How long till Humira Works

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Nov 4, 2015
I am pretty new to Crohn's. this June I was very sick with constant diarrhea and stomach pains for 3 weeks no one could figure out what was wrong and no one seemed to take it seriously. Finally I got an appointment for a colonoscopy.
The Dr. immediatlly diagnosed me with UC put me on a drug called "lialda" and prednisone and told me to come back in a month to see how I was feeling then.
the steroids took my pain away and I did feel better but I HATED the effects of the steroids. When i saw the Dr. again on July 28 she said I was doing great and would see her again in 3 months. Then in that time I still had diarrhea and it started hurting so bad. It felt like shards of glass were coming out every time i went to the bathroom. I thought I had some external hemorrhoids that I could feel. So I went back and they banded a hemorrhoid and said to come back again in 3 weeks to do another banding. The pain worsened so I went back and they did another colonoscopy and said I still looked good but sent me to a colo-rectal surgeon for the hemorrhoids. he examined me and said immediatlly that they were not hemorrhoids but giant fissures and a fistula and told me I had Crohns's. From there they Doctors worked together to get me on the right tack to get the Crohn's into remission. I had to swallow the camera to see inside my intestines and I had a simple surgery where they put botox into my sphincter to help the fissures heal. the pain has slowly gotten better but I still have diarrhea and go to the bathroom at least 7-20 times a day.
i started on Aziothiaprine 1 month ago and started my Humira 2 weeks ago. I will take my 2nd dose of 2 shots this Saturday. (it makes me very sick when I take it) I feel a little better and am finally back at work after a month off. But I still have the diarrhea and stomach cramps (not as bad) and my energy level is not at all what it used to be.
Does this all go away after you are on the medications longer? or will I always feel like this. I have been so depressed dealing with all of this. I have a great husband and family who have been so supportive but it would be great to talk to people who have gone through some of the same things and hear how they deal with them or what happens. Thanks for listening and if you have any advice I would love to hear it.
I have been on humira for 4 months. It took about 2 to 2.5 months to really kick in. I was going all day felt like i never left the bathroom. Now im alot better stomach wise. 3 to 4 times per day. Everyone is different but avg seems to be 2 to 3 months. Advice for a little less pain durring injections is to let it set out 15 to 20 minutes and play some music to keep your mind off of it. I am not in remission yet but hopefully will be one day. Good luck.
Thank you for the info and advice. I will make sure to let it warm up a bit before I inject it. I don't see the Dr for about 3 months to see if it's working so that makes sense.

How do you know when you are actually in remission? Does remission mean you will feel totally healthy and back to the way you felt before all of this started?
This is my first yr diagnosed in april. Im guessing once your symptoms go away another colonoscopy or something is done to check for inflamation. Im still having symptoms just not near as often. Idont see my gastro for another 5 months and rhuemotologist till janruary.