How long do you hold out on going to the hospital?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 4, 2012
I'm new to this site but not new to the debilitating nastiness of Crohn's Disease... I wanted to get a little input about how long you should hold out on going to the ER when dealing with a flare up. I have been dealing with this one since July, I'm exhausted and so over this roller coaster! I have also never had a flare up last for so long... I'm trying to stay positive and hoping that the remicade will help soon (I have had 3 infusions) along with the other meds, but so far no luck and as for tonight I'm in terrible pain with tons of pressure in my stomach and rectum... Suggestions please!!!

I am here:,-82.253304
It's understandable that you get scared. But don't let that fear paralyze you; overcome it. If you need to go to the ER, go to the ER.

I've been where you are. It is scary, but it can be even scarier if you don't go and something is really wrong. They can get some pictures and see what's going on. You'll be fine.
I feel it's bad enough to go and that's what I'm going to do... I just hate all of it... The emotions, the guilt and most of all the pain!!!
Just to update... I am at the hospital and it's a good thing I did come, it looks like I may not get to go home, things are all out of whack. I was not able to go to my normal hospital in Naples where my doctors is out of, so let's hope these guys up here in Sarasota will communicate with my GI. They have been very nice so far. Fingers crossed for good treatment and fast healing.
Thanks David, I can tell this forum is going to be a breath of fresh air. I can't thank you enough for your kind words... It means a lot. As I'm sure you know it can be very lonely in the tummy trouble world. :)
Kudos for going to the hospital. You'll get the help you need and hopefully you'll feel better soon. Like David said, keep us updated and Welcome to the site. You will find TONS of help here. Don't ever be afraid to ask ANYTHING you need to on here. You won't be embarassed because likely we've all gone through the same.
Thanks everyone, I did receive the help I needed and happy I did have to stay long. I was really dehydrated and had a ton of pain. Rehydration and pain meds helped, now back to my GI to find out what other options can help for the breakthrough pain and inflammation. I'm hoping the remicade helps soon because all else has failed. I'm going to continue to stay positive and muddle through the best way I know how! But I will say support on this forum is going to be a wonderful blessing for my mental well being. THANK YOU SUPPORTERS AND FELLOW SUFFERERS!
I waited too long the last three times.
First time resulted in a nearly two week stay.
Second time - missed my usual CRS - so another chap did the work and made a grave error of judgment that lead to the third inevitable stay.
Third time - I came back because my mum made me. By this time - my rectum was a horrible ulcerated mess - which meant I had to have an ileostomy.

I have learnt my lesson.
If I am sick - go directly to the hospital.
It's full of really nice nurses and people who look after me really well.
And I might avoid the pain and despair of a horribly ulcerated rectum again.
It sounds like you went at just the right time!

Just like others, I wait wayyy too long. The last time I waited over a week and ended up being admitted for almost a week. It would have been much better if I had nipped it in the bud when it wasn't as bad.

Welcome to the forum and I hope to see you around!
I have waited to long before also, at the beginning of December I tried to ignore my symptoms and it only got me into big trouble, a week in the hospital is not my idea of fun!
I'm glad you went in and got everything checked out and are out again :D

Like a lot of people, I wait FAR too long and generally only go when forced to by my mum. I'm lucky that I haven't had anything serious happen to me while procrastinating on heading to the hospital but I've cut it pretty close twice with two obstructions.