How common is fever in child's crohns/ibd?

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Mar 3, 2012
Jasis had a high temp the last few days. Yesterday she was crying clutching her tummy, and had a really high temp. My sister told me her daughter had the same with gastro- but jas has no diahrrea or vomiting. My mum just says don't stress, but I can't help but think, that fever in crohns is common. Do any/all of your kids out there with ibd, have high temps with only pain as an added symptom, during small flares etc?...
Sarah had symptoms of gasto, prior to dx but no diahrrea or vomiting just severe pain they would last for 24-48 hours. No else in the family had gasto. Has Jasis been in contact with your sister's child.
DD will have an almost constant low-grade fever, interspersed with a few sudden high (102, 103, 104) fevers when she's beginning to flare.
My son have fevers at the beginning of a flare also, generally 99.5 to 101 but will spike sometimes around 103. This is one of the first symptoms that let's us know along with mouth ulcers that things are going downhill.
Same for my son, he seems to get fevers 100 - 102 when he suffering from a flare up. That's what started this whole ordeal, a fever that would not subside.

Question - do you find that the fevers tend to occur in the later afternoon/evening near bed time? That's how my son's come about.
Microbyte, my son's dx journey also began with unexplained fevers that sent us looking for answers. His fevers would start up early evening and break before morning most times. Now if he starts to flare the night fevers are our first indication.
My son is older but before diagnosis, he did have on and off again fevers. And, yes, his often came in the evening, sometimes going away by morning, other times lasting three to four days. For some reason, his almost always started on Thursday evenings??? Perhaps the four days of school, early mornings, etc. would wear him out???

His fevers were usually accompanied by diarrhea, the fevers would go (whether just overnight or a few days) but the D would stay around for a few more days.

This began for him in March (perhaps, even once in December) but then the intervals between fevers/diarrhea gradually became shorter time periods and the fevers/diarrhea began to laster longer until he was diagnosed in May.

He also had night sweats, fatigue, canker sores, very pale, weight loss and back aches (which may or may not have been related).

No stomach aches (but heartburn a few times), no mucous, no blood.

My 11 year old seemed to have fevers a LOT before diagnosis and meds. She was tested (and neg) for Periodic Fever syndrom.
Hi, while I was not a child when my symptoms began, one thing I experienced was what I dubbed "The Never Ending Fever." They were always extremely high (102º or higher - when it reached 104º I was to go to the ER). They occurred daily and almost always at the end of the day when I was considering going to bed (which was my couch because I really didn't sleep because of the prednisone). The fevers coupled with the night sweats were the worst. I hope your daughter has some relief from this soon.
Fevers sometimes here too. Ryan can even have a random fever even if not in the beginning of a flare. Fever and not pain, but feeling "weird" as he puts it and maybe even vomiting for a day. He has a strange pain tolerance, so "weird" to him might be pain.

I hope the fever goes away soon. If it doesn't I would touch base with the GI.
Johnny had fevers about 2 weeks before diagnosis. Evening time around 101 and then he would be fine in the morning but evening would hit and he would have a fever again.

This happened for about a week went away and then started again. He had pain as well. I gave him Advil (NSAID) around the clock for pain and fever. This is a very big no no with crohn's. If you think there is even a possibility of crohn's don't give pain relievers like advil. When Johnny was scoped his stomach was full of ulcers. I am certain the advil made this much worse. Needless to say I felt horrible. :(

I hope you get some answers soon. Not knowing is the worst.

Thanks everyone!

DD will have an almost constant low-grade fever, interspersed with a few sudden high (102, 103, 104) fevers when she's beginning to flare.

I knew for adults with crohns it's very common, to at least have a slight fever constantly. I take paracetamol daily, and when flaring/pain are worse then other days, even on a warm day, laying down, I feel cold, and paracetamol helps, as well as a blanket, which indicates slightly elevated temp due to the inflammation. But I wasn't sure if its as common in kids. And usually she just has pain, but has had a few high temps prior to now, but mainly I thought its viral.

Anyway, thank you, I think I best start a sympt journal for her again, and see if before 'worse tummy ache' then normal days, she has an elevated temp too.
Yes, both of my kids suffered with temps and there was often no rhyme or reason to it! By that I mean...when I often expected that would they didn't and when I didn't they would! :eek2:

But by and large they did have temps but then they both had fistulas and abscesses so that may well have played a part with them.

I look at it this way Irene...When it comes to IBD we are dealing with an inflammatory disease and often associated with that inflammation is infection. Inflammation causes a breach in the mucosal wall and with Crohn's it goes deeper than that. The matter that passes over this 'breach/wound' is not sterile so in my mind it stands to reason that it may well be that some people suffer with either periodic fevers or a constant low grade fever that they may or may not spike off.

Dusty. xxx
My son had daily low-grade fevers in the evenings while untreated before dx. I think it was the constant immune system response going. And probably from malnutrition too.

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