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Im starting Humira today! should i do legs or stomach? i think i might have my fiance inject it for me because I am a little scared of needles lol. Any side effects i should expect?

You should def. do the legs!! Tummy hurts like crazy. Apply a cold compress after injection, it helps with the pain.
I will hopefully be starting Humira soon (waiting for insurance approval) and from reading everyones posts it seems it hurts less in fatty areas so since the prednisone has made me gain weight anyway I have plenty of fat so the injections hopefully wont be so bad....lo
I was hoping to get going on my initial dose of Humira any day now, since I got word that the pharmacy was processing my prescription. However I have just put my prescription on hold with the pharmacy who advised me the charge would be around $9,000.00 and insurance shows they aren't covering any of it :eek2: First, I'm not really sure what the $9,000.00 covered but it didn't really matter as I was focused on why my insurance isn't covering it. We do have a large deductible but not that large! They of course were closed today when I called.

However the pharmacy told me to call Humira and they were great to work with over the phone and are actually handling this all for me. They are contacting my insurance to find out what the deal is and getting me set up with whatever program I need to for assistance.

I'm just tired of feeling like crap and want to get started already in the hope of some relief.
Wow Michelle, it's great that Humira are helping u. Not so gd that insurance played up. Good luck in getting it sorted
Michelle that is awesome that the Humira people are gonna work it out with your insurance company and get you enrolled in the copay assistance...If all goes well, once you meet your deductible it should only be $5 a month. They have been helpful and understanding whenever I have had to talk to them, they always seem to genuinely care about Humira patients. Good luck, and I wouldn't be too worried about the tiredness, some people have it, definitely not all. I've personally never experienced it and I've been on Humira a few years now. :)
Paul,I have read that some people need a second drug to give humira a boost after they have been taking it for a while (from memory I think methotrexate is one such drug) in order to continue getting the benefits. Might be with looking into.


Your correct MTX is one and I think imuran is as well.
Michelle that is awesome that the Humira people are gonna work it out with your insurance company and get you enrolled in the copay assistance...If all goes well, once you meet your deductible it should only be $5 a month. They have been helpful and understanding whenever I have had to talk to them, they always seem to genuinely care about Humira patients. Good luck, and I wouldn't be too worried about the tiredness, some people have it, definitely not all. I've personally never experienced it and I've been on Humira a few years now. :)

I have talked with so many people at this point I can't keep it straight. Luckily I wrote everything down in a notebook! I too am finding humira people very helpful. My ins. co is telling humira that they do no cover the drug at all so humira referred me to their patient assistance program. My ins. co. is telling me that they will cover humira they just want to change to a different pharmacy (for a second time). My dr. office says they talked with someone at the 'new pharmacy' today and are showing we are approved and should be sent the meds within the week. I have know idea what's going on. lol.

How long have you been on humira? I've noticed that it seems more long term people are on remicade. Wondering if I made the right decision between the two at this point.

Remicade has just been around longer. The medicine is similar to Humira in that it affects the immune system. I have been on Humira for 2+ years and it worked great initially. I think that it still works but on a certain aspect of the disease (couldn't tell you what). I plan on staying on Humira and I will also begin Imuran as well.

I think you made the right decision.
As posted previously, over the last 3 to 4 weeks the Humira has been working really well for me, at least until the last one or two days when I have been having some pain and problems again. But then I remembered that this also happened the last time my Humira jab was due. Seems like the injection is lasting just short of the 14 day injection period, then my symptoms start to bubble up again.

But now another spanner has been thrown into the works. I had blood taken last Friday, and unfortunately the lab and/or my GI stuffed up, and my GI didn't contact me till this Tuesday to say he hadn't received the results. The matter was resolved with a couple of phone calls, but the delay couldn't come at a worse time. The tests were for my 12 week assessment by Medicare where they look at my progress and decide if they will continue funding my injections.

Like all bureaucracy's they have strict limits on dates that reports have to be lodged, hoping that I don't miss their deadline. And until we get their reply, my GI is not allowed to write me another script for Humira ......
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Worried I might lose funding for my Humira

AAAAGH!. :sign0085:

This is what I was afraid of! My GI called a little while ago to tell me that he has finally done the numbers for the Medicare report. He tells me that they are probably going to knock back any extension of my Humira treatment. When I questioned why, he replied that my ‘score’ has not improved enough!

The score he is talking about is the one that Medicare (Australia) use to determine how much improvement there has been in your condition after a period on Humira. To get approval for the Humira trial in the first place we had to do a score and my initial score came up at 380.

This is not unlike CDAI in that it takes into account things like number of bowel movements a day, number of irregular bowel movements, your weight versus your height, and various items from blood tests. My GI tells me that I don't weigh enough and the improvement in my blood test results is not sufficient to give me a score that will allow me to continue.

When I pressed him on what my score was, he said that it has come down from 380 to 179. The score that I would need to get to continue with Humira is 150 or less.

I pointed out to him that a reduction down to 179 represents a huge amount, especially given the fact that the Humira only started working for me three or four weeks ago. As far as I can see it seems that the longer I'm on Humira the better it is working, so it only makes sense that if I was on it a little longer I would get down under the 150 mark.

He said that he will call Medicare tomorrow and discuss with them. He tells me that Medicare enables a person to have two trials of the Humira, and after that they won't fund any more trials.

He suggests that I have surgery to remove the stricture and diseased with portion of my small bowel and then I apply again later if required to try the Humira again. But as I pointed out to him if I go off the Humira now there is no doubt that my symptoms and thus my score will go way up again. It would be crazy to let my score go back up to say 380 again and then take on another trial of Humira at a later date only to perhaps again only br withing my score down to 179 and again fail.

It makes sense to me that while I am down to 179, an extension of the Humira injections should get me down below 150 in a short time, and thus Medicare should be happy. Just the fact that I have been hungrier and eating more and putting on weight lately would indicate that my weight is going to go up more if I stay on the Humira longer, and going to go into reverse if I don't.

My GI said that he will talk to Medicare on the phone tomorrow and ask them if I can have my second Humira trial immediately. But he is not optimistic.

Have other people been through similar experiences? I'm sure there must be others out there. What strategies did you use to try and combat this stupid bureaucratic thinking? What are my options?

Desperate to stay on Humira and allow it to keep doing its good work!

Thanks for listening.
(Perth Australia)
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I have talked with so many people at this point I can't keep it straight. Luckily I wrote everything down in a notebook! I too am finding humira people very helpful. My ins. co is telling humira that they do no cover the drug at all so humira referred me to their patient assistance program. My ins. co. is telling me that they will cover humira they just want to change to a different pharmacy (for a second time). My dr. office says they talked with someone at the 'new pharmacy' today and are showing we are approved and should be sent the meds within the week. I have know idea what's going on. lol.

How long have you been on humira? I've noticed that it seems more long term people are on remicade. Wondering if I made the right decision between the two at this point.

I've been on Humira 2 years and it really has been smooth sailing. And there have definitely been people on it for a very long time, I remember someone once posted that her husband had been on it 8 years! I guess you just go with it as long as you can. And if it doesn't work out, you can always try Remicade next.

And seriously good luck with the whole crazy insurance thing! What a mess :ybatty:
OK what all did everyone on Humira have to do to prepare for it, GI told me today that he is starting me on Humira but I had to go get flu shot, get blood work done, I have to have a eye exam, and have to make sure my immunizations are up to date. Plus I have to have a GYN appt.
I haven't started Humira yet because of insurance issues, but I had do some bloodwork/TB and urine sample. Was never told anything about vaccines (flu, hep A, or B)??? why would those be important?
Doc said because Humira lowers everything best to be vaccined against everything JUST IN CASE. Don't know y the GYN thing but hey needed to go there anyways so goin tomo just to make sure everything is cool.
Being military, already had Hep A and B, but they did the TB test and some other blood work to check for infection. I had to get the pneumonia vaccine as well as my annual flu shot, but not the nasal one, since it's live. I guess it's definitely better to be safe then risk getting a really bad infection due to a compromised immune system. Felt like a pin cushion for a while :)
I had TB test, I get annual flu vac, regular bloods was weekly but now monthly, I can't remember other tests.
I had my first over night trip away, it was a gd trip meetings went well, but now I am pale, drained nd in bed. At least it is Friday nd tomorrow is the weekend :)
I haven't started Humira yet because of insurance issues, but I had do some bloodwork/TB and urine sample. Was never told anything about vaccines (flu, hep A, or B)??? why would those be important?

I am curious about this as well... I work in the medical field and need the Hep b vaccine and also need to start Humira. Do I need the vaccine and then wait to start Humira or can I get the vaccine after starting?

Remicade has just been around longer. The medicine is similar to Humira in that it affects the immune system. I have been on Humira for 2+ years and it worked great initially. I think that it still works but on a certain aspect of the disease (couldn't tell you what). I plan on staying on Humira and I will also begin Imuran as well.

I think you made the right decision.

My doc says the main difference between Humira and Remicade is that Humira is a "cleaner" drug. More human properties to it than Remicade... You know docs though, but that's what he said
My doc says the main difference between Humira and Remicade is that Humira is a "cleaner" drug. More human properties to it than Remicade... You know docs though, but that's what he said

My understanding is that rats are involved in the manufacture of remicade, but humira is somehow based only on human sources (?) Maybe someone else can clarify....

My doc says the main difference between Humira and Remicade is that Humira is a "cleaner" drug. More human properties to it than Remicade... You know docs though, but that's what he said

As Gra said, Remicade uses mouse proteins in the making of it which concerns me and humira is more....not sure "natural" is the word I'm looking for lol. I don't think any of us would choose either of these drugs if we didn't have to. I chose Humira for that reason though - no mouse proteins. Figure I can still go to Remicade if Humira doesn't work at some point.

Unfortunately my insurance may make that decision for me.......
Yep, Humira gets it's name from "HUman Monoclonal Antibody in Rheumatoid Arthritis" (I guess Humira just looks nicer than Humara?) as it was the first fully human monoclonal antibody approved by the FDA.
From Wikipedia:
Adalimumab was constructed from a fully human monoclonal antibody, while infliximab is a mouse-human chimeric antibody.

And I think all immunizations should be up to date when starting Humira, included Hep A & B? I had them done a few years before started Humira so I'm not sure whether someone not immunized would be required to. I would imagine so though.
:shifty-t: hmmm, I was only sent for blood work and a urine test to make sure I could take humira. Nothing about vaccines..... would it be because I'm on prednisone?
I wonder if it's because you are already up to date on your vaccines? It was the same with me, just blood test and the TB test. I wonder if certain vaccines aren't a requirement for taking Humira or if they just don't mention it if they see that your vaccine record is up to date.
I wonder if it's because you are already up to date on your vaccines? It was the same with me, just blood test and the TB test. I wonder if certain vaccines aren't a requirement for taking Humira or if they just don't mention it if they see that your vaccine record is up to date.

Blood test and TB test for me as well.
Just had another MRI, and since I still have some active sections of disease after about 14 weeks, I'm being upped to weekly doses. Hopefully this does the trick...don't really want to go the Remicade route, which would probably be the next step. Having to go to the hospital to get the treatments would just be so time consuming. Come on Humira, lets get to remission!
My GI told me that if the Humira doesn't work only other option is to go in and remove that section.
Yeah had Surgery in 1993 removed ascending part of colon and 6 ft of small intest, but I did good for 17 yrs managing on diet since allergic to pred, pentasa, and sulfas. GI said I have done better than most and if it comes to it he will try give me another good run.
I haven't had surgery yet - my gi said don't say yet :) My cd us near stomach at beginning of small intestate nd towards the end of small intents. I don't know what so of surgery they wld do when the meds stop working
Well, looks like I am being added to the club. I have my first loading dose tomorrow. I'm anxious to get going on something that works, but wish it didn't involve shots..... This is my busiest month and not sure how I will handle the loading doses and continue my schedule! Oh well, here we go......
Well, looks like I am being added to the club. I have my first loading dose tomorrow. I'm anxious to get going on something that works, but wish it didn't involve shots..... This is my busiest month and not sure how I will handle the loading doses and continue my schedule! Oh well, here we go......

Michelle, don't worry, the loading shots are not as bad a they sound. A short sharp sting which quickly fades away. Less painful than a bee sting in my estimation. choose an area that has good fat cover, hurts less than into muscle. Also try to avoid large visible veins. And remember to allow the pen(s) to come to room temperature for about 20-30 mins before injecting.

Hope it all goes well for you.

Well, looks like I am being added to the club. I have my first loading dose tomorrow. I'm anxious to get going on something that works, but wish it didn't involve shots..... This is my busiest month and not sure how I will handle the loading doses and continue my schedule! Oh well, here we go......

Good Luck Today! Hope all goes well for you and Humira works well!
Had my first loading dose this afternoon. I went in to my GI's office and his nurse went over everything with me. She did the first shot and I did the other 3. It does hurt for sure, but a maintenance dose of one shot every two weeks seems doable after today. Especially if it helps me feel better! Thankfully, other than my legs being a bit sore I'm not feeling any other effects.

Thanks for the support!
Hope the Humira starts to work for you Michelle! Even though its not working as fast for me and had to be upped to weekly doses, I feel so much better now! Now that you have the loading doses over, it should be easy! :)
I had an allergic reaction to Infliximab, which was quite scary, have now been told I have to start Humira in the near future. Was told Infliximab and Humira are in the same drug family but hopefully you will be ok with it! Just wondering if anyone on here had a reaction to Infliximab but are ok with Humira?
I had an allergic reaction to Infliximab, which was quite scary, have now been told I have to start Humira in the near future. Was told Infliximab and Humira are in the same drug family but hopefully you will be ok with it! Just wondering if anyone on here had a reaction to Infliximab but are ok with Humira?

Some people, I believe although don't take my word on it, have a reaction to the rat protein in Remicade whereas Humira has human protein in it. What exactly that means I'm not 100% sure.

I'm in the same club as you - reaction to Remicade; just did loading dose of Humira last week. Thankfully, no adverse reaction. The feeling I get from my GI is that an adverse reaction to Remicade is not uncommon and that the mouse protein used in Remicade may be the cause. Humira is 100% human, so fewer adverse reactions. Good luck with it.
Same here - developed an allergic anaphylactic reaction to Remicade after a year. On Humira for 2 months now with no problem. My doctor said an anaphylactic reaction to Humira would be very unlikely.
HI everyone, I may soon be new to Humira. Currently on remicade but switched jobs which meant switching insurance and the new insurance won't cover remicade, only humira. Does anyone know if Humira doesn't work if I can go back to remicade after being off it?
Spinnychick, have you read the Switching Anti-TNF Agents? It is posted in the Research section, or click on link from above, it might give you some insight into switching between the two though it has been awhile since I have read it, so not completely sure. Good luck with Humira!
Thanks Clash. I'm super confused right now. Remicade coordinator wants me to stay on that and offering it free (temporarily), but I don't know why I would if it will eventually run out. GI is unresponsive and won't return my calls to see him so I don't know what to be doing.
Thanks Clash. I'm super confused right now. Remicade coordinator wants me to stay on that and offering it free (temporarily), but I don't know why I would if it will eventually run out. GI is unresponsive and won't return my calls to see him so I don't know what to be doing.

I assume that the Remicade is working for you at present, if so, and they are offering to give it to you free, I cant see any reason to switch. But what does "temporarily" mean? Perhaps if you find out how long "temporary" you can decide which way to go.
I assume that the Remicade is working for you at present, if so, and they are offering to give it to you free, I cant see any reason to switch. But what does "temporarily" mean? Perhaps if you find out how long "temporary" you can decide which way to go.

Temporarily means until i get partial coverage through trillium and eap. But I am not interested in paying a big deductible if I can get humira free. Also heard the more remi I take and then go off the more chance I can't go back on due to developping antibodies to it.
Don't you love it when insurance companies play doctor? Dee, Humira is a good med. I have been on it for 20 months now. My colonoscopy last week found no inflammation from Crohns. I'm still in remission. Now my anastomosis scarring was blocking my gut ofF and causing me pain and grief, and for some reason I have a lot of D, but no active inflammation.
I got my jab this Thursday :) I am hoping to get a gi apt soon as I need them to get approval for humira for another year
Hi All, I am going for my first induction dose tomorrow morning. The nurse at my GI doc's office is going to teach me. She told me to take Tylenol before I go and it will help with the pain. I'm pretty nervous about the injections and especially about doing them myself. I have been on Methotrexate injections for 9 months but I go to the doctor to get them so have no experience giving myself an injection (I get them in the back of my arms). The Metho injections don't hurt at all but I have read in previous posts that the Humira stings.

My question is, how do you feel after the injections? The nurse said that most people don't feel anything (other than the stinging) but then the next day may feel tired. I will be going to work right after so worried that I will feel nauseous or wiped out. What was your experience?
Hi All, I am going for my first induction dose tomorrow morning. The nurse at my GI doc's office is going to teach me. She told me to take Tylenol before I go and it will help with the pain. I'm pretty nervous about the injections and especially about doing them myself. I have been on Methotrexate injections for 9 months but I go to the doctor to get them so have no experience giving myself an injection (I get them in the back of my arms). The Metho injections don't hurt at all but I have read in previous posts that the Humira stings.

My question is, how do you feel after the injections? The nurse said that most people don't feel anything (other than the stinging) but then the next day may feel tired. I will be going to work right after so worried that I will feel nauseous or wiped out. What was your experience?
You may feel fine, but I'd be prepared on feeling tired.
@ Jonique

I felt a bit light headed after doing my loading doses. Most likely from the panicking I was doing before hand! The IBD nurse did it for me, and continued to do so for about 2 months, I used to travel up to her in the hospital to do them. I eventually did them without her help and from there on in I did them on my own at home.

The biggest worry was that I'd pull the pen away and waste the medicine if it was too painful but your instinct won't let you. Sometimes the pain can be a bugger but it lasts for all of 9-10 seconds. MAKE SURE YOU ICE THE AREA ADEQUATELY!! It helps sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!, so much to the point you won't even feel the pain.

Good luck and welcome to the club. As I said recently to another newbie this is were all the cool kids hang out.

I had my four injections this morning and like IAmTheWalrus I felt a bit lightheaded after so had to sit in the waiting room for about 10 minutes. I also got a bit flushed in the face but otherwise I feel fine. It's been about 8 hours now and i am starting to feel tired but I always feel tired at the end of work day so can't tell if there is any difference.

The nurse did all four injections which helped. They stung a little bit but not bad at all. Doing them myself will be another story :) Next time, I will do one or both.

So, so far so good!
So, as a potnetial newbie I've decided to allow myself a few stupid questions. Do you "load" humira, like have loading doses? Also, is it 4 needles (one each thigh, one each side of tummy) and is it always 4 needles? How long do people usually stay on humira?
So, as a potnetial newbie I've decided to allow myself a few stupid questions. Do you "load" humira, like have loading doses? Also, is it 4 needles (one each thigh, one each side of tummy) and is it always 4 needles? How long do people usually stay on humira?

Yes, loading doses are usually 4, then a fortnight later 2, then each fortnight after that 1.
I had all 4 shots in my stomach (2 left, 2 right, top & bottom).
I've been on humira for over 2 years now (can't remember when I started it atm) and it's saved me from having surgery so far.
Starting Humira on Wednesday! Overall my Crohn's symptoms are mild, but I am hoping it will help heal my annoying fistula!

That was the reason I had to start Humira, annoying fistula, well two, that wouldn't bugger off. I've no drainage nor pain since starting. Good luck.
So, as a potnetial newbie I've decided to allow myself a few stupid questions. Do you "load" humira, like have loading doses? Also, is it 4 needles (one each thigh, one each side of tummy) and is it always 4 needles? How long do people usually stay on humira?

As others said, yes there are two loading doses. I had the inital loading dose of 4 shots all in my thighs. Tomorrow (or today now) I will do the second loading dose of 2 shots, one in each thigh. Then the maintenance dose of 1 shot every two weeks. I'm hoping humira will get me years of feeling good! :) Good luck deciding!
As others said, yes there are two loading doses. I had the inital loading dose of 4 shots all in my thighs. Tomorrow (or today now) I will do the second loading dose of 2 shots, one in each thigh. Then the maintenance dose of 1 shot every two weeks. I'm hoping humira will get me years of feeling good! :) Good luck deciding!

The decision isn't mine to make, it's up to my doc and the insurance company unfortunately. So from what I understand, after two loading dose, it's only one shot every two weeks?? Wow, I thought it was 4 shots every two weeks. YAY!
Did my jab last night, it was a bit of a stinger. I have nearly got to Friday as my jab day, yay! Had crazy dreams, so pleased to wake up. My nails are developing lots of vertical ridges and lines, does anyone else have this?
Looks like I'll be leaving the Humira club. I was suppose to have my last dose before surgery this week. The flu has decided to pay our house a visit. The flu shot never did a thing for 3 of us this year. So no Humira this week and I guess for awhile.
Humira Club! Love it!

I've been on Humira since October, 2012.

It does help with my severe joint pain. (I get swollen knees, ankles, fingers, & wrists.) But unfortunately, it did not put me in remission. I had to have surgery in January-I had extreme abceses from my first surgery that were causing severe pain & constipation-not to mention the crohn's was back. :/

Now I am recovering from surgery. Started my first dose of Humira post-op on Wednesday.

I am the same as many of you-I cannot give myself the shot. My fiance came with me the learn how to do. The first four shots that I did with the nurse we did in my thighs. NEVER AGAIN! It is so much less painful to squeeze your belly as much as you can for the shot. I always take it out of the fridge too. The less cold it is, the less stringing involved! It still hurts, but not nearly as bad. :)

Here's hoping we can all be in remission for a long time!!
Hi All, I am going for my first induction dose tomorrow morning. The nurse at my GI doc's office is going to teach me. She told me to take Tylenol before I go and it will help with the pain. I'm pretty nervous about the injections and especially about doing them myself. I have been on Methotrexate injections for 9 months but I go to the doctor to get them so have no experience giving myself an injection (I get them in the back of my arms). The Metho injections don't hurt at all but I have read in previous posts that the Humira stings.

My question is, how do you feel after the injections? The nurse said that most people don't feel anything (other than the stinging) but then the next day may feel tired. I will be going to work right after so worried that I will feel nauseous or wiped out. What was your experience?

I tend to feel tired the day after my injections...which I didn't realize until my Dr told me to watch and see how I reacted, but now I know. As for the sting, it's not bad, a few seconds and that's it, just leave it out for a little bit so it's not as cold and it's virtually least for me, but I know we're all different. Hope all went well and you're on your way to recovery!:ybiggrin:
I have been feeling pretty good since the four injections last Monday. My energy is definitely up. I just finished cleaning my entire condo without a break! This is big for me. One thing that I did notice was that I had horrible heartburn with reflux and abdominal distention for two days but it is better now. I had to double up on the omeprazole and take Gaviscon to settle it back down. I am not sure if that was from the Humira or something else. It was quite a coincidence though. Has anyone else had that problem? I will see if it happens again after my next injection (2 pens) next week.
My energy is definitely up. I just finished cleaning my entire condo without a break! This is big for me. One thing that I did notice was that I had horrible heartburn with reflux and abdominal distention for two days but it is better now. I had to double up on the omeprazole and take Gaviscon to settle it back down.

wow! That's amazing! I can't even get out of bed yet! You go girl! :)

I have experienced the exact same thing in terms of the acid reflux! I had to move up to nexium because it got so bad! Ended up that I had some serious stomach issues after an endoscopy. I'm starting to form ulcers, so it's something you should check out. Might just be the news meds though!
The first four shots that I did with the nurse we did in my thighs. NEVER AGAIN! It is so much less painful to squeeze your belly as much as you can for the shot. I always take it out of the fridge too. The less cold it is, the less stringing involved! It still hurts, but not nearly :)

I find that my thighs are less painful than my stomach :) Although I haven't injected my stomach for a while, and maybe the pinching might help. But holding it in your hand for a minute or so to warm it up slightly from the cold fridge definitely helps!
I'm a newbie to Humira, had my first shots 2 weeks ago. Next one is tomorrow.
Can I ask, when is the best time to do the shots, morning, evening, bedtime?
I'm thinking of doing it when I get home from work. Any side effects, at least I'm at home and can sleep it off?
Thanks xx
I'm a newbie to Humira, had my first shots 2 weeks ago. Next one is tomorrow.
Can I ask, when is the best time to do the shots, morning, evening, bedtime?
I'm thinking of doing it when I get home from work. Any side effects, at least I'm at home and can sleep it off?
Thanks xx

Depends, do you feel tired after the shots? If so then I'd do them at n.ite. I had major fatique issues. But I'm on methotrexate with humira. So that combo packs a bigger punch. It's very individualized depending on how your affected with the doses.
I've been shifting my jab to Friday so I can sleep nd do stuff all on weekend. I do get tired day after jab.
We do EJ's at night. He takes benadryl 1/2 hour before to avoid itchy injection site. For him, it's the benadryl that wipes him out. He doesn't feel fatigued the next day though. He hasn't mentioned that anyway.
I'm a newbie to Humira, had my first shots 2 weeks ago. Next one is tomorrow.
Can I ask, when is the best time to do the shots, morning, evening, bedtime?
I'm thinking of doing it when I get home from work. Any side effects, at least I'm at home and can sleep it off?
Thanks xx

Hi Joan! I prefer the evenings because it does make me fatigued. I usually have tiredness the next day, so I prefer Friday evening.
So, the drug company fairies have wangled me a free dose of remicade but my clock is running out and I'm sure I will soon be on humira instead so I will quietly follow the thread from the backround and learn from y'all. Happy, healthy days to everyone. Oh, and my doc has prescribed me Imuran - anyone have any experience with that in conjustion with remi or humi?
Did either of you just start on one or the other first and then have the second added because one drug alone wasn't doing enough?
Did either of you just start on one or the other first and then have the second added because one drug alone wasn't doing enough?

I have been on Methotrexate for nearly one year but it does not work well enough and causes too many side-effects. I started Humira last week (4 shots) and will slowly decrease the Methotrexate until I am off it altogether (fingers crossed). It will take about 4 months to do.

interesting though that my GI doc gave me the humira and told me I could slowly decrease and stop the Methtrexate but my rheumatologist wants me to stay on the methotrexate as she says it helps to prevent your body from making antibodies to the Humira. This is why it works for a while and then stops working, she says.

I have been dealing with conflicting directions from the two of them for over a year now! I hate taking Methotrexate so hopeful that I can stop it. So far the Humira has been good.
Did either of you just start on one or the other first and then have the second added because one drug alone wasn't doing enough?

I've been on imuran since diagnosed in 1999, along with sulfasalazine. Tried remicade but it didn't work out after 3 infusions, so shifted over to humira. I was also on prednisolone when I started on humira, and once since then during a flare last year.
Just have to be extra careful because of the lowered immune system and everything.
Thanks peeps
So, I did my shot Tuesday night, and even tho I'm on Amitriptyline I tossed n turned all night and was very hot. Felt a bit sick too. Sooooo tired today too!
I want to ask, my next shot is in 2 weeks time, on a Tuesday.
Would it be ok to wait a few more days and do it Friday night? Or...
Do it earlier on the Friday before the Tuesday that it's due?
Hope that makes sense, lol !!
We switched from Friday to Sunday w/o problem but you might want to stretch out such a change over a couple of injections.
Did either of you just start on one or the other first and then have the second added because one drug alone wasn't doing enough?

I've been on Imuran for 2 years. I was put on prednisone in December 2012 for a flare with stricture and started Humira this month. My GI says I will continue the imuran for at least 6 months as he feels the success rate with humira will be better.???

Glad others are doing fine on both.
Thanks peeps
So, I did my shot Tuesday night, and even tho I'm on Amitriptyline I tossed n turned all night and was very hot. Felt a bit sick too. Sooooo tired today too!
I want to ask, my next shot is in 2 weeks time, on a Tuesday.
Would it be ok to wait a few more days and do it Friday night? Or...
Do it earlier on the Friday before the Tuesday that it's due?
Hope that makes sense, lol !!

My GI has told me that it doesn't hurt to shift the humira jab forward or back a few days if needed.

Hope this helps...

I've been shifting my jab a day each fortnight. But the tip I got from here was that if you want Friday and your jab is earlier in the week work backwards to Sunday, Saturday etc
I find that my thighs are less painful than my stomach :) Although I haven't injected my stomach for a while, and maybe the pinching might help. But holding it in your hand for a minute or so to warm it up slightly from the cold fridge definitely helps!

Just goes to show we are all different. :ysmile: I had to do my shot today and was a bit nervous because I had to switch to the other side of my tummy and I had some incision marks there, but it was alright. For whatever reason, today's shot hurt a lot of more than usual. I left it out like i normally do, but the stinging was so bad! Maybe my body is just ultra sensitive on that side from the surgery!
I'm a newbie to Humira, had my first shots 2 weeks ago. Next one is tomorrow.
Can I ask, when is the best time to do the shots, morning, evening, bedtime?
I'm thinking of doing it when I get home from work. Any side effects, at least I'm at home and can sleep it off?
Thanks xx

I always do mine at bedtime. I find they make me really weak, but other people have said it gives them a boost of energy. I think you have to test it out and see how you feel! :heart:
Thanks Gra Aura and taylorali

I bet I'm the one with tons of energy, hence the reason why I couldn't sleep!!
Still waitng for doc to start my Humira. He keeps bumping my appt back now it isn't until the 27th of March. Starting feel like my pain is nothing to him.
Still waitng for doc to start my Humira. He keeps bumping my appt back now it isn't until the 27th of March. Starting feel like my pain is nothing to him.

Yeah, my GI never seems very worried about my pain, I'm sure that to him I'm just a bunch of numbers on a blood test report....

One day when he was telling me (looking at my test results) that I had a lot of inflamation, I had to say to him "You dont need to tell me that, I KNOW that, I can FEEL the inflamation and it HURTS!!!

He is so thick sometimes, I'm sure he doesnt live in the real world.