My son is older but before diagnosis, he did have on and off again fevers. And, yes, his often came in the evening, sometimes going away by morning, other times lasting three to four days. For some reason, his almost always started on Thursday evenings??? Perhaps the four days of school, early mornings, etc. would wear him out???
His fevers were usually accompanied by diarrhea, the fevers would go (whether just overnight or a few days) but the D would stay around for a few more days.
This began for him in March (perhaps, even once in December) but then the intervals between fevers/diarrhea gradually became shorter time periods and the fevers/diarrhea began to laster longer until he was diagnosed in May.
He also had night sweats, fatigue, canker sores, very pale, weight loss and back aches (which may or may not have been related).
No stomach aches (but heartburn a few times), no mucous, no blood.