Hmm... hypochondriac?

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Nov 5, 2009
hmm... hypochondriac?

Well, still been feeling bad, not horrible, not just not well. I've still been going to the bathroom a lot and not eating much. Recently, I've been feeling my heart pounding when I get up and try to do much at all. My tongue hurts and i feel so thirsty all of the time. I know these are all signs of dehydration.

My mother-in-law took my pulse last night and it was up around 140ish resting. She made me call the GP and make an appointment to get in.

Should I go? she wants me to go and see if they'll check my bloods. My liver enzymes were high, as well as my pancreas counts last time. Also my hemoglobin had dropped quite a bit again as well. My GI never really told me what to do about the anemia, they call and ask if I'm bleeding, I tell them no, and then I hear nothing. Anyway, so should I really go to my GP tomorrow and see if they can hook me up with some IV fluids and blood work? I know getting fluids always makes me feel better, but I HATE going to the doc. I know what's wrong with me, and I just always feel like such a nag or hypochondriac when I go for something like this.
Go, go, go!! You definitely sound dehydrated, and as much as you don't like it, the IV fluids will help. Good luck!
Yes you should go!!!! The heart pounding and fatique can also be anemia as well as dehydration.
Go - three years of anemia convinced me that I wasn't a hyponchondriac. If something really is wrong, it's not hypochondria. Better to walk in under your own power, able to tell them what is wrong than to have someone pick you up, incoherent, off a sidewalk and have the doctors guess...
I agree with the others - go! IV fluids will make you feel a lot better. I know from experience - during the first year of my illness, I got fluids so often that I kept thinking I should get one of those "buy 10, get 1 free" punch cards for IV fluids. :p In all seriousness though, you don't sound like a hypochondriac at all. You sound like someone who is sick of being sick, and I can relate to that too. But you gotta do what you gotta do, and right now you gotta go get fluids and see the doctor. Good luck with it and feel better soon!
Its unanimous...better safe than sorry. I know it is inconvient, but if symtoms increase the guilt you'll feel will lead to stress - which leads to further symtoms - which leads get where I'm going. Fight this disease every step of the way. Jump on every symtom early, you may speak with that one doctor who will lead you into remission.
I also agree go to the doctor. Find out what type of anemia you have and work out a treatment plan.

Hopefully you will feel better soon.
thanks guys :) I'm going to go to the doc in the morning. I'm just hoping he will not just send me home and tell me to drink fluids! Got it doc, trying, but it doesn't seem to help!

I just hate going and asking for things. I know that I'm not wasting their time, b/c they get paid to see me, but I just always worry about being sent home with no help. However, today was a hellish day being so tired I could hardly move while trying to take care of the baby. Luckily, tomorrow morning she'll go to the baby sitter b/c I do have to work in the afternoon.

Anyway, I'll update on how it goes. I know its better go just go and get it done. Last time I was very ill I was in the ER just about once a week to get IV fluids and pain meds before I was finally hospitalized.

Next Tysabri infusion is next Tuesday, too. Hopefully, they can patch me up some tomorrow and then the Tysabri will really help this time.
yup...yup...yup...agree to all of the above!!!!

Hope you've seen the doc and gotten some treatment/help!!!
I did go this morning. I was in fact very dehydrated. They did my pulse and blood pressure while sitting, laying down, and then standing. When I stood up my pulse spiked pretty high. Anywho down about a quart of blood that they took and 2 liters of IV fluids. They refilled my nausea medicines and now I'm back home. I still don't feel great, but much better than I did this morning. :) Now, I just have to go to work and make it through a couple of hours and then I can come back home and rest.
Hope they checked all your bloods? I'm sure they did. I hope you get through the day, and get a nice rest tonight.
Lovely lady,
They drew them. They said the results will probably be back by Friday. It was just at the Gp office, so they have to send it away to be analyzed. He said depending on how low my hemoglobin is, he might give me an iron infusion to help me out on that end.
CBC was normal. Iron was very low and hemoglobin low as well. Liver enzymes still elevated, but what's new? It's been a year now since they've been high.

Still feeling not so steady on my feet today, but do feel a lot better than yesterday morning. Pulse is still roughly around 100, but my heart doesn't feel like its going to jump out of my chest when I run to the bathroom.
What will the Dr be doing to address your anemia? Glad you are a bit better. At least the CRP was good!
Well, the GP gave me some iron supplements, but he told me to call the GI to make sure that was okay, or see if they'd rather do an iron infusion. So I called them yesterday and left a message. Haven't heard back from them yet, no big surprise. I love my GI doc, i just hate having to try and get ahold of him. Anyway, either way I'll be going to the GI on Tuesday to get my next Tysabri infusion. i'm going to see if he'll take a minute to come talk to me about what's going on.

Honestly, I was told I would probably be in remission by now. With the surgery and the Tysabri, I feel like I keep being fed false hopes. Anyway, I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself right now LOL I know I shouldn't, there are people that are much worse off than I am.
Sorry you are feeling fed up, its not surprising really. Hopefully if your hb goes up you will have a bit more energy at least.

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