How long do incision scars hurt after surgery

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May 13, 2009
I have a question for all who have had surgery.

How long did your incision scars hurt? I mean, once it's healed over and become a scar, how long did you have pain or irritation with the scar itself? I've heard some say pain is normal up to a year, and I've heard others say they didn't have pain after the first 6-8 weeks.

I had surgery almost 4 months ago and both of my incision scars still cause me pain and discomfort sometimes.

Just curious where everyone stands.
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oh how i wish i could contribute to this thread from experience :D HAH lmao

only 4 months out though? i would think that some pain every now and then is still normal. my dad has a gallbladder or appendix scar or something which was done years and years ago and he said it STILL strikes him every now and then.
i think it has to do with the cutting of nerve endings and what not and then them coming back together in odd ways. even though you asre completely healed up, you nerver endings are all messed up in that area, so it processes some feelings as pain.
i think.....not sure where i learned this but i think something along its lines is true haha
That's how much I knew as well ... so lets go with it. :) Saftey in numbers.

I expect to still get twinges every so often, just thought I'd ask. And one day soon ... I also expect you to have SCARS! :)
ok well im glad i confirmed your own intuition a little bit at least.
hopefully some other surgery buddies will come in here and share their own thoughts.
ahh i never thought i would be sooooo excited for the day to come when i have a scar LOL
My scars were all very small, thepain only lasted a week. Since then they've been fine.

Sorry no help for you.
If Jed came back on, his scars were quite long, he might have an answer for you.
ha, the first thread i look at after been away so long and i see my name mentioned:D sinister lil smile :D he he

as the exquisite kello mentioned, you can have occasional bursts of pain forever, but they are simple short twinges.

mine hurt for about 8-12 months, that hurt was replaced by an itchiness that rivaled my butt (my intestinal ending, not the member here;)) for giving me a look most like a dog scratching its ear with its hind leg. orgasmic itches i call them:) that lasted another 6 months.

after that, i get the occasional pain here and there, sometimes i swear i can feel the pathway of where they removed my large intestine from inside me??????

(as for me, i'll be back next week to give you an update, been so busy, run down, backed up, bah! i'll update you soon. love to all. xox)
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