lunch for me but when i was diagnosed it made my condition worse. HOWEVER!!!! Romaine lettuce is easier on crohn's and ulcerative colits patients. I was on a Low residue diet that really made my stomach feel better. Just go to Google and look up "low residue diets" and it'll show up.

Every person is different so what i can eat she may not be able to. Just have her try things a little at a time.

I hope that this helps.
timmie29 said:
i am also wondering if fresh juice with fruit and veggies would be ok from a juicer. does the ensures or boost have dairy in them? we are trying to eliminate the problem foods but its hard to start.

I would stick with 100% Apple or 100% Grape Juice personally. Ensure does not contain any lactose. As others said I would look at a low residue diet.
thanks everyone this is all very helpful we just got a prescrip for entocort 3mg with budesonide 3mg that she is to take 3 times a day any one ever take it?quite expensive stuff hope it works we are also going to try the ensures I will look for the grape juice but she has never been able to do apple juice
I can't do anything apple either Timmie - I think it is the pectin. I actually have a hard time with just about any fruit which is a bummer :(

I have done entocort. Basically it is like taking prednisone (steroids) but it is more topical to the bowel rather than systemic- so you don't get all those nasty side effects that you tend to get with prednisone. Being that she is so young and this is a life long disease - it is good to see if this will work for her to save the prednisone for when she really needs it. You don't want to do too many tapers of steroids over your lifetime if you can help it.\

I feel like I have taken the budesonide as well - but honestly - it has been a while. I'm getting a copy of the last 13 years of medical records next week so I can rebuild my drug history. Might be good to keep a diary of the drugs she has taken and the doses and dates for future reference. It sort of all runs together after the years go by.

Hope the meds work well for her!
Yes, I have been on Entocort a couple of times, the first time for 7 years, and took the 3 pills a day for many years. It is a mild to moderate stage drug, and yes it is expensive. I heard if you are in the states you get get generic and costs alot less, not sure.

Pentasa or Entocort is usually the best start for the initial dx because I am sure they want to treat her Crohns with the most less invasive of drugs. Little side effects from it. Ensures, or clear fruit juices are great when she is in a flare, gives her bowels a rest and heals better. Did the Gi mention anything about vitamins? Ensure will help alot and get the one with higher protein or calories, to keep her strength up. Let us know how she is doing. Fingers crossed for you both!
Just wanted to welcome you! I'm also new to the forum, but you have come to a great place. These people are wonderful and much better of a resource than you will ever find on any other medical information site. :)

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