wow thanks everyone this really makes me feel better about starting it and I agree that if it can help me get back to normal now its worth the risk in the future. sounds like it has helped you guys just cross your fingers it goes as well for me!
yea please let us all know how it goes I am feeling a lot more positive since reading these posts. Honestly even some side effects have to be better than dealing with this on a daily basis. thanks for all the positive feed back.
I'm more worried about the antibodies, any more of those and I will be taken of Humira..Oh gosh! Good luck, Pusheen. I've been having weekly injections from the start -- they're not that bad, I promise. Hopefully it'll help!
I'm more worried about the antibodies, any more of those and I will be taken of Humira..
Not that it would be so bad, cause antibodies mean it doesn't work anyway I presume... or wouldn't in the long run.
I'm on Imuran and pentasa as well, so hope that will keep things quiet.
What do u mean double dose humira?
Oh ok. I get it. That's what I have started in the last month aswell, paired up with Imuran.
I think Humira has officially kicked in for me and I'm feeling normal! I'm testing out different foods, eating almost anything I want and feeling great. I've even had a few beers the past couple of nights (my parents had the kids, we went on a few dates) and haven't even felt so much as bloated. I was trying to cut wheat & corn but they aren't seeming to bother me anyway. I will continue to proceed with caution and likely still limit grains but not exclude. Yay!!
We are so much alike! Lol! I am just tapering off prednisone. And I have sciatic nerve issues aswell!
What do u do for your sciatic nerve?
yeah im back to fish and rice. it wsa cool whip and a fruit smoothie.....dang didnt know to avoid fructose.
I love how when a flare sneaks up on you, my first question is what did I eat? But from experience I know its usually my stress levels still waiting on approval for humira
Question for you all i'm kind of freaking out. I have been on humira for about 6 months and now have sore muscles in the legs, the left side of my neck and shoulder. Numbness in my hand if I carry anything. The other day was a sore throat and today I lost the vision for 5 min or so in my left eye. Has anyone ever had any side effects like this? Should I be heading to the hospital?
Do you think that stress cause most of the flares that you experience?
I have a dear friend with crohns and I am worried about her. She took humira for a few months but then had a strange side effect. Everything she ate tasted like rancid food. Has been on antibiotics which helped for a few days but its back with a vengence. She is losing weight like crazy. Potassium low. She stopped humira but still has the taste thing going on. Went to the ER and they could not find a reason for her to be doing this, she was in tears. She is on antibiotics again. And I am praying this helps until she can get to another doctor. Her GI doc has no reason for this symptom. Has anyone had this happen and if you have how did you get rid of it? Treament? Thanks
Genetics are part of it--I have the mutation(s) associated with it. Stress has been present whenever I've had a flare, and has triggered lesser symptoms. Zyrtec has also caused a flare for me.
Back from my GI appointment. I am off all medication until further notice. The way he described it to me was because of the temporary loss of vision and the fact that they had said it was an optical migraine. I have to wait until all testing is done to ensure there is no nerve damage. He said like the neurologist the covering over the nerve's could be damaged and causes MS like symptoms. Loss of vision, tingling, tremors although I never noticed until I had to hold my hands out for the neurologist that I was even shaking. Sore joints and muscles etc. I just wanted to keep you all posted. The GI tells me that because of this I really don't have any options but pred and or surgery until this all gets sorted out. I don't mean for this post to scare anyone. It worked for me for the first few months. If anything at all I just wanted to let you all know if you notice anything out of the ordinary while taking biologics to see your GP and get it looked after right away. Was a lot for me to take in over the last few days but i'm still smiling and carrying on.
I've actually had some similar, if less severe, symptoms in the last few months, but I also tested positive for Lyme disease. My symptoms also improved under antibiotic treatment. Have you been tested for Lyme, or have you been in wooded areas in the last...probably year, with symptoms like that? Might be worth looking into if there's not definitive proof that the Humira brought it on.
I have damage to my left optic nerve, and very slight peripheral vision loss, which my optometrist found, and she identified as glaucoma. But, I've also had extra pain in my left arm and leg since the Lyme onset. I'm waiting on MRI results, ordered as a precaution.
If you read alot on crohn's disease or really any autoimmune disease there is usually an initial trigger. Kind of like you carry it around with you forever and then It's triggered. Mine was child birth,
I know this is probably a redundant question but I haven't seen much.
Do others notice beig exhausted the day of the loading shots, and the day after?
I'm also assuming that with the next shots being only 2 then 1 every other week this will get better.