How good does Elemental 028 taste

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Apr 21, 2009
so ive read on here about the Elemental 028 stuff, and i wanna no more about it, ive googled it and all but i still would like your oppinions since some of you have tryed it. i was thinking about takinging it for a while just to give my tummy a rest and all. i want to no how to get it, if you just take it y itself or also have to eat with it, how it tastes, and all that fun junk! i have an appointment with my dr friday and i was thinking about asking him if it would b ok for me to do it, but before i talk to him i want to b sure i want to do it, so i no wat im getting into before commiting myself to it. so yea thats about it! :emot-dance:
I've done the Elemental diet twice now, first time I'd say it was really effective - I stuck with it for almost 2 months and did feel the benefits. I believe I was told hospitals in the UK especially are now leaning towards the Elemental diet as first line treatment for a flare instead of steroids. Second time on the diet for me the willpower aspect for me was very difficult and unfortunately I didn't have the same outcome. I did it for the minumum of only 2 weeks so that's maybe why! I still however supplements my diet with the E028 cartons when I'm having a particularly off day and don't feel like eating.

Elemental is designed to rest the bowels as it takes little digesting, has little residue and effectively less matter is passing through you, so you use the bathroom less. Which is a definite advantage! I also found when on it I generally had more energy, looked and felt brighter and was in less pain.

You do only have the cartons making up your diet, no food is allowed, which is hard. My dietician always said she commended anyone who said they'd atleast try the diet because it's not always easy completely giving up food. Although what spurred me on was the thought of eventually feeling a lot better and I think if you really commit it's easier too. The first few days were always hard for me but after that it was plain sailing.

The taste I thought was fine, there are 3 flavours generally available Summer Fruits, Grapefruit and Orange/Pineapple. The consistency is hard to describe sort of like a thick white juice.

If it sounds like something you'd like to try I'd definitely ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician or give you more information. I think the diet has to be 'dietician supervised' as they calculate the volume of cartons you need to take daily and follow your progress etc. :D
Although I did very well on Elemental some part of my system didn't like it and I still had the runs and upset tum. But it did sort out the majority of inflammation in my large bowel.

I think I once described it as 'orange and pineapple flavoured puke'... I prefered the Summer Fruits; a cross between carboard and yoghurt.
wow, thanx that helps a lot, i dont need to be put on it my dr doesnt even no im thinking about it yet, but even on the remicade ive been going to the bathroom a lot and had some tummy pain, so i was wondering the forum for ideas, and found this. it sounds like it helped but you have to get over the flavor and texture, but im good with that, you no the barium stuff and dye you have to dring for that one test, yea i chuged that stuff in like 5 mins lol so i could handle that and i have a strong will power so it shouldnt b too hard to stop myself from eating. but i will def have to talk with my dr when i go i was already planning on asking about a dietition so i can just bring this up with him at the same time!! so my appt if friday and i will let you no wat happens!

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