High school, eek!

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Sep 7, 2011
Hi, not crohns related this time. That's my boy starting high school today, he may be one of the smallest but he is soooo ready and looking forward to it, probably be me who's more anxious today 😳 time flies. Xxxx
Wow, time does fly. My daughter starts high school next week! They don't start till next Wednesday. Hope he enjoys himself :)
I was just thinking yesterday how strange it will be for me to say both my kids are in high school. They grow up WAY too fast.
The time does fly! I have one graduating from high school this year (not my Crohn's kid). You guys go back so early! When did you start your summer hol's?
Time flies so fast! I hope he has a great year!

C started his senior year a week ago! And my oldest is in college, she changed majors so she's now almost a year off plus she decided on a dual major. Seems like yesterday she was getting ready for 9th grade and C for 6th.
Now that I think about it. Oldest going for his second career. I guess he does not want to start working yet. Daughter Dx when she was a freshmen and she starts college in 2 weeks, youngest going to be a high sophomore. Now I feel old.
Jack had one more week, he is going back to his public high school for 10th grade instead of the private school he went to last year and is really excited to be with all his friends he has known since kindergarten, just had registration today. I actually work at the high school in the counseling office so I think it will work well all around
araceli, my oldest would attend college forever if allowed! That has been her struggle with majors, she is in love with the idea of learning and so if it piques her interest she is all in. Finally, we got her to settle on two...whew!
My son, my crohn's kid, will be a freshman starting Monday!! I am so nervous for him, he's of course going to probably be one of the smallest in his class and I just hope he doesn't get picked on for it. He's doing the marching band at his HS, he didn't want to but I kinda made him, they had band camp earlier this month and got to meet some upperclassman and made friends with them which I hope will help him out the first week of school. My son is due for his remicade infusion the 2nd week of school so I just hope and pray he doesn't start flaring from the stress of starting school and have to miss school right when it starts.
Thanks, Good luck to J's first week too. N's appointment is on the 4th, is this going to be 8 weeks out for J too?
yes and probably same worry as you that the stress of school is going to push him over the edge but I'm hoping for the best.
My crohns boy starts high school next week too. I'm nervous and wish he had a group like band, but his illness has him pretty isolated.

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