How long for colonoscopy results?

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Mar 18, 2013
Hi everyone

Im going for my first colonoscopy next weekend so im new to how things are done. Just wondered if anyone else who lives in the UK can tell me how long they normally have to wait for the results? Or does it vary?

I guess Im just impatient for answers!

Thank you

Good luck with your colonoscopy!
You can usually talk to your doctor afterwards and they will tell you if they can see anything. Hopefully they will take biopsies which will be sent off to the lab to be tested. I'm not sure on how long the results take for these as it has been a few years since my last one. I'm sure someone else on here will be able to tell you though. :)
Definitely be persistent in getting the results. Call them and even consult your GI about the biopsy results. I had a colonoscopy back in 2011 when I was finding blood in my stool and having bloating problems. They took biopsies of the inflamed areas and I got a call saying they were clean non cancerous and they suspected ulcerative colitis was the issue. After that I continued to get worse and to the point where I was admitted to the hospital ( this was about two months following the procedure ). While at the hospital they found I had a bad C-diff infection. I was treated for it given flagyl, asacol, probiotics, and not sure if they had me on cipro through IV or not but I think they did. Afterwards I did better staying on probiotics but developed what is now crohns ( most likely from the c-diff infection trauma. Past two months I have been very sick with a flare up and was scheduled a colonoscopy and a endoscopy by my new GI doctor. He went through my past colonoscopy report and said they had a found a C-diff infection in the biopsy. I was surprised to hear this cause I was never told and the way they found out is when I got to the point where the infection was severe. I was told it was ulcerative colitis so I was trying to fix a C-diff infection by diet haahaha.

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