How much stool softener do YOU use?

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Apr 28, 2012
This is my never ending quest on getting answers for Grace.:ybiggrin:

How much stool softeners have you or your children used a day?

I thought Grace was on a lot. Maybe not!
She takes two half cupfuls of Miralax a day.
She's struggling yet again to have a BM, :frown:
so I was thinking about 3 half cupfuls a day.

Since she is so little I would ask the on call Ped who prescribed it.
Fwiw DS is permitted to take 1 1/2 capfuls per day if needed.
The key is water ( more than half her weight in oz) per day.
DS drinks 40 - 50 oz in addition to 27 oz of formula a day.
When his meds were not working DS was up to a capful a day.
Also if it's not mixed really really well then it doesn't work..

We end up stirring a really long time.
By cupful I assume you mean that the Miralax bottle has a cap and this is what you are calling a "cup" and that one cup = one dose as prescribed by your doctor.

At the time he was 10 so I'm uncertain how well this applies, but at one point my son was on 6 doses of Miralax a day (3 x 2 doses) plus 2 doses a day of Benefiber.

At other times he was other combinations of various stool softeners and laxatives.

You might want to talk to your doctor about a trial of mineral oil. Our current ped GI prefers this and I have to say that it works really well. This would not be for chronic daily use however. And be forewarned, because it isn't absorbed the oil comes out with the stool. It does absorb bile which turns the oil a brilliant shade of orange.

As others have said, be sure she's getting enough water.

I assume you are also doing dietary things to help. Apple juice, for example, is a good substitute for prune juice if she doesn't like that. Pears with the skin on - either cooked or fresh - are great as are cherries.

Do you have a toileting routine set up where she sits on the toilet for 5 - 10 minutes starting about 20 minutes after she eats? Even if she doesn't go it's helpful for her to learn the routine that will support her body's natural rhythm - peristalsis (the muscular contractions that move food through the gut) begins when we eat and stimulate the body to "go" roughly 20 minutes after we eat.

Hope she gets feeling better soon.
Not quite sure what the dosages are, but when on the lactulose, Amy was told to take 4 tsp at night and 4tsp in the morning - that was double the dose on the bottle. Moved onto Movicol which is in sachets. The IBD nurse seemed happy for us to double or even triple it if it wasn't working.
If you can't get hold of a doc, then maybe just phone a pharmacist to check?
L was taking one capful of Miralax a day and it would take 2-3 days to kick in when he was constipated. Then when it kicked in... it really kicked in. He would sit on the toilet for a good 30 minutes and empty out what seemed like an entire intestine's worth!

After emptying out, we always had to stop the Miralax because it would work too well. Even passing gas would pass small amounts of poo. Eventually, things balanced out and went back to normal.
I hope you hit on the right formula soon hun. :hug:

Sorry, I can't be of any help with this one, constipation has never been one of our issues.

Dusty. xxx
We battled constipation and had to play with the dosage of Miralax. Our magic dose was almost 1 capful 3 x day and then down to 2 x per day. We never ended up with any backlash from over dose. At best, he was able to produce what looked like normal stool at this dosage.

Increasing water didn't seem to make a difference. We also had to do enemas until the Miralax started working.

Good luck figuring out your dosage. I spoke with a pharmacist and my nurse case manager trying to get the right mix of water/miralax/enema's to make Brendan comfortable.

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