Humidifiers for kids with colds

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Mar 10, 2011
A quick question for the parents here - I need some advice on buying a humidifier for a child with a cold (cough/congestion). What works best- the warm mist of cool mist. I am leaning towards a warm mist (the little guy is in a crib) so scalds are not an issue.
:hug:warm mist can grow mold etc...
cool mist was better at least when my two were little one.

lots of nose suctioning, raise the head of the crib etc...
mostly they are just miserable.:(
Pediatricians say to stay away from the warm mist because of the risk of mold growth as well as burns. Cool mist is what is recommended. If you want to have a warm steam. run the shower and sit in the bathroom with your little one let the steam accumulate in the bathroom. We always use that trick and it makes us feel better.
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Same thing here, cool mist, raise the head on the crib so they sleep at a slight angle. Poor little guy hope he feels better soon
We could only buy the warm mist ones when my kids were babies. They did tend to grow a bit of mould, but I would just give it a good scrub before using it again. It definately helps especially when it's a cough! Hope he feels better soon
Cool mist. We used warm mist because that was all that was available. Ryan's room seemed to always have a "smell" which was probably mold even though I cleaned the humidifier often.

Also, try saline spray before you suction. That will loosen up the crud. We have a Vick's wall plug in also. You get the great aid of the vicks without the slime on the chest!
We use cold mist all winter long. it's so dry up here and it helps a lot. I noticed a huge decline in itchy skin and dry noses. Less cough in the morning to. We have a one that you can adjust the output of mist and it has cool stars and moon that project onto the ceiling.
We use warm in winter cold in the summer. I was told to use a cold one also but it didn't do the trick and my carpet was all wet from it spitting water. I leave the door open and turn it off an bleach it in the morning. But I live in Michigan and it is very dry and cold here this time of year.
Thanks guys, I'll pick up a cool mist and a hygrometer to measure the room humidity. I've got the head of the crib raised and that works like a charm.

Today was better - it took a while to get him back to sleep last night after he woke up about an hour after going to bed. It's rare for him to wake up he is usually asleep between 7:45-8 ish and awake between 6:30 and 7 in the morning (6:30 on the weekends)
We always used warm mist, but that was in the dark ages, with a few drops of eucalyptus oil added.

Medic vapour room spray wasn't bad either when congestion wasn't too bad but not suer is they sell over there.

I hope things are getting better for the little guy hawkeye, bless him. :hug:

Dusty. xxx
He is on the mend - slept straight through the night last night and staked out a spot at the table by the bowl of Goldfish crackers (guess I'll have to pick up a box at Costco) at the daycare concert/open house /reception today.

We started raising the head of the bed whenever he has a cold / coughing. It was something we got on to when he had reflux when he was a baby.
Thanks for the update hawkeye! :)

I hope the little fella is still doing well. :hug:

Dusty. xxx
I just thought of a trick with children with colds. I was told this by a dear women who has 8 grown children. She did this and I've also done this for Grace. Works good.

Take Vic's vapor rub and rub to bottom of both the feet and then cover the feet with socks.
That's it! Works most of the time! I've even done this.:D
Glad he is doing better...
Just wanted to chime in that Izz, 6, JUST got burned when she fell on a warm mist at her dads. It was fairly severe and seriously painful for her, with blisters. We use cool mist here. :)
Ouch! Poor kid! I don't even know where mine are, I moved into my place over a year ago and still haven't unpacked. lol. I guess I have been kinda busy.
Ouch! Poor kid! I don't even know where mine are, I moved into my place over a year ago and still haven't unpacked. lol. I guess I have been kinda busy.

It will be 3 years in February in our house and I just got to opening the last of the boxes last summer/fall.
When you get use to not seeing your stuff for a year it makes it harder to care about the stuff in the boxes. Especially considering this house is much smaller and I don't really have a place for everything. One day I will get my crap together. Defiantly not today though.
You all HAVE been busy!
I moved into a smaller house...NO storage (no basement/attic, only a small shed) it was CLEANSING...I got rid of SO MUCH!!
I would ditch the boxes if I hadn't touched them for a year, but that's me! :)
Yes I will but have to go through them we move with such a quickness things are all mixed up. Photo albums with blenders. Towels with books. Quite a mess really. I need to get some stuff on eBay for a buck and see what it goes for. I will do this in my spare time... :wink: right?
:rofl: @spare time
I have 5 bins. I would have more but have been giving it away after 2 rounds of auctions on ebay.
This kills me as I used to be a powerseller (this is how I made money before I went back to work) and I KNOW the stuff will sell for my price to the right buyer but I no longer have the time or storage space to do it. :(
Hoping that you find the time to sort it out...just knowing it was there would drive me crazy.

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