Humira Club Support Group

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Well it looks like I'm joining the club! Just have to get this darn TB test done... It seems there is only 1 place in my area that does it. Sometimes I hate living in rural New Brunswick!!

I'm terrified of needles due to many bad experience with blood draws and IVs (I have bad veins apparently) but hopefully this will be better as I don't have to find a vein!

Kiik, I think you'll find it's a lot easier and less painful than you expect. I hate needles too, but got used to it quickly.

Elektrikhd, now that I have a pretty good idea it's my Humira, I will jump on I at the first sign of pain. I have all expectations it will fade or I will learn to deal with . Much easier than cramps and the big D!

DogUte, thats the plan now. I felt better today than I have in two years, energy wise! I don't want to fail now.

Elvie, think for the sense of hope! I really believe that like you, the headache issue will improve.

Lizzy16, I failed Remicade so my hopes are all in this basket so to speak. After my two loading doses I already feel a difference. It's awesome!

Thank you all for your answers.

Well got my Humira starter kit yesterday gonna start the loading dose friday so that way boys won't be in school and hubby doesn't have to work JUST IN CASE.
It's very heartening to read about how Humira is working well for so many of us!

Lauren - I also failed Remicade (it worked for a little while but I ultimately developed antibodies) and Humira has brought me back from the pure hell that has been the past few years. I hope your headaches fade! I've noticed a Humira side effect for me is itchy skin - no rash, just itchiness, mostly around my torso and chest. However, this is a small "price to pay" for how good I've felt since starting Humira. Good luck to you!
Gave myself my first 2 shots today give myself next 2 tomorrow and then 2 more shot on the 12th. My shots today did one shot each side of stomach the funny thing is the left side hurt and the right side didn't. So far no side effects. Got a ? for all my Humira Homies, how long before u seen side effects if u had any?

Funny you should mention itching! I have been itching for
two days. Around the torso. Today was to be my day of
taking one shot and my pharm messed up so hopefully I
will get my pens soon. I am surprised a specialty pharm
had such trouble with this. It's not complicated !!

Hi all first post here on this thread. Im currently on remicade, but am having delayed reactions (hives). I was thinking about talking to gi about switching to humira. I do well symptom wise with remicade but afraid the reactions will get worse with the next infusion. If im reacting to the remi do you think the same will happen with the humira? Any advice would be great.
rr u might be having a reaction to the mouse protiens, humira is made with human protiens that are easier for our systems to adjust too. I have currently started my Humira and so far knock on wood no serious reactions. Hope this helped u.
I find that thinking that I have to give myself the shot that day is worse then taking the shots. This is 3rd time I have been through the 4 shot/2 shot start up, GI dr. wanted to experiment with other meds. All day I dread the shots, but when time comes its nothing at all.
Has anyone noticed an increased appetite on Humira? It's only been a week very early days but my appetite has been really big for the last few days, especially at night time. I don't think it's the Prednisone as I'm down to a very small dose (5mg) and haven't noticed it beforehand but it might be a delayed side effect.. Big appetite is better than no appetite!

Anyway all going well the first week in, increased energy with no need for naps during the day and my stomach hasn't been too much trouble, as I say early days but positive so far. x
Has anyone noticed an increased appetite on Humira? It's only been a week very early days but my appetite has been really big for the last few days, especially at night time. I don't think it's the Prednisone as I'm down to a very small dose (5mg) and haven't noticed it beforehand but it might be a delayed side effect.. Big appetite is better than no appetite!

Anyway all going well the first week in, increased energy with no need for naps during the day and my stomach hasn't been too much trouble, as I say early days but positive so far. x

Glad it's working for you so far! Remember to familiarize yourself with side effects, so your aware what to look out for.
lizzy16, could be the Humira is working & your body is healing, that requires fuel.
Hope you continue feeling better.
I'm still waiting on my blood rest results. Went to ER Sunday they put me on antibiotics as I had blood in urine. I told them of my previous blood results and renal issues. Doc wasn't a good listener so I see my GP today and email my IBD nurse with an update. I have an eye infection in both my eyes and the ER doc gave me drops for allergies. So I still have infected eyes that aren't as itchy. My WBC will be higher due to eye infection, but I bet the docs will say that I have a uti rather than problems with kidneys and humira. So I will keep my nurse updated at the hospital.
I am going to start humira as soon as everything gets situated wit the insurance and the humira assistance program..
Right now I have the talking practice injector.
Little nervous though :(
I am going to start humira as soon as everything gets situated wit the insurance and the humira assistance program..
Right now I have the talking practice injector.
Little nervous though :(

It will be fine :) try not to be to anxious its not worth the worry. I know because I was very anxious and everything went great. A Humira nurse came to help me with the loading doses and stayed until I was calm. Its been over 2 years time has gone so fast.
My symptoms were improving but with my pharm screwing
up, I missed my does last Friday. Today was pretty rough
towards the end of the day.

Maybe it's all in my head or....... Either way I want my meds!!

My symptoms were improving but with my pharm screwing
up, I missed my does last Friday. Today was pretty rough
towards the end of the day.

Maybe it's all in my head or....... Either way I want my meds!!


Lauren give it time. It will work out, if you can tolerate it.
Has anyone experienced tingling and numbness in their hands and arms? My doctor wants me to talk to a neurologist and have a ncv test ( nerve conduction volocity).
Got my meds today......

I use the pens, confirmed that a few times, they sent
the syringes.

God Forbid this pharmacy be in the position of keeping alive!


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I'm new to Humira. I started 2 weeks ago, today is my day 15 (the last of taking the 2 doses). I was fine giving myself the first injections, but now I'm having a lot of anxiety. I tried to give myself the injections and I kept shaking, I twitched so bad I accidently hit the plunger and sprayed medication all over myself. I don't know why I freaked out, I don't normally have anxiety and I don't have a fear of needles or pain. I still haven't been able to go through with the injections, I'm still shaking and my heart feels like it is about to explode out of my chest. I was wondering if anyone has gone through something like this and if there is anything that can help the anxiety.
Thank You.
I'm new to Humira. I started 2 weeks ago, today is my day 15 (the last of taking the 2 doses). I was fine giving myself the first injections, but now I'm having a lot of anxiety. I tried to give myself the injections and I kept shaking, I twitched so bad I accidently hit the plunger and sprayed medication all over myself. I don't know why I freaked out, I don't normally have anxiety and I don't have a fear of needles or pain. I still haven't been able to go through with the injections, I'm still shaking and my heart feels like it is about to explode out of my chest. I was wondering if anyone has gone through something like this and if there is anything that can help the anxiety.
Thank You.

Hey! I went through a stage of this sort of thing, I found the best way to deal with it was to get it over with as soon as possible (without over thinking it) and have some music or the TV turned up to distract me.
Organise all the stuff you'll need to do the injection, alco-wipe the area you'll be injecting, gather up some skin, hold the pen/needle against it and go for it.
Derby, you could try and reward yourself with a treat afterwards. If you still get anxious is there a local nurse that could help you? Or someone at home that could inject you?
I'm new to Humira. I started 2 weeks ago, today is my day 15 (the last of taking the 2 doses). I was fine giving myself the first injections, but now I'm having a lot of anxiety. I tried to give myself the injections and I kept shaking, I twitched so bad I accidently hit the plunger and sprayed medication all over myself. I don't know why I freaked out, I don't normally have anxiety and I don't have a fear of needles or pain. I still haven't been able to go through with the injections, I'm still shaking and my heart feels like it is about to explode out of my chest. I was wondering if anyone has gone through something like this and if there is anything that can help the anxiety.
Thank You.

Lots of people on these forums, including me, went through similar nerves in the beginning. It gets easier. :) Just try to tell yourself that Humira is going to make you better, do a bit of deep breathing, and as Aura said, reward yourself afterwards. I try to think of injection day as chocolate day - turning a negative into a positive! I was shaking when giving myself my first lot of loading doses then fine after that. Remember, you never have to go through the four loading doses in one go ever again! You're through the hardest part already. Keep in mind there's nothing abnormal about the way you've reacted - being scared is totally normal. If you're really worried, if you can get someone else to do the injection for you that might be a good idea, at least until you feel better about it.
Kate269, I am on Humira and Budesonide as well. It has not stopped my D either.

I just had a pen malfunction that I sent back to Humira.They replace the onedefective pen with two freebies. Nice.

I've been using Humira for over 5 yrs without any malfunctioning pens or issues except a minor injection site reaction every time. However, my last 4 pens have malfunctioned - once i removed the pen the medication drips/squirts out of the pen, I know the needle penetrated the skin, i just don't think any or little medication actually was injected. I always have a little burning sensation and an injection site reaction, I had neither. I thought the first injection was a fluke and maybe I'd become a little complacent/user error so I made sure I followed the instructions to the tee for the following 3 injections - even re-watched the video. I'm also a health professional used to giving injections. They were all from the same lot number. The drug maker was really easy to work both times and contacted my specialty pharmacy right away to overnight additional medication free of charge. I haven't used my last set yet (same lot number again) b/c I've recently had to have surgery but will do so soon. My first surgery too - the last thing I needed was to be without the Humira. Maybe all the pooping and puking has given me abs of steel. :)

Did you immediately use another pen? Or did you wait for the replacement? If the med still "squirts" as opposed to drips, maybe you hit something that actually plugged the needle. Is that even possible?

I hope that doesn't happen to us!! I'd be wondering how much he got, should we call, should we redo the injection, should we…..?? EEEeeekkk!!

Did you immediately use another pen? Or did you wait for the replacement? If the med still "squirts" as opposed to drips, maybe you hit something that actually plugged the needle. Is that even possible?

I hope that doesn't happen to us!! I'd be wondering how much he got, should we call, should we redo the injection, should we…..?? EEEeeekkk!!

After speaking with my MD (and the humira nurse and someone from their product development dept), I did immediately use another pen when I had one available. The last time I had to wait for my delivery of the replacements. AbbVie took back the pens to investigate if there was an issue. I've been pretty careful to rotate sites and not inject within 2in of the belly button to avoid potential scar tissue. If possible, I don't think I would have hit something that plugged the pen that many times in a row. Maybe squirting is too strong a word since it really is only 0.8 mL but it was enough to run down my hand and dribble more than just a drop or two on my pants. I really think there was a pen delivery system malfunction as did my MD office. I've been using the pen for over 5 yrs without an issue so I'm sure most people won't ever have an issue. However, if it does happen the drug maker is really easy to work with and the nurse will likely direct you to contact the MD to decide on your treatment plan.
I'm new to Humira. I started 2 weeks ago, today is my day 15 (the last of taking the 2 doses). I was fine giving myself the first injections, but now I'm having a lot of anxiety. I tried to give myself the injections and I kept shaking, I twitched so bad I accidently hit the plunger and sprayed medication all over myself. I don't know why I freaked out, I don't normally have anxiety and I don't have a fear of needles or pain. I still haven't been able to go through with the injections, I'm still shaking and my heart feels like it is about to explode out of my chest. I was wondering if anyone has gone through something like this and if there is anything that can help the anxiety.
Thank You.

I am fairly new as well, taking my third maintenance dose tomorrow :yfaint: In the GI office for the initial 4 shot loading dose I did three of the four shots myself. Thought it would be no problem when it came time to do the second loading dose myself in the comfort of my own home. I'm not sure what happened but I became so stressed out! I ended up messing up the first shot, by flinching I think and had a nickle sized area of medicine sitting on my leg, ugh! I did manage to do the second one. I called my GI nurse about the messed up one and she gave me a sample pen to do. I did manage to do that one as well but not before having an anxiety attack. Crazy! I never expected to get this worked up. So, for peace of mind, I now have my husband give me the shots. He counts down from 5 and after the longest 10 seconds ever it's over :) It has worked out wonderfully.

All this to say, you are not alone and for me having someone else actually do the shot has worked better for me.
After speaking with my MD (and the humira nurse and someone from their product development dept), I did immediately use another pen when I had one available. The last time I had to wait for my delivery of the replacements. AbbVie took back the pens to investigate if there was an issue. I've been pretty careful to rotate sites and not inject within 2in of the belly button to avoid potential scar tissue. If possible, I don't think I would have hit something that plugged the pen that many times in a row. Maybe squirting is too strong a word since it really is only 0.8 mL but it was enough to run down my hand and dribble more than just a drop or two on my pants. I really think there was a pen delivery system malfunction as did my MD office. I've been using the pen for over 5 yrs without an issue so I'm sure most people won't ever have an issue. However, if it does happen the drug maker is really easy to work with and the nurse will likely direct you to contact the MD to decide on your treatment plan.

My malfunction did not even get to injecting me. My wife took Cap 2 off and we had Humira flying everywhere. I had to wash Humira off the ceiling fan. The pen just went off without the trigger being pressed. It took a few days to get the replacement here, and I took my injection the day it got here.
I was able to do my day 15 dose. It took a while to calm myself down. I also found that I should only inject on the very upper portion of my thigh. The lower part of my thigh, where I did my second injection, bruised instantly and welted up. Thank you all for the advice and support. Even though I am only into my second week of Humira I feel like a new person, or I guess I should say the person I was before Crohn's.
I'm new this forum, but not new to Humira. It's probably suggested somewhere in the previous comments, but my best advice for taking the injection is using ice to numb the injection site before wiping it clean with alcohol. Hold an ice pack on the spot for several minutes and get everything ready for the injection. Then, shoot! It will still hurt, but not near the pain if you were to go without ice.

For now, my biggest problem is the anxiety/depression with either the disease or the meds or both. :confused2:
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in January. I started out on Azathioprine, but developed pancreatitis from the med. Because of that, my only option now is Humira. I am really nervous about taking it, and actually cancelled my training appointment today, because of the side effects. I had a 0.3% chance of getting pancreatitis from Azathioprine and I did. Before going on any meds at all I managed to get pneumonia, fifths disease (I work with little kids) and mono all within a few months. If I managed that before taking a med to lower my immune system, I feel like its going to be a disaster lowering my immune system even more. For those of you taking Humira, have you experienced many of the side effects? I am really worried I will be the 0.3% again. Do you get sick more frequently? I am an elementary teacher, so I am exposed to tons of germs every day.
I can empathize with those who have "pen anxiety". I'm not terribly needle phobic, but the rapidness of the spring-loaded pen is pretty scary. I would almost describe it as violent (kind of like when you get your ears pierced with the earring "gun"). I also find the gurgling noise it makes when the liquid actually goes into your skin very mentally unnerving.

Some tips I've found useful when injecting:

- Let the pen come to room temp. Leave it out for half an hour before you use it.
- Prop yourself up on your bed when injecting so that your belly is horizontal. I usually lean my upper back on pillows against my bed's backboard.
- Wait at least 15 to 20 seconds after swabbing with the alcohol wipe to allow the alcohol to dry.
- To prepare mentally, I usually chant in my head "This is going to just take 15 seconds and then I'm going to feel good for 2 weeks." I also remind myself of how horrible I felt when my Crohn's was very active (pretty much agonizing pain).
- Quickly pinch up a half inch to an inch of belly fat, hold the pen firmly perpendicular against the flesh and inject, counting slowly from 1 to 10. When I get to 10 - and double check to make sure that the injection is done - I gently lift the pen from my belly and let go of the pinched portion. If there is any blood (rarely), I have a sterile cotton ball at hand to gently apply to the injection site.
- Lie still for a minute or two afterward. I sometimes even very very gently massage around the injection site (never directly on it though, and also very very gently).
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in January. I started out on Azathioprine, but developed pancreatitis from the med. Because of that, my only option now is Humira. I am really nervous about taking it, and actually cancelled my training appointment today, because of the side effects. I had a 0.3% chance of getting pancreatitis from Azathioprine and I did. Before going on any meds at all I managed to get pneumonia, fifths disease (I work with little kids) and mono all within a few months. If I managed that before taking a med to lower my immune system, I feel like its going to be a disaster lowering my immune system even more. For those of you taking Humira, have you experienced many of the side effects? I am really worried I will be the 0.3% again. Do you get sick more frequently? I am an elementary teacher, so I am exposed to tons of germs every day.

I do feel that I get sick more often, not necessarily major illness, but colds more often. I have some other minor side effects, but even with that said the benefits of Humira far out weigh the draw backs in my situation at this time.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in January. I started out on Azathioprine, but developed pancreatitis from the med. Because of that, my only option now is Humira. I am really nervous about taking it, and actually cancelled my training appointment today, because of the side effects. I had a 0.3% chance of getting pancreatitis from Azathioprine and I did. Before going on any meds at all I managed to get pneumonia, fifths disease (I work with little kids) and mono all within a few months. If I managed that before taking a med to lower my immune system, I feel like its going to be a disaster lowering my immune system even more. For those of you taking Humira, have you experienced many of the side effects? I am really worried I will be the 0.3% again. Do you get sick more frequently? I am an elementary teacher, so I am exposed to tons of germs every day.

I teach elementary school, too, so I'm with you on the worry. I've been on immunosuppressants since the summer (first Remicade, switched to Humira in November). I haven't had a huge increase in sicknesses as far as I can tell, but I've also been a lot more cautious. I use hand sanitizer more frequently, and keep one on me at all times, wash my hands more thoroughly. I've also decided not to push myself as I have in the past to go in when I'm not feeling well. Luckily my principal is pretty understanding.

The biggest problem I've had is headaches which seem to be caused by the Humira. Migrane-level sinus pain, but not like the sinus infections I've had in the past--in fact, these don't seem to be infections, since they clear up in about 24 hours.

I'm not sure I can offer much specific, but I can at least relate to your situation. Feel free to ask me anything or just drop me a line to talk.
I worked in early childhood, I'm on aza and humira and was advised to get a desk job which I have got one now. Good luck.
Hey I am new to this group I started humira 7 weeks ago. I am in the middle of a flare up and I gave my self a shot wed I get lol belly aches from it with a flare up it made it worst but other wise am doin okay . took sometime gettin us ,to giving myself shots but ok now
The biggest problem I've had is headaches which seem to be caused by the Humira. Migrane-level sinus pain, but not like the sinus infections I've had in the past--in fact, these don't seem to be infections, since they clear up in about 24 hours.

I am very concerned about the potential headache side effect. I never used to get headaches, and now I am getting horrible headaches/unbearable sinus pain, and nothing they give me helps dull the pain. I can't imagine making it even worse by being on Humira
I am very concerned about the potential headache side effect. I never used to get headaches, and now I am getting horrible headaches/unbearable sinus pain, and nothing they give me helps dull the pain. I can't imagine making it even worse by being on Humira

I had to go on amitriptyline after a neurologist eliminated anything neurological. Just another side effect. How ever if you get tingle and numbing, electrical shock feeling any where call your GI.
I gave myself my second dosage last night and haven't noticed any ill effects (since so many of you experience headaches I'm quite wary of them!); but I did sleep in till 11am - on my days off I usually get up naturally around 8am, so I guess my body needed a little extra. Normal energy throughout today, but I'm glad I injected the night before a day off rather than having had to get up early for work this morning.
Thought I'd post my so-far-so-good Humira story. I was put on it to fix fistulas, and after an appointment with my gastro last week he discovered that they are healing nicely thanks to Humira. So he's sent off my next script to be approved by Medicare. Am still getting headaches from time to time also thanks to Humira but am managing.

For those who have hesitated over Humira, it's been a wonder drug for me so far, even if initial side effects were not quite so wonderful.

Also a question for other Aussies: has anyone ordered the free travel needle pack from I ordered one about 6/7 weeks ago and haven't got it yet...wondering if I should call them to ask about it.
Also a question for other Aussies: has anyone ordered the free travel needle pack from I ordered one about 6/7 weeks ago and haven't got it yet...wondering if I should call them to ask about it.

I've got 2 now, they both took a while to come so maybe give it until the end of the week
New to the group but not to Humira. Been on over a year--weekly shots since December. Developed a skin rash that has lasted two weeks. Never had a rash while on Humira until now. Rash is small blotches. Doesn't itch but won't go away. Also, developed bad edema that lasted two weeks and is finally starting to subside. From Humira???

Am I allergic?

Lastly, I've been experiencing "foggy groggy head" and severe exhaustion on the day after the shot. This had stopped after the first two months and is back something fierce in the last month. Anyone else experience this?
New to the group but not to Humira. Been on over a year--weekly shots since December. Developed a skin rash that has lasted two weeks. Never had a rash while on Humira until now. Rash is small blotches. Doesn't itch but won't go away. Also, developed bad edema that lasted two weeks and is finally starting to subside. From Humira???

Am I allergic?

Lastly, I've been experiencing "foggy groggy head" and severe exhaustion on the day after the shot. This had stopped after the first two months and is back something fierce in the last month. Anyone else experience this?

I'd check with your GI to see if you are having a mild reaction. As to the other side effects returning.... OH NO I hope not! I don't want to go through that again. I hope maybe it's just that you've been doing too much and wore down. I get more issues with the humira the more I overdo as well as more issues with my crohn's since I'm not in remission as of yet.
It's Thursday night the half way mark between injections
( officially its fri am) and the headache is starting already.

Any suggestions as to the best way to beat this thing?

Last time I ended up in the ER, now that I know to expect it
I won't go but, relief would be nice

Hi everyone,

I've been off Humira since the beginning of November. Just had tests done and it's been quickly determined(before the follow up appointment even) that I'm going back on Humira as well as Imuran(x2 daily?). BTW - we don't even know if the Humira even worked when I was on it for the past two years.

I understand I need to get the starting doses all over again so I'm just soo excited for that..

Well here's my question: My dr mentioned it could cause some kind of reaction because I've been off it for a number of months. Has anyone gone through or been educated on this? I don't know how common it is and won't have a chance to talk to my dr about it before I get back on it.

I had surgery in November and the surgeon that got rid of the strictures said everything was looking good and they decided to take me off all meds. But now they've found many ulcers and possible inflammation.
Hi everyone,

I've been off Humira since the beginning of November. Just had tests done and it's been quickly determined(before the follow up appointment even) that I'm going back on Humira as well as Imuran(x2 daily?). BTW - we don't even know if the Humira even worked when I was on it for the past two years.

I understand I need to get the starting doses all over again so I'm just soo excited for that..

Well here's my question: My dr mentioned it could cause some kind of reaction because I've been off it for a number of months. Has anyone gone through or been educated on this? I don't know how common it is and won't have a chance to talk to my dr about it before I get back on it.

I had surgery in November and the surgeon that got rid of the strictures said everything was looking good and they decided to take me off all meds. But now they've found many ulcers and possible inflammation.

Only thing that makes sense to me is your body making antibodies as defense against Humira. I'm sure he has reasons for not putting you on methotrexate, It's for that very reason that I take methotrexate as well. Plus combining it with humira it packs a powerful punch.
Hi everyone,
Well here's my question: My dr mentioned it could cause some kind of reaction because I've been off it for a number of months. Has anyone gone through or been educated on this? I don't know how common it is and won't have a chance to talk to my dr about it before I get back on it

I have started Humira 3 times now for various reasons, my GI never said anything other then normal side effects.
It's Thursday night the half way mark between injections
( officially its fri am) and the headache is starting already.

Any suggestions as to the best way to beat this thing?

Last time I ended up in the ER, now that I know to expect it
I won't go but, relief would be nice


They've upped my dose of preventative migrane medication (doubled it) and it has done wonders. I take topiramate twice daily. I take humira injections weekly.
Well just got the bad news. Looks like I'm leaving the humira club, at least temporarily. I had a procedure we all enjoy immensely (colonoscopy) and revealed the need for a ileocecal resection. Looks like i will be loosing my terminal ileum. So I'm going to my favorite crohns hospital for the surgery and its one of the best. The university of Chicago. I'm going to call Monday and go from there. I have not been ordered off humira and MTX yet. But obviously they will want me to stop. So I am not sure what treatment post surgery i will be on. A y ideas what the laparoscopic ileocecal resection costs are? Just wondering.

In a Homer Simpson voice," stupid non-linear disease."

Had laproscopic right hemicolectomy one year ago at Mayo in Jacksonville, FL. Total cost (surgeon plus 4-day hospital stay) came out to about $52,000. I don't know what insurance actually paid, but I was limited to my co-pay.

Good luck with the surgery. You'll do just fine. :smile:
Guess I got to wait. 30 days for humira to get out of my system. With that kind of stricture lol not sure it can wait that long. Ty for sharing that hospital bill. Since I'm going to the university of Chicago I'm guessing it'll be a tad more.
Scary I lost my terminal ileum with my first surgery. The one thing I can tell u is you will need to check into B12 shots because u will not be able to absorb B12 via normal means. Also you will notice more bile in ur output(poo):). I have had that problem now for 20 years, you get use to the bile burning at times.
I started humira on 4/4/13, all four shots in the stomach, do my second loading dose (2 shots) on friday.. Lost over 12lbs the first week.. Dr is not concerned and figures it is something else and not the humira.. I feel fine and have extra weight to loose so just going with it.. Other than night sweats which the dr also wants to say is unrelated.. I feel great, the shots are easy and didn't really hurt, can't wait to get off everything else

Interesting about having to stop Humira. I had to stop Remicade 8 weeks before my surgery. As for U of C, it's great. My GI did some of his training there. You'll be in good hands.
What are you on? The stomach hurts WAY worse than the legs... lol I did all four of my loading doses in the legs. I've done one in my stomach about 2 years ago... never again. This Thursday is my double loading dose and then I'm home free for one every other week!

Starnge how different people like one or the other. My GI initially told me to use the stomach as I dont have a lot of fat layer on my thighs. I leave the pen out for 30 mins, and ice the area I am going to use wth a bag of ice cubes for 30 seconds at least. Usually doesnt hurt much, and pain fades in 30 - 60 seconds.
Hi Jay,

I also found that I had night sweats when I was flaring and they were signs of active inflammation.

Hope the Humira gives you good results and you continue to feel great - it's only been 3 weeks for me but I feel brand new!

Tomorrow is my first maintenance dose of Humira. It's been 6 weeks since I started.
Overall I'm doing very well. I don't need pain meds anymore and movements are starting to normal up. My energy levels have greatly increased and I feel 20 years younger!!!
Hey mike that is good to hear. I've been doing well on humira so far.

I do have done bladder issues now but I am not sure it's related to crohns or humira
Scary I lost my terminal ileum with my first surgery. The one thing I can tell u is you will need to check into B12 shots because u will not be able to absorb B12 via normal means. Also you will notice more bile in ur output(poo):). I have had that problem now for 20 years, you get use to the bile burning at times.

Hi All,

I had my terminal ileum removed in 1995 and my B12 levels have been normal ever since and I don't take any supplements. Not sure if that is unusual or not but i do have my B12 checked at least annually.

What I noticed after the surgery is that my "transit time" is much faster with the burning that Mrs. C mentions. You will notice a big difference as the narrowing will be gone (plus the ileocecal valve is not there to slow things down).

Within one year of my surgery, the Crohns had returned to the site of the anastomosis. I did fine on Salafalk for many years but for the past couple of years things are worse and i started Methotrexate a year ago and Humira 8 weeks ago. The Methotrexate did help a lot with the actual inflammation (per colonoscopy) but it gave me side effects of terrible bloody diarrhea and severe fatigue. I have decreased down to 15 mg of MTX and now with the Humira I am feeling pretty good. Even started going back to the gym which has been unheard of for the past two years.

Scaryman, I wish you well with your surgery!! When I had mine, laparoscopic was pretty new so I had the old fashioned type of surgery and had to take 6 weeks off work to heal. Hopefully with the laparoscopic surgery you will be feeling great soon.

Keep us posted!
What are you like on humira and methotrexate? My gi has hinted at that. I'm on humira and imuran at moment
Hey! I started Humira a year ago. Do not to it in the leg It hurts like hell. I do them in the arm. I let mine sit out for about 45 minutes because when it is cold it feels like you are injecting peanut butter into your arm. Also don't put pressure on the injection site for a little while. That hurts as well. I prefer the pen. It is very easy to use and it doesn't hurt as badly. I usually have someone give me my shot, since I am a little trigger shy. :ylol:
I haven't noticed any super weird side effects other than a terrible headache the next day and fatigue. Also random question. Does anyone else have random spider veins? Mine popped up randomly. I am convinced it is from the Humira! Just thought I would ask.
What are you like on humira and methotrexate? My gi has hinted at that. I'm on humira and imuran at moment

Hi Aura,

I was originally on 25 mg sub cutaneous MTX and was knocked off my feet with fatigue for the entire weekend (I take it on Thursday) and had terrible diarrhea with blood from Thursday to Sunday. When I had a colonoscopy in January it showed that all the Crohn's stuff was pretty much healed up after nearly a year on MTX so I should not be having diarrhea so we determined that it was a side-effect of the MTX! Because of this, my GI reduced the MTX to 15 mg orally and added Humira 40 mg every two weeks. There was a period of adjustment with arthritis aches and pains and bowel stuff but at week 9 on Humira it is settling down. I now have a lot more energy and can go to the gym, and on the weekends I am out and about which has been great. I do still get tired if I am not careful. I am also quite tired the day of and day after Humira. I am still getting a bit of diarrhea/loose stools on Thursday to Sunday so I still think that is a side effect of the MTX. when I see my GI next month I am going to ask to decrease the MTX to 12.5 mg and see if that helps.

Overall, I am feeling much more "normal" on this combination.

Originally, my GI told me that I could stop the MTX once I was on the Humira for 3 months. when I saw him last month, he told me that the research now shows that you need to stay on MTX or Imuran while taking Humira to prevent your body from making antibodies to the Humira. He says the lowest I can go is 12.5 mg of MTX. This was disappointing as I was looking forward to getting off the MTX but if I can get rid of the side-effects then I will try not to think about all the chemicals I am ingesting. Quality of life is important so if that means I need to take drugs to get that I will.

I have never been on Imuran so don't know if there is a difference between it and MTX. A colleague at work has Crohn's and he takes just Imuran and has no side effects at all and he is really physically active.

Why does your GI want you to switch?
Thank you do much for your response. I think my GI thinks mtx is better than imuran. My body has a long history of fighting itself, so I guess he wants me to have the best chance of not creating antibodies to humira
:sign0085::confused2:I have been on Humira for a couple of months and I use the pen for my injections. I inject in my thighs and for several days after I get red itchy and some swelling. Is this normal? It is a burning itching. I go back to my Dr May 1st.
:sign0085::confused2:I have been on Humira for a couple of months and I use the pen for my injections. I inject in my thighs and for several days after I get red itchy and some swelling. Is this normal? It is a burning itching. I go back to my Dr May 1st.

I inject in my stomach. The first few times I had no reaction, then I started to get a red circle but no itch. Last week, I had a big red circle like a hive and extreme itch plus it was like I had a huge bruise for a few days after. This lasted a week. I think it is normal though. I'm going to take an antihistamine before I inject next time to see if that helps.
I used to take meds before my Remicade and should I be taking
the same kind of stuff before my Humira. I am guessing the headaches
are here to stay.

I usually take Tylenol about 30 minutes before I inject. Basically at the same time that i take the pen out of the fridge. That seems to help with the pain. I am going to take antihistamine consistently too.

Re: headaches, i have had chronic migraines for 15 years so I cannot tell if I get one from the Humira injection. I do think that the headaches have increased since I started Humira though. I get a headache from anything that lists headache as a side effect! :(
Anyone really bad with taking their dose on the same day every week? I'm horrible with it, one week it'll be tuesday, the next thursday, the next wednesday. It's usually around the same day but always forget to keep in consistant.

I havn't noticed a negative effect from it though
I would think your ok. I set the alarm on my phone tied into
my calendar. Well, actually my kid set it up. Sometimes life
happens in spite of what our bodies seem to need

I hope it's helping you Ethan

I get the burning pain and a little itch but I take 2 antihistamines everyday. Ethan set it in your phone. I do and on my calendar too. I do a physical reminder and an electronic reminder.
An update on the headache front for me--I was knocked out from Sunday afternoon into Monday morning with a nasty one. Meds didn't seem to help (even codeine), and I could barely get any sleep. Doctor diagnosed it as migrane and prescribed Imitrex. The headache was already fading by then, but I still took one so I could get a gauge on the side-effects; not bad for me, so I can take it if I'm out somewhere and need to drive home. Hopefully if I get another migrane this will keep it from getting unbearable.

Don't really know if it's a side effect from the Humira, somehow more directly related to the Crohn's, or my body deciding "naturally" that migranes would be a fun addition to my list of crap that goes wrong (money's on the first one, actually)...but I'll worry more about the cause later. It's less than once a month, and the headaches sometimes don't make it to migrane level.
I set my date to Fridays every other friday is easy enough for me to remember plus it gives you the weekend to re-coop. If all else fails buy a cheap lil desk calendar and mark it on there the day u need to take it on.
Hello! Just joined and am glad to finally have people to talk to that understand what humira actually is!!
I just finished my loading doses and my first single dose is next Monday. I will stay far away from injecting the legs because that is just down right a painful place to inject.
I am having some unpleasant side effects that I'm hoping will go away as my body gets used to it all (nausea, exhaustion, pain in my back, swollen lymph nodes). Any advice to make this an easier transition is welcome!
Fatigue is normal, it will take 6 weeks roughly to adjust to that. Nausea I did t have a problem with. But swollen lymph nodes I'd let your doctor know about that. I do not know of back pain with humira. Are you on Imuran by chance??
Just on Humira and Budesonide. I called my doctor and she had me do bloodwork on Saturday but nothing to abnormal came back, very low b12 but nothing else. I just want to feel better:yfaint:
Hello! Just joined and am glad to finally have people to talk to that understand what humira actually is!!
I just finished my loading doses and my first single dose is next Monday. I will stay far away from injecting the legs because that is just down right a painful place to inject.
I am having some unpleasant side effects that I'm hoping will go away as my body gets used to it all (nausea, exhaustion, pain in my back, swollen lymph nodes). Any advice to make this an easier transition is welcome!

Hi Hcarter,

I've been on Humira for 10 weeks now along with Methotrexate. I suffered from nausea but went to see a chiropractor and he was able to help get rid of it with adjustments to my neck. I know it sounds odd but it really does work. The nausea sneaks back now and then and I go see him and voila it is gone again. I have arthritis in my neck and spine w/ the Crohn's so I do have the back pain but had it before I was on Humira. Fatigue, I do notice on the day of my injection and the day after. Those days I don't expect to be doing anything that requires a lot of energy and during the rest of the week I still don't over due it otherwise, I end up taking naps (like the 4 hour one I just woke up from!). Crohn's disease itself causes fatigue as well and when the inflammation is settled down you will likely not notice it as much. I haven't had the swollen lymph nodes. Maybe you are getting a viral infection?? Another side effect that I have noticed is that I get a very distended, gassy abdomen and fluid retention. My doctor says it is not from Humira but it started immediately with my first loading doses and has been getting worse. I also have an increase in migraine headaches.

hope you are feeling better soon.
I set my date to Fridays every other friday is easy enough for me to remember plus it gives you the weekend to re-coop. If all else fails buy a cheap lil desk calendar and mark it on there the day u need to take it on.

I use Google Calendar and set it up to send me an email reminder beforehand.
thought of that Gra but hubby uses it for work and think I would get confused so I just use the calendar reminder on my iPhone now as a reminder.
Hi Jonique!
Thank you for advice! I'm going to head to a massage therapist and see if that could possibly help the back pain!!
I have an appointment with my GI in two weeks and am hoping for some major answers I'm tired of feeling like this!!
Officially unofficially in the Humira club! Its going to be a few weeks before I start it though
Thank you! It's nice to know everyone on here knows what I'm going through and that I can come here whenever I need to ask a question or just need to talk.
Hi there this is the day after my jab and for the third time I have major photophobia

I've spent the day sneezing and blowing my nose when in day light. The only reliefs I get is sitting in my bed wearing eye mask and all curtains pulled.

Anyone else get this?
Anyone ever experience I tingling sensation in their hamstrings immediately following injection and mine has been short lived maybe 2-3 minutes. It's happened more the once now, am I hitting a nerve or something with injections unluckily. Or maybe just a body response to a foreign substance entering the body. I been on Humira a good while off and on not sure why this started recently.
Hi, I just joined and am pleased to hear about people on the same medication and the various side effects. I am lucky that my partner was trained to inject me and it doesn't seem to hurt but I do have a high tolerance to pain which is lucky.
Anyone ever experience I tingling sensation in their hamstrings immediately following injection and mine has been short lived maybe 2-3 minutes. It's happened more the once now, am I hitting a nerve or something with injections unluckily. Or maybe just a body response to a foreign substance entering the body. I been on Humira a good while off and on not sure why this started recently.

If that continues tell your GI. I had to have a nerve test don by a neurologist to make sure humira wasn't killing nerves. Keep in mind if it does t go away, be adamant about further action with your dr. Also the tingling numbness maybe a temporary issue but please pay attention to your body!!
I'm in the Humira club now! Took my first two loading shots this evening with the nurse and have to do the second two on my own in the morning :eek:

Did one injection in my leg - no problem, what's all the fuss about. Did the second one in my tummy :yfaint: OMG I am never doing that again:ylol:
I'm supposed to start my loading dose this weekend if it gets here. Hoping for absolutely NO side effects, but just in case, that's why I wanted to start on the weekend after seeing your posts.

Wish me luck!
I'm supposed to start my loading dose this weekend if it gets here. Hoping for absolutely NO side effects, but just in case, that's why I wanted to start on the weekend after seeing your posts.

Wish me luck!

Good luck, if your gwtting the drugs from Abbott (Abvie) you should get them before if not on Friday.
Thanks Scaryman, I've been thinking the same thing about getting it early to have it ready when I'm ready. I hate being unsure about the mail.

Ellen: I have a heck of a lot more fat on my belly, so that's what I'm going to do for two of them. Think I will try the arms for the other two. Had to take Heparin by self-injection for a while. Not fun, but better in my belly than the skinny leg ha-ha
I had a thought about why the shots hurt sometimes more than others. I'm probably going to call them for a more "official" consultation about it, but I'll put the idea out now anyway.

I think some of it depends on how hard you pinch the flesh around the injection site, and how hard you press the pen itself to your skin before injecting. I think I had been rather gentle to start with, sometimes forgot to pinch the skin up, and it didn't really hurt. A couple of other times I did it all more firmly, and I think that's when it hurt. Two weeks ago that seemed to be the case (and it left a bruise). This week, I was gentle, and it was no problem.
Well, honestly I've probably given hundreds, if not thousands of shots. It's always been my motto to do it fast and with no hestation. It seems to hurt the patients far less than dragging it out or going slowly. Picking the place is always important, cause you want a lot to work with and how much you rub afterward also affects the pain after. Certain drugs should not be rubbed after, while for some drugs it helps.

I think you might have gotten it right about how hard you are pinching the skin and tissue. You have to give the fluid a place to go into. The more resistence the worse it might feel, and the more likely it will bruise inside. Only guessing on this one since some drugs just hurt to go in. Some are so painful you have to use special techniques

I'll let you know after mine this weekend what I find out.
I had a thought about why the shots hurt sometimes more than others. I'm probably going to call them for a more "official" consultation about it, but I'll put the idea out now anyway.

I think some of it depends on how hard you pinch the flesh around the injection site, and how hard you press the pen itself to your skin before injecting. I think I had been rather gentle to start with, sometimes forgot to pinch the skin up, and it didn't really hurt. A couple of other times I did it all more firmly, and I think that's when it hurt. Two weeks ago that seemed to be the case (and it left a bruise). This week, I was gentle, and it was no problem.

I was at a surgical show a few weeks ago ( company I work for sells surgical instruments) I saw some Abbott/Abbvie reps there. They mentioned they are in Research and development in a solution for the stinging pain on injection problem. Look for it in who knows how long with FDA approval. This does mean a new Humira pen is being tested/developed.
So, what about the warning about latex allergy before taking Himira? I heard it's because of the cap. Is it the needle cap or the bottom of the needle? (barrel)

I am sensitive to latex, not allergic, from all my years in the Operating Room. The Doc thinks it will be OK, but I'm a bit nervous. I figure I will still wipe the needle with alcohol just to make sure.

Anyone hear of this or a reaction?