Hi so I had another relapse and have been in hospital for a week with hydrocortisone and IV fluids. Today they put a picc line in as my veins are all damaged from the cannulas and they said it’s better for the long term with me being on treatment; although they may have to stop vedoluzimab as it doesn’t seem to be working that well, but it does depend on the CT scan tomorrow morning.
My question is, does anyone here have a picc line and how do you shower without it getting wet? The radiographer told me that getting it wet it will cause an infection and I really don’t want to end up in a bigger mess than I already am. I have seen plastic cling films hat can go over the line, but are they worth buying?
My question is, does anyone here have a picc line and how do you shower without it getting wet? The radiographer told me that getting it wet it will cause an infection and I really don’t want to end up in a bigger mess than I already am. I have seen plastic cling films hat can go over the line, but are they worth buying?