Hip pain?

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Jun 14, 2011
Quick question - when your kids have joint pains, specifically hip pain, is it always both hips, or can it be just one??

S has been complaining about one hip (and leg) being sore but, as he's recently started back at the gym, he assumed it was from that (and I thought so too). However, this morning, he told me he's been sweating alot at night for the last few nights. Night sweats was one of his symptoms pre-dx. So, of course, my head starts connecting dots (which may not really be there!)... :eek:

As he has no other symptoms, I'm still leaning towards the gym and, IDK, different sleeping routine, different bed, just a fluke type thing, since he's been back home, etc. ... but, just wondering if hip pain from CD would always affect both hips or if it could affect only one.

Glad our next GI apptmt is next week. :)
Hi Tesscorm. I've been flaring for a couple years. When my joints ache they all ache except my hips. It's usually only my left hip. Very weird. I wonder if it might be worse because of arthritis. I was on a lot of pred in my early to mid teens.
Jack doesn't have hip pain but it's usually his ankles and only one. Both wrists and one shoulder. Which is odd because when hubby is flaring it is just pain in one shoulder as well.
A has pain in both knees and her back, but other than that her joint pains are one-sided: wrist, shoulder, pinky finger. I'd like to purchase her a better mattress soon to see if that helps.
DanceMom - S had backpain pre-dx and sporadically for the year following, he found sleeping on the floor helped quite a bit. :eek: I thought it sounded awful! but, let him do it and just put some extra padding on the carpet for him to sleep on (ie a couple of sleeping bags, blankets, etc.). I think I remember someone else saying their son/daughter did the same thing???

If his back pain hadn't improved, I was looking into buying a futon mattress as they are extremely firm (actually, to me, feel hard as a rock with a bit of padding! :lol:).
O gets hip pain in one hip BUT I can not say it is related to her Crohns so sorry no help there eh?

Could the night sweats be related to the strep and antibiotics...maybe...hoping...just trying to keep the bubble in tact.
And another piece falls into place... before my hubby was diagnosed he slept on a futon said beds were too soft and hurt his back. Well he was diagnosed right after we got engaged and started treatment and I of course insisted on a real bed which only bothers him when he is having CD issues then it's "the bed is too soft", "we need to flip the mattress" Thanks for helping me connect the dots.
M had hip pain in one hip right after being diagnosed. Now it's both but the right is much worse. Of course she has arthritis but I know with spondyloarthropathies it can be "asymmetrical" rather than both joints like it usually is in rheumatoid arthritis.
Hmmm....her mattress is already very firm. I was thinking that something more soft may be more comfortable. She hasn't said it is uncomfortable I'm just trying to think of simple solutions really.
CIC - I was wondering about the antibiotics??? This morning he had a bit of a cough (he always does though - that crohns' cough that's been discussed before?? ^^shrug^^) but he was complaining that he just can't get rid of his 'cold'. If he is fighting a cold, I think its a very mild one (I'm sure the strep is gone) and think the cough is more his chronic cough/allergies. However, the antibiotics did cross my mind this morning - he was on them in late Feb due to wisdom teeth and now again because of strep???

So far he said he has no other symptoms so, we'll see... I wouldn't have questioned his hip pain at all if it wasn't for him letting me know he's been having night sweats.
Where is his hip pain Tesscorm? True hip pain (coming from the hip joint) is in the groin.
He says it feels like his hip flexor (not sure where that is??) and he said it was bothering his leg (not his actual leg, think he meant more like a ligament/muscle stretch pain - if that makes sense??)
If it's muscular, isn't it most likely he hurt himself at the gym? I would just wait and see...easier said than done!
C always complained of lower back pain on one side, it wasn't until rheumatologist pushed at his SI joint that we realized that was where the pain exactly was but C has spondylarthropathy as well so independent of his CD active flares. When CD is flaring he has joint pain in knees the worst, then ankles, feet and hands.
Maya - yes, that was what I thought initially... to be honest, barely made an impact on me when he first mentioned it... think it only merited a 'okay, don't overdo it' from me. :lol: But, then when he told me he'd been having night sweats this morning, started thinking... hmmm??? Legacy of a chronic illness with so many EIMs - the mind starts wandering and wondering (and worrying)! :voodoo:
SI joint pain can be felt elsewhere - it's called referred pain I think. I didn't remember until Clash mentioned C, but when M first had SI joint pain it was not her lower back she complained about, but said that she had pain down her hip (on the side) which greatly confused everybody.
I do have SI pain. I feel these in my back/buttocks and while it started on the left side, it is now only my right side that hurts (been that way for roughly a year).

I don't get treatment for these other than physical therapy cause It does not bother me enough to go back on biologics or methotrexate (these would be my options).

What I want to point out is that my rheumatologist did put a lot of emphasis on the fact that if it were to be felt in the groin area (real hip pain as previously said) that I had to contact her and that inflammation in this HAD to be treated aggressivly. My two cents.
DanceMom - S had backpain pre-dx and sporadically for the year following, he found sleeping on the floor helped quite a bit. :eek: I thought it sounded awful! but, let him do it and just put some extra padding on the carpet for him to sleep on (ie a couple of sleeping bags, blankets, etc.). I think I remember someone else saying their son/daughter did the same thing???

If his back pain hadn't improved, I was looking into buying a futon mattress as they are extremely firm (actually, to me, feel hard as a rock with a bit of padding! :lol:).

Grace sleeps on the floor when her hip is in pain. We even put plywood under her mattress and she still wants the floor.
Grace also gets pain in one hip. It seems like it radiates down the leg. I feel bad for her.
Sarah: Complains of lower back occasionally. She much prefers to sleep on a very firm mattress. If she stays somewhere where the mattress is too soft she will sleep on the floor.

Matt: Had hip pain, predominately right sided when complications set in after diagnosis, no doubt due to the complications located in that area. Matt has complained of lower back pain at times but I do think it has been his posture when doing a lot of sitting at uni. At the last visit to the GI he was asked if he ever has any aches and he did say he does occasionally get hip pain, both I think?? He has no issue with the firmness of mattresses though. He hasn’t complained of anything for quite a while but I did resolve at the next complaint that he perhaps see a chiropractor.

So, during one of Matt’s scans in the lead up to surgery it noted that he had erosion at the right SI joint but queried that was inflammatory and not necessarily permanent (shrug). I personally think he likely has an issue there, albeit mlld.
As to Sarah, nothing has ever been flagged but in view of her long undiagnosed period and the severity her disease when Crohn’s was finally found I can’t help but think she too likely has involvement of the SI joint/s. That is why she suffers with lower back pain when say driving long distances and her preference for very firm surfaces when sleeping.

It is more than possible to have unilateral hip pain whether it be Crohn’s related or not.

Dusty. xxx
My son gets joint pain in his ankles and sometimes knees. Prior to dx he was having back pain, referring to buttocks and legs. He was also having shoulder and arm pain. No official hip pain, and he never wanted to sleep on the floor!
The night sweats would worry me too. Easier to explain away the hip pain.
I hope the issues resolve and your so feels better soon.
I had right-sided groin pain that radiated down the front of my leg the whole time that I was ill until I reached remission. Now when I have some digestive issues it bothers me a bit--kind of like there is some scarring or narrowing that only gets stretched with lots of diarrhea. When I am better again, the groin/hip/leg pain goes away.
We have unilateral hip pain around here. The pain actually refers down the front of his thigh (near the top) but originates from the SI joint.
Hey there, I'm sorry your son is in pain..

I actually alternate between pain in one hip or both hips, generally if its just one hip, then it's my right hip that hurts. I'm currently in the middle of finding out whats causing my pain, we do know its not linked to a crohns flare but we aren't totally sure it isn't crohns related arthritis just yet.
D only had hip pain on Remicade, not since. It was always on her left side too. We did heating pads as I didn't want to give her more meds. It is hard to know if it is from overdoing it or related to Crohn's. Make sure he tells his GI. It is important he/she knows.
For sure will speak to GI. For once, timing is working in our favour... you know how it is, this stuff usually comes up the day AFTER you see the GI! :ybatty: He did bloodwork at last infusion (Saturday), going to call office tomorrow/Friday to get copy of results (they should have them by then??) - if not, I'm sure they'll have them for Monday's apptmt.
Is he still having night sweats?

My little penguin gave the best advice for me regarding joints, rheumatologist handle that. I had been telling C's GI about the back pain but he just lumped it in with the joint pain he experiences with flares. I even mentioned AS once and he just thought that was a hoot. He said that yes it is possible with CD but not prevalent and infered I was borrowing trouble. He did send C to a ped rheumy who did nothing, didn't even check his back and said it was peripheral arthritis that runs concurrent with active disease.

Due to all of this I was shocked when the new rheumatologist dx'ed C with spondylitis. Had it not been for the pt in hospital urging me to have C see another rheumatologist then C's joint issues that weren't along with active disease would've been on the back burner again.

I said all this to say, this could be a fluke for Stephen, with gym and all yet something I would definitely bring up to GI. But if the complaints continue I would try to fit a rheumy in as well, you probably already know this. But just wanted to send out there because if MLP hadn't been so adamant about it in some of her posts C may have went on longer without treatment for that pain. The difference has been night and day with mtx injections.
Definitely something we'll discuss at apptmt. When S was diagnosed, ped GI did send S to rheumi (x-rays were done and consult, testing range of motion, etc.) and all was fine at the time.

Talked to GI office and can't get results from bloodwork until Monday.
Ughh, hate that you can't get lab work sooner but I agree with great timing on GI since most of C's issues present themselves the day after the GI appt too!

Maybe it could also be some fluke from allergies(the night sweats)? I was out working in the yard yesterday and pollen is horrendous here right now. Anyway, I had cough and ickiness the rest of the afternoon and I had night sweats last night. So maybe?
Have to second what Clash says only because sometimes AS can be aggressive and hard to control as in both my daughters' cases. I wish we had gotten them to pediatric rheumatologists earlier and I wish we had treated them more aggressively earlier. Now they're both facing joint replacements....
AS is NOT actually rare contrary to what GI's think.
Just an idea. Maybe due to exercise his sacroiliac joint it inflamed or hip moved from place. It happens to my son often and it did happen to me once. Therapist or chiro can put it back in place. Check his legs while laying down in the floor to see if one looks shorter than the other. I hope is nothing serious.
C - allergies?? My daughter's been having a tough time with them lately too; I thought that to myself or maybe mentioned to S when he said he couldn't get rid of his cold/cough... but, hadn't considered the night sweats being related??

And, yes, wish I could get results sooner - moments after I posted about calling for results, they called to confirm apptmt. Can't release results until dr has had an opportunity to review and he's been away so... won't be before Monday...
Off and on I've always had the night sweats during the height of pollen season. I can just about pin point the nights it is going to happen by the symptoms that present that day. I spoke with my GP and ENT about it and both didn't find it unusual. Both also said to make sure I took a shower after being out doors during this season.

C has bad allergies but I've never known his symptoms to correlate with night sweats but we've never talked about it either.
Wow, I've had allergies (hayfever) all my life and have never heard of night sweats being associated with them. :)

You guys are amazing bubbles builders!! :worthy:

Going to be interrogating him tonight about his allergy symptoms! :lol:
Wait... isn't S going to university in Ontario? A little early for hay fever for us. Check the weather network website for polon counts.
Allergies do not cause night sweats..
We have asked DS 's allergist about it.
His allergies are multiple and severe.
Symptoms & Diagnosis
CSS can result in a variety of symptoms, from mild to very severe and life-threatening. Symptoms often occur in stages, though not all people will develop these stages in the same order. If caught early, later stages can be prevented through treatment.
The earliest stage is the allergic stage. Common symptoms in this stage include:
• Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath
• Itchy, runny and stuffy nose
• Sinus pressure and pain that can be associated with nasal polyps
The next stage is hypereosinophilia, meaning that there are abnormally high levels of a certain type of white blood cell, the eosinophil, in the bloodstream. Hypereosinophilia can result in:
• Fever
• Night sweats
• Fatigue
• Weight loss
• Coughing
• Abdominal pain
• Sometimes gastrointestinal bleeding


I don't know if its too early for 'spring' hayfever here?? I've felt it a bit and my daughter, who's working in landscaping this summer, has been feeling it's effects quite a bit - hives, swollen/itchy lips, red itchy ears, etc. But, of course, she's right in the middle of it - cutting, trimming, etc.

I guess we'll see on Monday... hate waiting for the results when I know they're right there... :eek: but, there'd be nothing to do with them anyway until Monday (except stress more if something looks off!) :blush:
Any chance the cough is asthma?

Sarah as a young child always had a cough which were told was a nervous cough. We had a trial of asthma meds and cough went away.
I've wondered about that over the years??? Nothing (sports, weather, colds, no susceptability to bronchitis, etc.) seems to trigger it. But, given that remicade has entered into the mix, I have thought I should mention the cough to the GI anyway...

However, my daughter, as a child, did have lots more issues re coughing (would start in Fall and stay until Spring, every year!). We saw respirologist(??), ENT and allergist... Respirologist diagnosed asthma. Allergist believed she did not have asthma but that her body produced excess mucous and her cough was to clear it. We went with his recommendations first... He prescribed Zaditen to reduce the mucous. She used it for three or so weeks and then tapered - there was an incredible improvement immediately!! The cough returned a few weeks later and we repeated the dose regimen. At the same time, we eliminated some home allergens (carpeting, etc.). Between the two (med and home changes), her cough completely went away, never to return! (other than the usual colds, etc.).

When I was much younger, I also had a regular cough and was checked by my doctor - her determination was it was 'clearing' due to allergies as well. So, I've assumed that my daughter didn't really have asthma and, perhaps, this 'coughing' is a family thing??? IDK...

Well, now he's hurt his shoulder! :ybatty: This time, though, it is definitely from the gym - same shoulder he dislocated and has happened before. Another reason to use FC -- honestly, it feels like he's constantly recovering from some injury so I'm always questioning what's causing an elevated ESR/CRP . Hockey starts tonight - don't want to imagine how that will go with his hip and shoulder... :eek:
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