How much mucus in stool is bad

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Aug 25, 2009
so, i know it's from the crohn's and the inflamation (right? from the inflamation?) but like... why? and how does it get made in the intestines?

reason being, it's always been there off an on for like 6 years or so. but today and yesterday, it's been alot. when i've tried to go, often ,today and yesterday, it's just mucous. like hawking a loogie or (sorry guys but...) when you have a really bad period. is this much mucous a couple a few times a day for a couple days bad? is it always worse for you if your constipated?

i think they say the mucous lining acts as a protective barrier to the intestines and provides lubrication...

inflammation causes damage to that protective lining.

i have only noticed lots of mucous in my stool during a time when i didn't know i had crohn's.... i had thought it was caused by colon cleanser tablets i was taking at the time. but hasn't been something i notice that much... and when i flare i get constipated, so i dunno.... if anything, when i flare i see a lot of bright red blood more than i notice any mucous.

perhaps the colon cleanser made it more obvious because it cleaned out my colon?
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hey little one....

well i cant tell you if its normal or not for YOU as my situation is a bit different, but i have a little bit of info on it

i have a temp ileostomy done in april and i still spend quite a bit of time sitting on the toilet to pass mucous (from the bum lol)
in talking with my doc about it, he told me that it is normal in my case, even though most others with stomas only have mucous pass on occasion.

i *think* that the following is correct, but dont take my word for it lol
your intestines make mucous for 2 reasons:
1) it is a normal part of digestion and helps all the food/poo pass through the intestines. even normal people's intestines secrete mucous for this purpose
2 BUT excess mucous is secreted when your intestines are sick. the mucous is your bodys way of trying to heal and fix up sick parts of your insides. this is a major point in the "breaking the vicious cycle" book. the vicious cycle is that your intestines secrete mucous to try and heal, but in doing so it inhibits digestion and absorbrtion of nutrients because the mucous acts as a barrier between the passing matter and the intestinal wall (through which nutrients are absorbed through).

SO mucous is a normal part of every person on earth, but in sick intestines (hello crohnies) there is an excess amount as its our bodys way of trying to help itself. but in the process, can inhibit digestion (hah i know that wasnt really part of this thread here, but it came out in my explanation lol!).

its like when you have a cold and your nose gets all snotty? LOL same thing, your nose is just fighting against the germies in there and trying to heal itself.
good way to think of the same function in your intestines...

the reason that i have a lot of mucous coming out still is that my colon is still really inflamed and sick in there, even though it doesnt have waste passing through anymore. and also now i NOTICE the mucouc more cause there isnt poo coming out with it you know?

ok hope that all makes sense. like i said, im not sure if passing that much mucous is normal for YOUR body, but my guess is yes.
i would def make note of it to your doc though ok? even if its not a *problem*, he needs to know that youre having this symptom.....

edit: just wiki-ed this and found out that the mucous goes out and traps it sucks them up and suspends them in the gooeyness! then they cant do anymore damage that way. who knew?? :)
since in crohns, your body *thinks* (or ther are unknown) invaders in your intestines....the mucous is trying to serve the same puporse. it wants to suck up all the little germies so you can poo em out!
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I get a tonne of mucous. I'm the Mount Vesuvius of Mucous. They say it's more common with Ulcerative Colitis sufferers, but I've battled with it for years. IBS sufferers also have it, but I'm not one of them either. I'm actually a bit stumped and plan to take it up with my doctor.
i probably should have been more clear with it... i know it's there to like "actually make the stool come out" but like, what makes it sooo much worse? i did finally go some today! haha. it had been a good few days. but there is still alot of mucous.

johnny, do you get it bad only on occasion? or do oyu always have a lot. i don't have colitis either but they did tell me it was just ibs when i was in highschool and trying to get someone to listen to me. so maybe i have ibs and crohn's... i don't know.
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littleone said:
i probably should have been more clear with it... i know it's there to like "actually make the stool come out" but like, what makes it sooo much worse?

was my post too confusing lol? it was a bit rambly.
i did my best to explain what makes your body create excess mucous...but maybe give it another look over, if it doesnt make sense, ill deff try to re-explain ok?
let me know!

i re read it slowly (i read fast and end up missing things. haha) so after i completely re read it, i got it. haha.

thank you.
from the top of my head i remember reading that is was produced in response to bacterial toxins, to protect the lining of the intestine from damage. kinda like the inflammation response is an attempt to heal a wound.

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