Highly recommend liquid diet

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 24, 2011
Hi everyone, just wanting to share my story of this week...

Started with a few pains on 30th dec, knew my crohns was starting and id watched a programme ere in the uk called Food Hospital which ad a girl on with crohns who ad decided she was also sick of steroids like the rest of us and they recommended a liquid diet...even though id read about them on ere id never considered it but this time because it was new yr and i could nt get hold of anyone for tabs anyway i thought ill try it and its been great. My hubs got me a meal replacement drink called complan and some smooth soups..its been a bit crap avin same thing every day but i know longer av any symptoms :)

I definately recommend this, i ad really bad time on preds last time, suffering with bad depression so was scared of goin on them again so im glad this seems to av worked :), yipppeeeeeeee x
Hi there, I am glad you are feeling better :) Do you plan to start introduing foods slowing again and then keeping a dairy on what you react to?
ye course, ive done a diary before and could never pin point what food irritated it, but i know for definate mine is stress related..and tryin to av a stress free life with 2 little ones is difficult :s
Hi and welcome! I am glad a liquid diet helped stop a flare in its tracks for you, and you didn't need pred. Many suffer from its side effects, so I can understand why you wanted to avoid it.

I hope you continue to feel well!