My parents are way to rough when it comes to school. The story short and easy is that they make me go to school while in alot of pain and make me work hard meet with teachers for missing school and Im hurting alot through all this and all they tell me is do it! I hate it, they dont give me a break. I tell them they are being to pushy but they say no im not look at your grades. I just wish I could take it easy when it comes to school and im failing because im going to school hurting and they are making me do to much. I just wish they could understand what I go through on a daily basis and they care about me its just when its school its like i dont even have the disease. I just need some help on helping me slow them down when it comes to school. Its hard enough without them making it worse while im suffering. Also them making me do more is making me more not to because its just hard and im tired alot the time. Any advice please. :voodoo: