How to cope with an ostomy

Crohn's Disease Forum

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So how many of us have ostomies here?

How did it come about? Was it a hard decision? Was it a decision at all? or life or death?

How do you manage? Have you come up with your own little things about how to cope? How do you cope in general? Did it get easier for you?
not me.. the remicade kicked in just in time for me to avoid it, but its always in the back of my mind that it could/will happen one day. So I try to read as much as people say about it so I will be more prepaired, not so scared etc. (Im constantly asking Jonny Qs and bugging him Im sure :))
Im a lot better about the whole idea now that I understand things better, (still in no way want one.. but will deal if and when the situation comes up)
It was definetly a life or death decision for me. I'm Sure glad I made the right one however. Not fun being 65 pounds of nothing. I am certainly coping well living this way, and if Doctors came to me tomorrow and said they could reverse it, I wouldn't bother. Why go through another surgery if all is well, Knock wood. It just depends on the individual I imagine, everyone copes differently.
ive copy and pasted this from my story when i joined

im very pleased to have been told of this site and meet new people.
Heres a littleabout me:
i became very ill with sickness & D, in march 2003 lost over 3stone in a month was taken in to hospital in the april 2003 because they thought my appendix had burst, but to my amazement awoke with an ileostomy and only just over a foot of my large bowel left (another 12 hours and would of died scary stuff)
was diagnosed with crohns in the may.
had it made permanent on 10th april 2006 (this year still recovering) by having my rectrum stump removed im med free

looking forward to meeting you all